Chapter 2: Man Of My Word

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Soldier Boy's POV

"Who the fuck are you, and where the fuck am i."

I ask him coldly as Ozpin takes a chair and sits in front of me.

"Soldier Boy, You from the Nation of America, of Your earth...How you got here is an accident but rest assured we will send you back to your world, free."

Ozpin Says as I look at him confused. He sighs sadly as he looks down.

"... You're a man of your word, correct?"

He asks me as I nod slowly.

"Good...If you help us teach, train, and help us improve you. You can go back to your world to find your team."

He says as I was just filled with confusion.

"You better answer how the fuck I got here or I'll fucking shove acid down my throat."

I threaten him as he didn't seem intimate.

"An Experiment, in Atlas went wrong that brought you here. We were watching you the whole time until a malfunction brought you here. The short version is, that we wanted help from another world, but first, we need to help you regain your humanity."

Ozpin says as I just chuckle, opening a flask and taking a swig of that sweet alcoholic liquid.

"If you become a teacher, you get revenge on your team."

That suddenly gets my attention as I close the flask.

"Combat, simple, you teach my students in combat WITHOUT hurting them to the point they'll die. We bring you to your team."

I stay quiet, considering the offer as I remember what they did to me in Nicaragua. Crimson Countess...she betrayed me. I loved her.

...But im not going back in that fucking box.

The Next Day

Ruby's POV

As I watch Yang run away to wash the vomit off her shoes, I just giggle at her situation. I then accidentally bumped someone behind me as I turned around.

"Oh, sorry-wait, it's you."

I realize it was the same man from Last Night, the cool, awesome Huntsmen! I got a good look at him as he turns around.

"Oh, don't worry kid. Accidents happen."

He says kindly as an awkward silence forms between us.

"Ummm, I'm Soldier Boy, im gonna be the new combat teacher."

He says, offering a handshake as I shake it happily.

"Wow, so your gonna teach me?"

I ask him, amazed as he forms a cheeky smile as he moved to my hand as I kept shaking him. I quickly pull away, giggling awkwardly.

"Hey, Ruby, that was some nice moves back last night. You have such talent for a young lady like you."

Does he says as I look at him in amazement, he's complimenting me?!

"You mean it?!"

I ask him as he chuckles, ruffling my hair.

"Yeah, I'll teach you a few of my tricks kid. Alright, see you later."

He pats my shoulder as he walks away I stare in amazement.

Soldier Boy's POV

"Nice kid..."

I mutter under my breath as I wait for my...fucking Partner in Combat teaching to bring me books to understand this new world.

As I wait, I hear a huff behind me as I turn around to see my partner...Glynda. She has to be with me the whole time to keep an eye on me, which I fucking hate.

"There, all the books are in that bag."

She says as I simply nod, easily grabbing it as she stares in shock, seeing me grab the duffel bag of books with ease like picking up a pebble.

"Thank you Ms. Goodwitch."

I say as she huffs.

"Follow me, we'll take the transport for the teachers."

3rd Person POV

Soldier Boy can be seen in an office during the night as he was seen reading the history of the Grimm after finishing the other books.

"These sound like bullshit."

He mutters under his breath as he knew it was the initiation tomorrow. For now, he needs to learn as much as he can so he can finish this bullshit term and return to Earth.

Soldier Boy took a sip of his flask as he remembers how he changed. Back then, he was noble, not an alcoholic, not a smoker, not a drinker. That was until he stepped into Europe. He changed from what he saw and the things he did.

Soldier Boy Hears a groan behind him as he turns around to see Glynda.

"Go to sleep, it's late."

She says coldly as Soldier Boy ignored her and continued reading.

Glynda sighed in annoyance and approached him.

"Ozpin told me to be kind and considerate to you, so please for the love Oum. Rest."

Glynda says as Soldier boy turns to her.

"I'll sleep when I want to."

He says as he grabs a cigar and a lighter, taking a puff of his cigarette. Glynda just sighed in annoyance and left.

"Fucking whore..."

Soldier Boy Mutters as he stood up and decided to explore the place. He exits the office and looks around, still armed and dressed as he checks on the Auditorium. Multiple students sleeping as he quietly entered he looks around and noticed a light. A girl with a bow and black hair was reading a book on her bunk. Soldier boy approached her as the girl perked up.

"Shouldn't you be asleep little missy?"

Soldier boy asks as the girl looks at him confused.

"And you are?"

She asks as Soldier boy clears his throat.

"Soldier Boy, Ameri-...Combat teacher Of Beacon."

He says as The girl nods.

"Blake Belladonna."

She says as soldier boy notices a girl with white hair starting at the Blake with annoyance.

"You should sleep, looks like you're disturbing the peace."

Soldier boy says, motioning to the white-haired girl as she nods, turning off the light. Soldier Boy gave a small smile and pat her shoulder.

"Good Lad."

Soldier Boy walks away after making sure everything else was fine.

"Now...where the fuck is the bathroom."

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