"Taking A Stand."

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The Mushroom Kingdom. A peaceful place. Ruled by a princess as sweet as a Peach. Mario, the hero who saved her countless times over and over again. Bowser, the evil king who wanted to destroy the land and kidnap the princess. That's what I was told. It's what people believed. We were lied to. Bowser has been gone for years. Peach doesn't rule the kingdom anymore, no ones seen her. The castle, the kingdom, Mario rules the land. Nobody's allowed into the castle unless he says so. He made his rules, the land was peaceful and still is, what's left of it. Mario's pipes are all around just for oil. He has people under his shoe, scared, terrified and lost. But, I hear of a rebellion, somewhere, looking and trying to take him down. My names (Y/n) (l/n). My parents moved here ages ago when I was just a kid, soon they left, but they forgot me, or got rid of me, I'm okay on my own. But the only thing I'm not okay with, is Mario. His brother Luigi owns land somewhere else as well as a cruise and a mansion or something. Day in and out all I see are people scared and looking the other way when the local guard Mario has is locking up innocent or harassing them. This place use to be sunny and fool of smiles, now it's gloomy and full of despair.

It was starting to rain. (Y/n) walked having his hoodie on as he looked over seeing guards near a gate to leave the kingdom. He sighed and flipped a gold coin putting it away. "Get him! Don't let him escape." (Y/n) looked over seeing a goomba run for its life. He looked around going into an alley and waited. He peaked out and grabbed the goomba as the guards ran past the alley. He looked around setting him down. It shook itself and looked up. Both him and the goomba stared. "If I were you I'd stick to the shadows, they never come through here." He walked over leaving the goomba as it followed.

Laughing was heard. A servant scurried along fast seeing guards as it had a plate in its hand. They let him through. Mario happily ate as he sat on the throne having dishes with all kinds of food. He had a guest over as he ate like no tomorrow. "Now, the shipment, when will it be delivered?" Mario asked eating his pasta as he smirked cleaning up only to eat more. The throne room had portraits of him as well as gold in the corners of the room. "Tomorrow, now I assure you my family will be on watch, we will have that delivery confiscated." They said. As Mario smirked drinking. "No, I want it dumped near the port. Taking it away is something but making them suffer is all the more better." He Smiled and grinned. "You!" He shouted as the servant bowed. "Please, take my "Wife" some food." Mario chuckled and laughed eating more.

(Y/n) sighed walking home as he entered. It wasn't much but it was something. He sat on the couch and closed his eyes hearing the rain. Living here wasn't going to ever get better. He couldn't live like this. Nobody should. His door opened as he got up quickly only to see the same Goomba. "You again, look I don't know what you want but I don't have it." He said. The goomba looked around seeing a back pack and grabbed it running off. (Y/n) sighed as he got up. "This is what I get for being nice." He grumbled running after him fast. He ran through the rain slipping a couple of times. He chased the Goomba seeing it run into the sewers. He kept on him seeing him turn every corner as he heard water running and ran faster seeing the Goomba run though the tunnel leaving as he followed. Once out of the sewer he looked around seeing the Goomba run up a hill and followed. He soon stopped and panted seeing a castle. He looked over seeing the Goomba waiting as well as Two Koopa guards watching. "This is, bowsers castle.." he panted and walked over as the Goomba let the bag go and walked ahead of him. He followed and watched this seeing the castle grounds. They looked a little dirty as he saw other koopas working and walking around. He was soon brought to the throne room as the goomba stopped. He looked over seeing horns as his eyes widened. His heart raced as he looked over waiting to see the Mohawk fiery turtle only to soon blush as he saw a beautiful woman with golden locks in a black dress as she had a small turtle shell on her back with spikes and a tail at the bottom. She stared at him and then to the Goomba. "Who is this?" She asked as the Goomba walked over explaining. "So, you helped our little spy escape from the guards?" She asked as he snapped out of it. "Yes ma'am." He said to her. She walked over getting closer as she placed a hand on him. He blushed looking to her. "Will you join us? And help me put an end to Mario?" She asked

One of the servants sighed as they wiped the tears away looking to the door of the princess and walked away. Mario cleaning himself up as he stretched and smirked. "Gold, food, oil! What more could anybody ask for. This is the life." Mario said looking out of the balcony seeing the golden statue of himself and smiled. "No more princesses in distress, my brothers got his riches, I got mine. The Donkey Kong and his family have been dealt with, space is nothing but an empty place now, nobody's gonna stop me from bleeding this place dry." He smirked as one of the subjects walked into the room. "Your highness, food has been delivered to the princess." Mario didn't look back and yawned. "Good, now are preparations ready for tomorrows celebration?" He asked as the servant nodded. Mario Smiled and sat on the throne. "Another whole day dedicated to the hero of this kingdom, couldn't get better than this!" Mario smiled relaxed and at ease.

To Be Continued...

This story is fan fiction and is about you the reader. Mario isn't the good guy you are! I DO NOT own Mario or any of the characters referenced in this story. All characters and parts of the story belong to their rightful owner and franchise! This story is for mature readers as it will have some scenes and parts that are not for young readers, you have been warned. This is a Harem book thank you for Reading and I'll see you in the next one.)

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