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Author's Note: I'm literally in love with this art from @xtynlria on IG from the The Reunion chapter. Every piece of art I've received  from this story always makes my day! I treasure all your fanart so much. Thank you guys so much for being such an amazing reader base!


I sat in my room, staring blankly at the wall, when I suddenly heard a light knock from the door.

Slowly I lifted my head. "Yes?"

"It's me. Mind if I come in?"

I ran a hand through my hair in an attempt to calm my nerves. "You're about to be crowned king, of course you can come in."

Stefan entered now, coming to sit beside me on the bed. "The execution is today. How are you holding up?"

I sighed softly. "She's your sister, shouldn't I be asking you that?"

"Yes, but I know you're probably taking this hard too. You loved her, didn't you?"

I found my stomach twisting to knots at the question. "I did...once. At least I thought I did. Thank the Gods I didn't end up going through with it. I had no idea Annette was capable of something like that. Now I think maybe the girl I fell in love with was all an act."

"Love is a difficult thing," Stefan said softly. "Especially when they don't return your affection." He gave me a knowing glance when he spoke causing me to sink in on myself in shame.

I sighed heavily. "It was that obvious she loved Ridley and not me, huh?"

"I'm afraid so," Stefan said, laying a hand gently on my shoulder. "I know how you must feel."

I laughed dryly. "How could you? You're the perfect prince. No one could resist you."

Stefan's mouth pressed into a thin line. "That's where you're wrong. Someone has. And that someone is the person I want most in the world." Stefan's gaze seared into him. "It drives you mad, doesn't it Percy? Lusting and longing after someone so out of reach."

I stared at him, eyes wide. "My prince...I'm so sorry to hear we share the same tragic circumstance. Who is this mystery love?"

Stefan smiled sadly. "I'm afraid I can't say."

I bowed my head. "You'll be king tomorrow. They'll be plenty of others who'll gladly take your hand."

Stefan immediately shook his head at my words. "Oh no, no one can take his place. The two of us are soulmates. We're destined to be together."

"But...if he doesn't love you-"

"He will." Stefan's gaze had change. It was darker than I had ever seen it. "That's where you and I differ Percy. You gave up. But me...if he can't grow to love me on his own accord then I'll make him. He thinks he's above me but really I've been secretly pulling the strings to have him chained to my side if need be. Once he's actually with me, that's when he'll finally fall learn to return my affections." He let out a low chuckle that sent a shiver down my spine. "That's why I think you didn't really love my sister Percy. When you love someone you never give up. You do whatever it takes to have them." I had never seen Stefan like this and despite how much I usually admired the prince I found myself shrinking away from him. The prince seemed to catch himself, his typical expression once more returning over his features. "The execution will be starting soon. We should head over."

I nodded stiffly. "Yes, let's go."

Slowly I rose to my feet, trailing after Stefan as we made our way down the hallway. Two knights who had been stationed outside my door while we had been talking followed closely behind us.

"Have you seen Ridley?" Stefan asked as we walked.

I shook my head. "No."

"I went to visit him before coming to your room but he was nowhere to be found. The servants said he had been out all day."

"That's rather odd," I said. "He's been disappearing at strange times over the last year or so but to be MIA on the day of the princess's execution..."

"And another thing," Stefan said. "Ridley doesn't have a lover does he?"

The image of Annette and Ridley together flashed once in my mind but I quickly pushed it out. "Not that I know of my prince."

"Then things are even odder than I initially thought. When I stopped by his room it definitely looked like there was a second person staying there. I assumed it must be a female lover since there appeared to be makeup scattered everywhere."

I furrowed my brow now. That made no sense. Ridley was most certainly not one to take on lovers. Then again...he has still gone after Annette when I thought he harbored no feelings for her so maybe I didn't know my once 'best friend' as well as I thought I did.

Stefan and I stepped out into the courtyard now. It was jam packed with the citizens of the kingdom, the sound of the crowd almost unbearably loud. A pyre had been set up at the courtyards center. My stomach turned when I saw it. Annette was to be burned alive, as was custom of traitors to the kingdom. Despite everything she had done, despite all the monstrosities she had committed, my chest still ached to think of her being tied to it.

Stefan's gaze suddenly fell to the golden haired knight standing to our left. He began to make his way towards him. At the sight of Stefan the crowd began to grow silent, parting to let the crown prince pass through as he approached.

"Ridley," Stefan said, giving the knight a pat on the back. Ridley jumped slightly at the contact. "I couldn't find you anywhere this morning," Stefan continued. "I was even starting to grow worried that you wouldn't attend."

"I'm a knight of this realm. Of course I would never exempt myself from this, despite how solemn and morbid an event it might be." There was a strange waver to his tone, an intonation that made him sound more nervous than upset.

Stefan moved to pull him into a hug and I might have been imagining it but I could have sworn that he cringed at the contact.

"Where were you?" Stefan asked, arching a dark brow.

Ridley was about to open his mouth when suddenly the sickening thunder of drums rang through the air. The crowd began to roar as the princess appeared, guards surrounding her.

Her hair was a mess, long brown curls obscuring her face. Ridley's entire body seemed to tense when she appeared, the knight's hands beginning to nervously jitter at his side.

She was led forward and a swell of emotions began to build up in my chest. Why did this have to happen? Why did she have to do something like this? I bit my lip so hard I could taste iron in my mouth. I should have visited her cell, I should have at least tried to say goodbye. She looked so small and helpless. Gods...had she always been this small? She was a murderer, she shouldn't deserve these kinds of feelings, but within my chest it felt like someone was taking a hammer to my heart.

The princess's shoulders were trembling as she was finally brought to the pyre, the knights tying her to the large stake at its center. I heard her let out a loud sob which made my heart sink.

And finally a man stepped forward. He was dressed in black and held a torch. My blood turned ice cold at the the sight. The reality of what was about to happen suddenly setting in. I could feel my own breathing quicken, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Goodbye sister," I heard Stefan say softly beside me. And that's when the man lowered the torch and the flames began to spread. I couldn't stop the stinging sensation in my eyes as the fire grew nearer and nearer.

Then suddenly there was a sound, almost explosive in nature as the pyre suddenly burst into flames. I had never seen anything like it, the flames were so high and the smoke was so thick I couldn't even see through it. Most surprising of all was the silence. Only the roar of the flames sounded around the courtyard, without a sound from Annette to be heard. I swallowed hard. Gods...some accident must have happened with the fire causing her to die instantly. At least I hoped it wasn't painful.

I noticed something flying over head now, a small black raven. It looked almost as if the bird was emerging from the flames itself. I couldn't seem to drag my gaze away from it.

That had to be a bad omen...right? 

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