Blood Masquerade

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Somehow Vandel had managed to take part in all the most humiliating moments of my life. First there had been kissing him in the woods, then that horrific sex vision and now...well...this. It took everything in me to remain as calm as Vandel appeared to be as the massive doors swung open. I bit back the urge to cover myself, feeling exposed in the meager garment I was being forced to wear.

When the doors opened revealing the ballroom my mouth nearly dropped open. I don't think any ball I had ever attended at the palace could compete with what I was seeing before me. Rose petals appeared to be falling from the ceiling, cascading over the black marble of the ballroom floor where dancers twirled about. The petals were falling slowly, as if they were moving through water. The dancers on the other hand were moving fast, so much so that the petals seemed to whirl about their feet. The room was surrounded by the same black glass that made up the castle but lifelike statues of ravens appeared to be carved out of it, coming into the space as if they too were part of the festivities. I could see other pets about, trailing behind the demon nobles I assumed were their masters. The sight of other humans in this space was both a comfort yet at the same time made my stomach turn to ice water. I found myself extremely uneasy by how vague Vandel had been about their role at these parties. I made a silent vow to myself that as soon as I could I would find a way to save them. Just...not tonight. It would be far too risky without a proper plan. The pets were dressed quite similarly to me in leather straps and collars. The sight made me feel sick. My gaze fell to one pet in particular due to his head of striking red hair. He looked young, he had to be only 18 or 19. As I looked to him he turned in my direction and our eyes locked. I quickly averted my gaze, my heart aching that I couldn't help him.

Vandel looked to me and whispered, "are you ready?" I swallowed hard before giving him a stiff nod and with that Vandel led me into the ballroom.

He scanned the room before his gaze fell to two demons dressed entirely in red silk. The two were complete opposites, the first being tall and lanky with long black hair and the second short and stout with absolutely no hair at all.

Vandel leaned in close to me, whispering, "that's lord Lyell and lord Varmeer. They run most of the trade operations in the demon kingdom. They're our best shot. No one ever pays attention to the pets so you need to be my second set of ears. Talk to the other pets, eavesdrop, watch their body language, whatever you need to do to get the most useful information we can." I nodded and Vandel started to make his way across the ballroom. Suddenly there was a loud thud from behind us. Vandel spun around and hissed like a rabid animal. A large demon had just tripped over Vandel's cape.

The demon stumbled to his feet, a look of fury on his face. "Hey bub! Watch where you drag that thing. This is a ball not a curtain exhibition."

Vandel glared at him. "Better for one's clothes to look like a curtain than a dead animal carcass but that appears to be the ensemble you have chosen for the night."

"Furs are classy!"

"More like trashy! And those color, really? It adds an extra hundred years to you."

"Why you little-" the demon's words were cut short when Vandel removed his mask. The demon's eyes grew wide and his pasty face turned even more ashen. "M-My lord! I am so sorry!" He quickly bowed. "I-I didn't realize it was you who donned such...such...magnificent apparel."

Vandel let out a little huff. "Well it's a mistake you shouldn't make again. Thank the gods you didn't rip my cape or something very regrettable might have happened."

"Y-Yes my lord," the demon stammered. Vandel gave him one final sneer before storming off and I in return was dragged behind him due to the leash.

"Imbecil," Vandel muttered under his breath. He began to calm down as we approached lord Lyell and lord Varmeer, or at least pretended to. When he reached them he smiled thinly, slowly removing his mask once more. "My lords, how wonderful to see you."

The two turned to look at him.

The thin lanky one, lord Lyell gave a toothy grin, stepping forward to take Vandel's hand in his. "Why your majesty, what a pleasant surprise, I thought you usually skipped out on the blood masquerade."

"You know I love parties my lords. I was simply ill."

"For 50 years in a row?"

"The weather this time of year just doesn't agree with me."

"I see," lord Varmeer said slowly. "Well I'm glad to see you're in good health now. There were some rumors going around that you...didn't approve of the tradition."

"Imagine," lord Lyell said, a slight sneer in his voice, "our very own prince despising his people's traditions."

"And even more horrible still," added lord Varmeer. "There were some disgusting rumors going around the nobility that you were a..." his face twisted in disgust as he lowered his voice, "human sympathizer. Of course, we always defended you my lord."

Lord Lyell nodded. "Obviously. Can you imagine the demon kingdom's own hero, the slayer of the Demon Eater, a human sympathizer? Just the thought was preposterous." I could feel Vandel tensing beside me. I had never seen anyone talk to Vandel like this and was even more shocked to see how thrown off by it he seemed to be. "Of course," lord Lyell sneered, "I'm thrilled to see the rumors were false. I see you've even brought a pet to the ball."

Lord Varmeer grinned beside him. "It truly is a site I never thought I would behold but I'm so very glad you've finally taken a liking to it."

Lord Lyell smirked. "Hopefully this one will last you awhile." Lord Lyell's gaze raked over me and I tensed nervously. "My, it's a strong one isn't it? I'm sure you have a lot of fun with it."

Vandel smiled at them but I could tell there was no emotion behind it. I felt his fingers slowly trace up the length of my arm.

"Oh yes, it took a bit of training but he's a fast learner." He shot them a little wink. "He tends to be a little rough with me but I never mind."

"Why of course, with a body like that I would imagine so." Lyell's gaze fell to me. "So, pet, how is our gracious lord treating you?" My heart nearly jumped out of my chest. I had no idea what I was supposed to say. How did pets act? All I could remember was Vandel telling me to act like I was in love with him. I took a deep breath. I would have to do whatever was necessary.

A fake smile spread across my features. "Lord Vandel treats me exceptionally well my lords. He knows exactly how I need to be..." my hands trailed down to Vandel's waist, pulling him to my chest, "satisfied." Once the words left my mouth I leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to Vandel's neck. I might have been imagining it but I could have sworn a slight flush passed over his features when I did it. A small smile rested on Lord Lyell's lips and I hated the way he was looking at me. It took everything in my power to keep my expression blank.

"Quite the beast, oh and those muscles. My Vi doesn't have anything like that," Lyell said with a gentle sigh. "Between you and me, he's gotten rather rebellious lately. It might be time for a change so I was thinking of...dancing with him tonight." Because Vandel was pressed against me I could feel his breathing beginning to quicken. I wasn't sure what lord Lyell had said to make him react that way but it made me fairly uneasy. Lyell chuckled. "You haven't met Vi, have you? He's wandered off, as always. Like I said, he's rather rebellious. I'll call him over." He snapped his fingers. "Vi! Vi come here!" After a beat a figure stepped forward beside lord Lyell and I realized it was the red haired pet I had seen when I first arrived. Vi looked to me now, his gaze intense. Lord Lyell ruffled his hair. "This is Vi. Vi, say hello to his majesty prince Vandel."

"Hello," Vi said softly. His voice was quiet but had a slight roughness to it.

Lyell smiled thinly. "Give me a kiss, won't you Vi." The pet didn't move. Lyell restated the words, his voice growing slightly harsher. "I said give me a kiss Vi." The boy let out a low breath before leaning over and giving Lyell a quick peck on the cheek. The demon lord's expression didn't change, his gaze remaining dark. "So beautiful," he said slowly, "yet so very, very stubborn."

Vandel cleared his throat in some attempt to clear the chilling atmosphere that had fallen over the group. "My lords, I actually had a question for you."

"Well we're listening," Varmeer said slowly.

"I know the two of you deal the most with the trade coming in and out of the kingdom, I wanted to know if you've heard of any illegal sellers trading some things that might be considered a bit more dangerous."

Lyell bowed his head, a clear look of feigned innocence on his narrow face. "My lord, we simply trade, we would never deal with anything illegal."

"Not even corisathium?"

Varmeer's pitch black eyes widened. "My lord, I'm surprised you would even utter the word of such a taboo drug here."

"Our standards may be low my lord but even we would never risk bringing the horrors corisathium wreaked back into the kingdom," Lyell said. "However..." a small smirk played at the corner of his lips. "We may have heard rumors about someone at this very party, a lowly merchant of all things, that has suddenly come into quite the fortune."

"We would be happy to point you in his direction," Varmeer said.

"But only for the right price," Lyell added, knotting his gloved hands together.

"I'm willing to pay any price," Vandel said curtly, his expression cold and blank. "Please bring me to him." The two demons nodded but their gazes suddenly fell to me and Vi.

"My lord," Lyell said slowly. "I think this is something not quite suited to...pets. Might I suggest they remain here until we return."

After a beat Vandel nodded. "Alright." The two lords began to move and Vandel slowly let the leash slip from his grasp. He mouthed the words, 'find out what the pet knows,' before taking off after them.

I looked to Vi now who was standing stiffly beside me. I went to open my mouth but before I could even speak the boy interrupted.

"I don't know who you are," he said slowly, "but I know one thing for are certainly not a pet."

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