Chapter 2

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Izuku glanced up as the Pro Hero stared daggers into him. Should he fight? No. Even if he somehow beat Eraserhead, he still had a school full of heros and students. The chances of him escaping were less than 5%. Would the best option be to let himself get captured? Surely his family would come to save him. He was too valuable to lose.

Wait, did they think he was a student? Iida seemed to recognize him. Not only as a student, but he said his name. Sneaking into this school in a uniform would not be enough, he have to actually apply to get in. But he never been in this place in his life. Was he suffering from memory loss? No. That would not explain why EraserHead was still alive or why he did not recognize Izuku.

"Answer me!" He snapped as he threw his scarf around Izuku.

Remain calm and play along. His family would be here to save him soon. It seems the hero was still unaware of who he was as a villain. He just had to figure out how he got here. Think happy thoughts. His girlfriend. His family. Dead heros.

"I don't know how I got here." He admitted.

"You are possessing my student Izuku Midoriya."

He shook his head. "My name is Izuku Midoriya, but I am not a student. I dropped out of school three years ago."

"No." He said. "Izuku Midoriya has been in my 1-A class for months now."

"I cant attend UA. I am quirkless."

There was an awkward silence.

"Alright. We can get Veritas to look you over. Perhaps she can get some answers."

Crap. Veritas was the Latin word for truth and a hero name of one of the teachers. She was a past investor who started working at the school. Her quirk was not good for fighting, but still dangerous. No one within thirty feet of her could lie.

He remained calm. He would not be forced to answer, just had to tell the truth. He was clever. He could talk circles if needed.

"Alright." He said.

He was walked through the school. It was huge and impressive. Quite honestly, it had pissed him off. Yet another show of how the hero program was corrupted. They spent all the money on things like this, but left the poor to struggle for things like food. And they considered themselves the better good. Idiots.

He was led into what looked like an empty classroom. Eraserhead forced her into a desk. His scarfs were still tightly around Izuku.

Veritas walked in. Unlike most the people here, she was not dressed in a stupid costume. Instead she was dressed in a white shirt and a white skirt.

"What do I owe the pleasure from a student and teacher of class 1-A?" She asked kindly as she sat on her desk with her legs crossed.

"I fear this student has been acting strangely. It makes me worry that he has either been possessed or under the influence of a quirk. Can you help us?"

She smiled. "Of course. What is your name boy?"

Easy one. "My name is Izuku Midoriya."

She nodded. "Alright. So you are not a villain possessing this boy."

"I am not possessing anyone." He worded carefully. He made sure to leave the villain part out.

"Odd. Tell me what happened." She ordered.

"I was in a bar with close friends of mine when I woke up bere." He explained. Once again, it was not a lie.

"Wrong." Eraserhead spoke up. "Midoriya was in my class just a few hours ago."

"He can't lie." She reminded him before she turned her attention back to Izuku. "How old are you?"

"15." He replied.

"And you were in a bar?"

He smirked. "Family business."

"Tell me about your family." She ordered. "Must be a strange one if they let you hang out in a bar."

"Well, My mother died thanks to useless heros." He snapped before his voice turned softer. "And my family adopted me. They own a bar. I have my big brother and a father figure. Not to mention a beautiful girlfriend." He smiled the thought.

"So what you are saying is that you woke up in a strange world in a body that is yours and at the same time not yours. With people who you have never meant who seem to know who you are."

He nodded. "Yea. That sounds accurate."

She sighed. "A friend ov mine told me about a case like this once. A hero once started rambling about being from a completely different world. They were about to claim him insane, but found there were more reported cases like this thought history. Even before quirks. If it is possible, perhaps that is what happened.

"So you are saying that I somehow woke up in an alternate universe. Scratch that. A universe where I want to be a hero?" He spit the last word.

"Not a hero fan I take it?" She asked.

"That is putting it lightly."

"He really must not be our Midoriya. My student is one of the biggest fanboys I have ever seen."

He made a face. Not only did this Izuku want to be a hero, but he was a fanboy. It was embarrassing. No, it made him pissed. He took a few breaths to calm down. He could not lose his temper. They still were unaware he was a villain.

"We can do research to get him home, but in the meantime I suggest he goes to class as usual."

Izuku choked. "No way in hell-"

"It is the best option for now. Now I hate lying more then anyone, but you need to pretend to be your other self. Just until we find a way for you to get home."

The amount of swears that came through his mouth were quite impressive. The two adults stood in shock.


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