Confessions Part 2

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Author's Note: Thank you so much to on IG for this super cute art. Ridley and Vandel both look so adorable here! Also, buckle up for this chapter guys.


It felt like the world had come to a screeching halt. The words the Demon Queen had just spoken hung heavy in the air.

But that's when I caught myself. Victoria was a master manipulator. She had spun web after web around me and my comrades and I wasn't going to fall for her blatant lies any longer.

"You're lying," I said coldly. "I'm not the idiot you take me for. What you're saying is insane. Right, Vandel?"

I was met by silence.

Slowly I turned to look at him. The moment I saw his expression it felt as if someone had slammed a fist directly into my gut.

His face was ashen, a look of indescribable horror plastered to his face.

Still...maybe he was just frightened...he couldn't possibly have...

"V-Vandel?" I hated the waver in my voice.

"Ridley, she's telling the truth."

The moment the words actually left his mouth I felt like I was falling, the world crashing down around me. It was as if the earth beneath my feet had opened up and Vandel had pushed me downwards, leaving me to drown in the darkness. I couldn't think, I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. I just stood there, frozen, feeling like I was about to vomit or pass out or maybe even both.

"You've known this entire time?" I finally managed to choke. "You knew you were the one who murdered my father and you said...nothing."

"No," Vandel said frantically. "I...I only found out at the village of the Ancients-"

"THAT LONG?" I screamed, causing Vandel to flinch back.

"I'm sorry...the Ancients told me...I had no idea the Demon Eater was your father-"


Vandel's eyes had grown watery, on the verge of tears.

"I should have told you sooner. I...I know that. T-that's the real reason I kept trying to push you away, Ridley. Because it was just supposed to be business. We were still just supposed to be enemies. I never thought I would start feeling the way I did about you and...and I knew if I told you that...that you'd never forgive me. But I'm sorry...I'm so fucking sorry...I... you have to understand, I had no other choice but to-"

"How am I supposed to believe anything you say?" I snapped, now painfully aware of the hot, angry tears rolling down my cheeks. Humiliated that I was crying in front of him, I frantically wiped the tears away with one arm.

"Ridley, please...I..."

"It's not just your fault, Vandel," I said, unable to even look at him. "It's equally mine. It's been my fault since I just stood there, petrified as a child. It's been my fault since I let him die without doing anything. The Gods have seen my sins...they must know of the terrible things I've done and...and they want to punish me by making the only person I've ever loved my father's murderer." I was starting to hyperventilate now, I sunk to my knees, caging my head with my hands like I could block this all out. A rush of thoughts and words raced through my mind and spilled from my lips, "I need to be punished. I'm horrible. I killed my best friend. I need to be punished. I'm a murderer. I need to be punished. I fornicated with a demon. I need to be punished. I...I fornicated with my father's murderer...I need to be punished, I need to be punished, I need to be punished, I need to be punished, I need to be punished, I need to be punished, I need to be punished..."

I forced myself to look at Vandel once more. He was staring at me, wide-eyed. He looked terrified, the glisten of tears on his cheeks.

"Ridley..." he finally breathed and the way he said my name was so sad and hopeless that it made me start to sob despite myself.

"Here," I stammered, frantically ripping off the thin golden chain hanging from around my throat. Attached to it was the ring Vandel had given to me, shaking in my trembling hand. "I won't be needing this again."

Vandel jerked forward, "Ridley, at least keep it so you can get back to Alteria safely-"


I had never sworn before...never in my life. Vandel knew that. The words clearly hit him hard because he instantly shrunk back, his own tears streaming down his cheeks.

Everything hurt.

Everything hurt so fucking much.

"I'm going to go," I choked hoarsely. "I'm going to go and you're not going to stop me and we are never going to see each other again. It's what I deserve. I always promised I would kill my father's murderer but now I can't even do that because...because even now, I could never bring myself to hurt you." I looked back to him, one final time, still crying like the pathetic idiot I was. "Goodbye, Vandel."

And with that, I left.


I sat on the throne, gazing over the people around me as the reality slowly began to actually sink in. This was my court. I was actually their queen.

I had been crowned almost immediately upon returning back to Alteria, the people of my kingdom frantic to guarantee that their ruler remain a loyal human. Even as I was crowned, it was still insane to me that after everything, after all the trials and tribulations, I truly was the ruler of Alteria.

And speaking of people in new positions...

I looked to the newly appointed lord who stood at my side. Skeever offered me an awkward smile, sheepishly looking down at his feet.

"I must be lookin' pretty out of place among these fancy folks. Ain't that right, Yer Majesty?"

I returned the smile.

"I won't lie and say that in their eyes you're the perfect picture of nobility but..." I placed a hand on his chest, causing the towering man to blush profusely. "The true nobility is in here."

"Yer Majesty...ya flatter me too much."

I shook my head. "It's the truth. Not a single noble stood up to protect me when I was in need. Despite that, you put everything on the line to keep me safe, asking for nothing in return. If that isn't worthy of being awarded a title, I don't know what is. I would rather have someone like you at my side than anyone of noble birth who would have no qualms turning against me if it would forward their own interests." I chuckled. "Honestly, I would have granted James a title as well if he wasn't known as the one who stole the Corisathium. I suppose having him cleared of all crimes will have to be enough to thank him for his help."

"Still can't believe he stole Miss Fluffypie."

"Yeah, he really redefined the meaning of being a cat burglar." I hesitated a moment. "Are you adjusting to the change alright?"

Skeever gave me a swift nod. "As well as one can I suppose. Though...I probably look pretty ridiculous dressed up so fancy."

Despite his words, dressed up and properly groomed, the giant of a man actually cleaned up surprisingly well. The more I looked at him the more I realized, to my shock, he actually was...well...quite handsome.

"Hey," Skeever said suddenly. "There hasn't been any word on him, has there? The sweet little knight?"

I swallowed hard. The last time anyone had seen Ridley had been four days ago when Victoria separated us. Not a single hour had gone by when I hadn't worried for him. I think all of us were afraid the Demon Queen had done something horrible to him. All I could do was hope he was simply being held up. He had spent extended amounts of time in the demon kingdom before. I had to simply have faith that Vandel would keep him safe from Victoria. I was sure the Demon Prince would be willing to do anything to protect Ridley.

I looked to Skeever now, trying to smother my own worry. "Ridley's a fighter. No matter what, I'm sure he'll do whatever it takes to return to us."

Skeever nodded stiffly. "It'll be awful, won't it? Once he returns and finds out what happened to yer friend."

The words hit like a sword to my gut. It had been four days since we had found Percival's body and even now, the reality hadn't completely set in that he had actually passed on. Percival had been a part of both our lives for so long and for him to suddenly be gone forever hurt too much for me to even fully comprehend.

"It's going to devastate him," I said softly. "He couldn't even be there when we buried him. Percy and my father were like a second family to Ridley and now that they're both gone...Gods, I wish there was something more I could do for him but... I don't even know where he is-"

The Gods have a cruel way of playing with fate.

Sometimes life's events feel completely random, like they're tossed together without care or reason, but other times...times like felt like fate had a plan for us.

At that exact moment Ridley entered through the massive doors into the grand hall.

My heart caught in my throat when I saw him.

Everyone in the court had turned to stare, their eyes wide, mouths hanging agape.

He looked awful, dark bags under his eyes suggesting he hadn't slept in days. His hair was uncombed, sticking up from odd angles with sticks and brambles knotted in them. Scars and scratches covered his face and arms, suggesting he had come here all the way on foot from the Dark Woods.

Ridley made his way towards me, his footsteps loudly echoing through the grand hall which had gone dead silent upon his arrival.

Finally, he arrived before my throne, bowing deeply as he sank to one knee.

Despite how awful he looked, it was a relief to see him alive and unharmed. Before I could open my mouth to speak however, he threw down his sword before me. It fell to the floor with a loud clang, the sound echoing off the walls.

"Your Majesty," he said, his voice raw and hoarse. "I am here to turn myself in as a traitor to the kingdom."

His words sent a ripple of shock through the entire court.

I jerked up in my seat, my eyes wide.

"R-Rildey...what are you talking about?" I stammered.

He slowly rose to his feet once more, looking around at those watching with an unreadable expression on his face.

"I've committed two of the gravest sins in Alteria. I have killed the knight and my dear friend, Percival, with my own hands and I have had sexual relations with a demon."

The court erupted with shock. I stared at him wide-eyed, hardly able to process what I was hearing.

"Ridley," I hissed. "What are you doing? You would never kill Percival. I don't know what kind of self righteous bullshit you're trying to pull here, but we can talk about whatever is motivating this in private...not in front of the entire court."

Ridley smiled sadly.

"But that's the point," he said softly. "You're the queen now. You can't make exceptions. They'll say you're picking favorites. That's why I had to come to you in front of everyone like this." He turned to face the court, throwing out his hands. "I, Sir Ridley, knight of Alteria, hereby give up my claim to both my sword and my place as an Alterian knight and confess before you all that I am both a murderer and a traitor." He hung his head, his voice echoing loudly through the hall. "And for that there is only one punishment fitting of the crime ...execution." 

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