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Alex stumbled over the long edges of his robes to keep up with his master. She thought the robes were stupid, but he thought they felt like home.

So he wore them and she snorted in amusement every time he tripped.

"Youngling," Master Tano scolded for the umpteenth time. "It's unnecessary. The Order is gone, and no one is forcing you to wear those."

"I wanna," Alex stubbornly said.

Ahsoka Tano sighed, turning away. "You remind me of my own master, sometimes." She didn't say that it wasn't a good thing, but the words hung between them.

Alex giggled as he used the Force to lift the parts of his long robe that trailed on the ground. He looked up at Ahsoka proudly.

"Smart thinking," Ahsoka praised. "But what will you do when I do... this?"

Then his hood was pushed onto his head by an invisible force, and he squeaked as he was blinded. 

Ahsoka laughed as Alex managed to push it away, puffing his cheeks out indignantly.

Ahsoka's laugh faded as she pursed her lips. "I sense something is troubling you."

Alex gasped. "How's you knew?"

"Because I heard you tell a tree." Ahsoka smiled wryly at him. She crouched down to be at eye level with him. "What is it, young one?"

Alex shrugged, turning his face away. "I dunno."

"I'm here to help, remember?" Ahsoka reminded him. "What's troubling you?"

"I've been having dreams," Alex admitted.

Ahsoka hummed. She knew that the last time he had dreams, he had visions of the Jedi Order falling. "What are these dreams of?"

Alex sniffled, wiping his nose with his sleeve. "I dunno who they are. But... She has Kara's eyes. She has Rex's hair."

Ahsoka pinched the bridge of her nose and muttered a curse under her breath. "So you're having dreams about your... niece, I suppose." She sighed. "Alex, that's perfectly normal. I had dreams about those I cared about all the time."

Alex shook his head. "There's more."

"What else?" Ahsoka inquired.

"There's someone with her. I can't make them out clearly, but... They're a soldier, I think. Maybe."

"What makes you say that?" Ahsoka asked.

"They wear armour. And carry dozens of weapons." Alex frowned, tracing patterns in the dirt. "That's all I can see."

"Don't worry about it." Ahsoka patted his head. "It seems like it's far in the future, and you have no reason to think they're hurting her. Maybe they're saving her, if they're a soldier."

Alex shrugged again before sneezing. 

"Come along, then." Ahsoka stood back up. "We still have places to go. We still have to find your sister."

Ok this chapter is just an assurance that Alex isn't dead, and a preview of a future thing I will be writing WAY down the road.

Any guesses? I'll tell you if you're right.

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