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Vi's gaze darted around, making sure no one was listening to us. Luckily for the most part it seemed like the demons didn't pay much attention to their pets.

"I don't have much information to give," Vi whispered. "I wish I could be of more help but since lord Lyell doesn't favor me I'm locked up most of the time. However," he lowered his voice even further, "when lord Lyell and Varmeer were getting ready for the ball this evening I heard them talking about something that might be important. The demon queen Victoria has apparently been continuously meeting with someone. No one knows who it is, the person always wears a hood when they come to the palace and queen Victoria has ordered specifically that no one at the demon palace interact with them besides herself. The demon lords aren't happy about it, they think this mystery person is gaining influence over the queen." Vi offered me a small smile. "I know it's not a lot but I hope it can help in some way."

I nodded, eagerly. "Yes, it's certainly mysterious that the demon queen would have brought in an outside influence. There has to be a reason she's keeping whoever this is under wraps. Thank you Vi. I'll question Vandel about it and see if he has anymore information about this."

"So...about the evil prince of darkness Vandel...what exactly is your relationship with him?" Vi asked bluntly.

"What do you mean?" I stammered.

"How did you get so close to him without him realizing you're not really a pet?"

"Oh," I said, "he knows."

A look of shock came over Vi's features. " is that possible? Are you saying he let you into the party tonight on purpose? "

"He and I are working together for the time being," I said slowly, "it's complicated. The best way I can describe him right now is an uneasy ally. I promise he won't do anything to try and hurt you."

Vi bit his lip. "Still, you should be careful. You have to remember his loyalties will always lie with the demons. He's a hero to them, y'know?"

I blinked. "Vandel...a hero?" I knew he was a self centered, clothes loving brat most of the time, the word hero would never have occurred to me as even in my vocabulary to describe Vandel. "How the hell is Vandel a hero?"

"His story has become a kind of legend for the demons," Vi said with a nod. "He slayed some monster called the Demon Eater."

The Demon Eater...right Vandel had mentioned that. There was a shrine to it in that cave I had gone in. Hadn't Vandel brushed it off as nothing more than a children's story when I questioned him about it? There was something odd about the fact that someone with as big an ego as Vandel had never mentioned that he had killed it, or that Alteria had never even heard about some creature that (I assumed) ate demons.

Unfortunately I would have to investigate this later because right now I had far more pressing matters to attend to.

I looked to Vi now. "Thank you so much for your information. As soon as I can I'll try to figure out a way to get you and the other humans out of here-"

That's when a bell rung. Vi and I looked up, alarmed.

Vi's bottom lip quivered. "That bell marks the end of the night for pets. This is when they either go or stay," he said softly.

I gave his shoulder a little squeeze. "Don't worry," I whispered, "I'll make sure no one hurts you."

That's when I suddenly noticed lord Lyell and Varmeer entering back into the ballroom with Vandel behind them frantically dashing towards me. As he moved another demon tripped over his cape knocking into two other demons who all fell to the ground. They cast Vandel a series of glares as they staggered to their feet but Vandel ignored them, continuing to race towards me.

Finally he made it to my side, grabbing me by the arm. "Come on princess, we need to go," he hissed.

I stared at him. "I can't, not until I'm sure Vi's going to be safe."

Panic came over Vandel's gaze. "Please," he said through gritted teeth, "we need to get out of here before this party becomes even more dangerous."

That's when lord Varmeer and lord Lyell stepped up beside him.

Vi bowed his head. "Are you ready for me to depart back to the aviary my lord?"

Lord Lyell smiled thinly. "I...actually had another plan for us tonight Vi. How would you like to stay and dance with me?" From his tone it was clear this wasn't a request, it was an order.

Vi's features turned ashen and he nervously glanced back to me. Lord Lyell extended a long bony hand and reluctantly Vi took it. I could see his hand was shaking. Panic rose up in my chest.

"Come on," Vandel said looking to me, a new desperation had crept into his voice, "we need to go now."

"I...I can't..." I stammered. "I can't leave him."

A demon now stepped up onto a platform. "Ladies and gentledemons," he said, "I hope you've all enjoyed tonight's Blood Masquerade. And now, to finish the night, let's help it earn its name. Demons please bring your pets to the dance floor." The demons with their remaining pets did as he said, escorting their pets into the middle of the ballroom, Vi and Lyell among them. Vi glanced back to me as he was led away, he looked about ready to cry. My heart was pounding in my chest. I needed to figure out a way to help him but how could I do that when I didn't even know what I needed to rescue him from?

Vandel grabbed me by the collar, pulling me down so my ear was only a breath away from his lips. He then proceeded to whisper, "if we stay too long here we could put the entire plan and your life in jeopardy. You've only known this kid for a few minutes, are you really willing to risk everything we've worked for to stay here and watch over him? You don't even understand how this all works. What can you possibly do?"

A slight stir of strings seemed to echo from around the ballroom and soon the demons and their pets began to dance.

I shook my head. "I'm not leaving."

"Why do you always have to try and be the hero?" Vandel said softly, something unreadable coming over his gaze. "Wouldn't things just be so much easier if you didn't try to rescue everyone?"

I shook my head. "You don't do what's right to be a hero Vandel. You do it because if you don't someone else will get hurt."

Vandel sighed heavily. "But that's the thing Ridley," he whispered, "sometimes you can't save everyone."

And that's when all of a sudden the demon on the platform called out, "let the bloodbath begin!"

And just like that it felt like the world came to a screeching halt as lord Lyell wrapped his hand around Vi's neck and ripped his throat open with his claws.

Blood sprayed everywhere.

The other demon's around him did the same, the pets falling to the floor one by one as their cries and blood stained the hall.

I felt like I was going to throw up. I could feel the tears beginning to stream down my cheeks.

Vandel looked to me, "I'm sorry," he said hoarsely, "I'm so sorry. I hate this...I've always hated this but there was nothing I could do to-"

I knew this wasn't his fault. I knew everything he was saying was true. But right now I couldn't bear listen to him, I began to run, as fast as I could towards the doors. Vandel took off after me.

"Hey," he called out, "wait!"

The demons were having such a good time with their blood bath no one seemed to notice as I slipped out into the hall with the demon prince sprinting after me.

Finally Vandel caught up to me, he looked desperate and out of breath. "Please Ridley, you can't be running around here, it's not safe."

I glared at him through the tears. "Well then you're going to hate what I'm about to do."

Panic flooded Vandel's gaze. "Please," he pleaded, "let me just get you out of here. Don't do anything stupid-"

"I'm going to rescue the other pets that are trapped here," I said, wiping my eyes with my sleeve, "and I'm sorry Vandel but there's nothing you can do to stop me."

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