Blood Brothers

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Author's Note: Sharing this adorable piece from @commoners_coffee here on Wattpad. Vandel is seriously rocking that dress!!!


It was as if my entire body had taken charge for me. I took swing after swing at Percy, slowly driving him backwards and towards the forest outlining the castle. Soon, exhaustion had finally begun to overtake him. His movements grew increasingly sloppy, his attacks slowly changing from offensive to defensive.

His breathing was ragged and heavy as he met my gaze, his voice trembling, as if he was on the verge of tears. "Just once," he stammered. "Just once I thought I was going to be strong enough to beat you."

"Why would you want to beat me?" I desperately asked, swinging yet another blow which Percy weakly managed to block. "We aren't enemies, you and I. We were always friends. We've always wanted the same thing, to protect Alteria-"

"It's not about sides, Ridley," Percival snapped. "It's about you and me. It's about the fact that you always get everything while I get nothing. You know what? I might have been able to live with that if you had at least cared about me, but you don't. You never have...not how I needed you to care."

I opened my mouth to protest but then stopped.

He was right.

I had been a horrible friend.

Every time he'd needed me I had pushed him away, prioritizing something or someone else over him. Hell, even today I had done it.

"I'm sorry."

Percival almost faltered at that, coming back to reality just in time to block my next blow. "W-What?" he stammered.

"I said, I'm sorry. And I genuinely mean it. I should have been a better friend. I should have cared for you more. And, though I may have an awful way of showing it, you are important to me, Percy. You've always been like a brother to me and I don't know what my life would have been like without you."

At my words, tears had begun to stream down Percy's cheeks. "Y-You've always been like a brother to me too. Even if you've made me feel angry and weak and worthless...I still...I still wanted to be someone worthy of being your friend." He laughed, weakly. "Though, I suppose I completely failed at that." He took a deep breath now, the tears still rolling down his cheeks. "I can't imagine my life without you either. I'm sorry. I've treated you horribly too. I'm..." He choked back a sob. "I'm so fucking sorry!" With that Percy dropped his sword, letting it fall dully to the ground.

A wave of relief instantly swept over me. Thank the Gods, this was finally over. I went to lower Crystalbreaker but, as I did, I was met with a horrible shock.

I couldn't.

My entire body was moving on its own, my arm lunging forward in another attack as if I was a puppet. "PERCIVAL!" I frantically called out, horror racking through my entire body. I gazed down and a jolt of terror shot through me. The tips of my fingers had gone completely white, appearing to be almost melded into the sword's hilt. "PERCY, BLOCK ME! I CAN'T STOP!"

Percival looked up in shock. "What?"


And that's when my sword went through him.

It was as if the world had slowed, like everything that was happening was just a wild illusion. The moment my sword made contact my fingers were released and I stumbled backwards in shock, eyes going wide as Percival crumpled to the ground.

The reality of what had just happened hit me fast and hard. Instantly the hysteria overtook me.

"PERCY!" I screamed, running to him. He was still breathing shallowly, blood spilling from the wound the sword still protruded from. I fell to my knees before him, my eyes beginning to blur with tears. "PERCY, STAY WITH ME! You're going to be okay...I-I'll get you help...the d-demons have magic..."

Percival slowly raised up a hand, weakly grabbing my wrist.

"Don't..." he said softly. "It's t-too late for me...we both know it...just...just stay here with me...please..."

My vision was growing hazy, the world spinning. Everything around me kept blurring and I felt like I was suffocating as I clasped his hand tightly in mine.

I had done this.

Everything was all my fault.

I should be the one dying.

Not Percival.

I began to sob, my shoulders shuddering violently. I don't think I had ever cried like this before. Thick, hot tears streamed down my cheeks, dripping onto our clasped hands. "Please," I choked. "Please...d-don't leave me...Percy I'm begging you..."

"I'm sorry, Ridley..." Percy rasped. "I'm sorry...about everything. At least I got to have this...." and with that I felt his hand go limp in mine.

I started to scream.

I wasn't sure at what or who but I cried out again and again, my voice swallowed up by the night as I ripped Crystalbreaker from his chest. I tossed it aside, grabbing Percy as I desperately hugged him to me.

I couldn't seem to move, or think, or breathe. All I could do was sit there and cry as the snow continued to come down around me, undisturbed by the horrific events that had taken place.

"Sir Ridley..." I heard a voice softly call.

I slowly lifted my head. Everything felt hazy, like I was floating through a horrible dream I couldn't seem to wake up from.

In front of me stood the small, bald demon I had seen around Vandel before. The demon's eyes flickered anxiously to Percival's body, then back to me, clearly unsure of how to handle this situation. "Uh...Master V-Vandel sent me. I couldn't find you so I searched around the castle and um...w-well I didn't expect to find..."

"What did Vandel say?" I weakly rasped, tears still streaming down my cheeks.

"Prince Stefan is dead."

My eyes widened, the words cutting through my grief stricken fog. "What?"

The demon nodded quickly. "V-Victoria killed him thinking Vandel had become the Alterian heir, but then Princess Annette appeared. She had the nobles present revote the trial and with her new evidence as well as Vandel's wedding speech, condemning Stefan for being complaint with the demons, the vote was unanimous and she was found innocent."

My heart jumped into my throat, my thoughts a blur. I felt dizzy and lightheaded, as if I wasn't occupying my own body.

"Where is he?" I stammered.



"Oh...the prince headed back to his room after the wedding...he was quite exhausted."

"I need to see him."

The demon servant's eyes widened. "Oh...Mister Knight...I think that's a very bad idea. I...I only informed you of the wedding's events because Vandel ordered me to b-but-"

I looked to him, teary eyed, ashamed to be seen like this by a demon. I felt like I couldn't breathe, like no matter how many times my chest heaved, nothing was entering my lungs. "You don't understand. I...I need him...I need him right now...I....I have to see him..."

I was drowning and there was only one person who could keep me from being dragged into those dark, murky waters and never coming back up again.


I needed Vandel more than I had ever needed anything in my entire life.

And with that I slipped the ring onto my finger and I was gone. 

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