Chapter 3|Castle Town

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Link stared with wide eyes at the city in front of him. Somehow the wind blew him to whatever this place was- It took all night, but here he was. Weird, but okay!! Whatever, haha!! He was 99% sure he was crazy. First the weird woods, now this wind, and a medieval city.

Well, he did want to find some sort of civilization- So he walked up to the drawbridge, that had just opened. "Good morning.." Link mumbled to the guards at the entrance, "What city is this?" He asked, overwhelmed by exactly how big and busy it was inside. He could already see the crowds inside, and off In the distance on a hill, a ginormous castle. "Are you kidding? This is Castle Town!" One guard chuckled, "The capital of Hyrule." The other guard finished. "Home to the Princess Zelda."

Link blinked. "Prin...cess?" He stammered, processing the word. Then he finally realized what TIME he must be in. "Oh- Oh..." The guards nodded, as if they knew they settled his confusion. Link, not wanting to seem.. suspicious, played along. "I'm sorry. I've never been here, and I got a bit turned around. I heard the rumors, but I never could have imagined this!" He explained. "I'm glad I made it."

The guards seemed to glow with pride as he praised their home. "Indeed!" The first guard puffed his chest out as he bragged, "I, too, came from a small village. The first time is the most magical, but to this day I'm never tired of it." The other guard chuckled afterward, "Yes, I was born here, and I still find it to be just amazing!" 

Link smiled at them. They seemed truly proud of their home, and that is very honorable. Link found himself looking up to these kind people, and hoped everyone in this strange world was like this. "I'm glad you both enjoy it so much. I have to go inside now, but please wish me a good time as well." Link smiled sincerely. "Yes, of course. If you need anything at all, please tell us, young man. We will help in whatever way we can."

Link gave them one last wave before entering the city.

"What a nice young man," The first guard noted, "I remember when I was that young. Good times, right old friend?" The other smiled. "Of course. The best."


Link was simply amazed at the Town of the Castle! It looked like it came straight out of a story book. The marketplace had a few people dancing in the center, booths, people running to and fro.. Like a modern city, except here, everyone wore a smile. And it was medieval. That too.

He wandered around hopelessly, not really knowing what he was doing and where he was. So.. He may as well ask for help. He walked up to one of the many booths, where a stern-looking old man sat with a younger man, a few years older then link himself. "Excuse me, sir-" "Get out of here, brat! No thieves allowed!!" The old man waved his arms threateningly, trying to scare link off. "Gramps! Calm down, he isn't a thief. Sorry about that. My grandfather is a bit suspicious of young people these days." The younger man sighed, "What do you need?"

"I just wanted to know if there was a place I could stay for a few nights? I don't have any money-" "I told you he was a thief!" The old man screeched. "Scram!" 

Link backed away, tripping over a chicken-like creature in the process as the grandson tries to shush his elder. Link also managed to knock over an older fat lady, who was carrying a bushel of apples in her chubby arms. "Oh dear!" She exclaimed. Link got up, helping up the poor woman afterwards. "I am so sorry, miss!" He cried in a shaky voice, preparing for a scolding. "Ah, It's alright. No worries.." She laughed, a bit shocked still from the fall, as Link started to pick up the apples she was carrying.

"Here. I'm sorry again for that." Link's face was cherry-red from embarrassment and shame. "Really, young man, no worries. I understand." She smiled, her own cheeks rosy as well, but mostly because it was so sunny and she got a bit of sunburn. "Thank you for apologizing and being so polite. Ah, I wish my sons were as polite as you! the little rascals.." 

"I'm sure they aren't bad." Link reassured her. "Ah, not any more. They're all grown up and on their own, but when they were your age, they were terrible!" She laughed, as if enjoying the memory. "Let me make you lunch, dear. You remind me of when my sons were young, even if you are more well-behaved."

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