Issue 2: The Amazing...Ladybug?

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"Okay, okay. Calm down, Pete." Spider Man breathed as he paced around the Eiffel Tower. "You're just in a different dimension...with no way to get back...and your family, friends, and girlfriend are in danger...OH, THIS IS BAD." He cried, firing a web and swinging off again.

Swinging around the city seemed to be a nice method to calm down and think straight. And right now? This was WORSE than having his secret identity revealed to the world. He was in an entirely different dimension with no way to get back. Not to mention, this dimension had its own villains.

At least they weren't an Avengers level threat, right? He could handle them by himself...he hoped.

As Spider Man swung around, he landed on a rooftop, looking around for some kind of technological...anything!

"Come on, come on!" Spider Man whispered, looking from side to side before he sighed...nothing. He looked at his phone, but that's when his eyes widened. He had service!

He quickly went to his contacts and called the one person he knew could help. His guy in the chair.

"Hello? Peter?! Where are you?!" Ned's voice cried over the phone.

Spider Man sighed in relief. "Oh, thank guys ok?"

"Yeah, yeah! We are! But where the heck are you?! The police can't find you anywhere, it's like you disappeared!"

Spider Man looked around Paris. "Okay...don't freak...but I think I'm in a different dimension."

There was a silence over the phone before Ned screamed at the top of his lungs. "WHAT?!?"

Spider Man's eardrums banged as loud as possible and he held his ears through his mask. "OW!"

"HOW?!? I- WHAT?!" Ned screamed. "How are you even able to call me?!"

"I-I don't know!" Spider Man cried. "I need your help! I gotta get back!"

"But how?!"

"That's why I need your help, man!"

"How am I gonna do that?!" Ned cried before taking a deep breath. "'re ok?"

"Uhhh, yeah." Spider Man nodded. "This dimension's actually pretty calm."

Ned sighed with relief. "Okay. Okay, I'll see what I can do, but I suggest you start looking for a way to travel through dimensions wherever you are too. How did you get there anyway?!"

"I don't know! Some weird portal opened behind me!" Spider Man cried. "Ned, please make sure MJ's ok. And May, and Happy. All of them. Please."

"I will. I will. I promise." Ned said. "I-I'm just glad you're ok..."

Spider Man smiled through his mask. "I am." He then sighed. "Okay, I gotta save as much battery as possible. I'll keep looking, you do too, ok?"

"Yeah." Ned said. "Oh, boy...this is going to take a while, you know."

"I didn't expect it to be easy." Spider Man sighed. "But...I guy in the chair."

Ned was silent before most definitely grinning. "I'm on it, Peter. Just stay safe." Then, he hung up.

Spider Man chuckled before putting away his phone and swinging off again. At least this city seemed cheerful, and he had no serious enemies...right?

Sleeping on a roof apparently had unexpected consequences. But, it's not like he could sleep anywhere else. Spider Man began his morning with swinging around. He was incredibly thankful for his Stark designed web shooters. With the technology, he wouldn't run out of webbing for a very long time.

Spider Man then noticed a bakery nearby. His stomach growled and he sighed. "Alright, alright." He said before landing in an alleyway nearby. He then facepalmed. The one time he didn't bring any spare clothes. "...maybe they serve superheroes?"

He then began walking towards the bakery from the alleyway, trying to look as casual as possible. Well, a man in a red and black suit, wearing a mask and spider on his chest, isn't exactly...casual.

But when he slowly entered the bakery, he saw two people working there. One was a very tall and bulky man, wearing a blue t-shirt and jeans. He also had brown hair and a mustache. The other was a woman who was nowhere near as tall as her co-worker. She had dark blue hair, and some kind of clothing that didn't look at all French. It almost looked Asian. Granted, French or Asian, they were still in Europe.

"Uhhh, hi." Spider Man said, feeling incredibly awkward. He was a friendly neighborhood...but he was BACK HOME. Not in some random dimension where no one knew who he was.

The two turned before their eyes widened, with the big one dropping his tray, filled with bread.

Spider Man blinked before chuckling nervously. His stomach then growled again. He waved his hand in front of their eyes before doing something he didn't expect. He quickly shot a web to one of the bread loafs, grabbing it and putting it into his hand. "Can I, uhh, have this by any chance?"

The woman snapped out of her trance before smiling kindly. "Oh, sorry about that! We just didn't expect an actual superhero to come here! You must be starving."

"It's on the house!" The man smiled. "Saving the city's a tough job enough."

Spider Man immediately declared this was the best day ever. An actual reward for his good deed. He smiled. "Thank you! Hang on, I'll help ya pick up." He said, kneeling down and grabbing all the loaves and placing them back on the man's tray.

The man smiled. "That's kind of you, Mister...uhhh...Spider?"

"Spider Man." He corrected as kind as possible, standing back up. "I'm new here."

"I'd say so. I haven't seen you with Ladybug or Cat Noir before." The woman told him.

Spider Man raised one of his white eyes. "Who...?"

"You don't know them? They're our city's superheroes! A lot like you actually. Ladybug even swings around like you did on TV!"

'I'm suing.' Spider Man thought before chuckling as he began leaving. "Maybe I'll run into them! Thanks again!"

They both waved before Spider Man swung off, pulling up his mask and digging into the bread. "Wow! Nice people!" He then hummed. "Looks like I'm not the only hero here though...what kinda name is Ladybug and Cat Noir?"

He kept swinging around before hearing an all too familiar sound. Cries of terror. He landed on the side of a building, pulling down his mask after finishing his snack. He then swung closer and closer towards the cause of the screaming before seeing something he expected and didn't expect at the same time.

Like last time, there was a villain. A different one. He looked to be in some kind of fireman's suit, but with a flaming gas mask. Not to mention, he had flamethrowers for arms. Two people were fighting him, was some kind of woman, in a red suit with black dots. She had dark blue hair in pigtails.

The other was a blonde man in some kind of black cat suit? Even with a bell on his neck and belt serving as a tail. Creative, that was for sure.

"Those must be them." Spider Man hummed before grinning, cracking his fists. "Hope they're alright with a team-up!" He said, swinging over.

The villain roared as he shot out bursts of flames at the two heroes, most likely named Ladybug and Cat Noir. "BURN IN HELL!!!" He roared.

Cat Noir landed, taking out a metal staff. "Oh, language! There are children present!"

"Focus, kitty!" Ladybug scolded as she spun around something at a super speed, but then felt someone swing OVER her.

Spider Man then spun around in mid air and kicked the villain in the face. The villain was sent flying, crashing into the ground. Spider Man landed and then shot webbing over the flamethrowers, not only tying them together, but covering them completely.

The villain roared, thrashing around before he busted himself free. He then shot out fire at Spider Man, who flipped over the flames and landed beside where they shot out. "WHO ARE YOU?!"

Spider Man grinned. He loved this part. "Call me Spider Man. I'm just a guy who doesn't like bullies."


"I've heard that before." Spider Man chuckled before he ran at the villain, hopping into the air.

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