Mother Dearest

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Author's Note: This weeks fanart comes from @canah04 on Instagram. I love all the detail work that went into this so much! The background in particular is absolutely spectacular! I imagine this is probably what Ridley saw in chapter one before all the demons crashed through the window haha. 


"Talk about what?" I asked, nervously taking a step back.

My mother rolled her eyes, chucking my robe at me. "Put this on first," she said. "I'd rather not converse with you while your dick is hanging out."

"Thanks for the concern mother," I mumbled, quickly pulling the robe over my shoulders before tugging it tightly to my body. "Where's Tuttle? Shouldn't he be doing this kind of thing?"

My mother sauntered toward MY chair now, sitting down in it as if she owned it before responding. "Tuttle won't be coming...not for awhile."

I froze, trying to bite back my nerves. "Why not? Is he alright?"

"He's fine," my mother said curtly. "Not that a simple servant should be of any concern to you." I bristled slightly at her words but managed to hold my tongue as she continued on. "You won't be seeing much of the servants for the next few weeks. I've specifically ordered them to stay away from your wing of the castle."

I stared at her, wide eyed, a wave of panic starting to build in my chest. "I don't understand...why would you...mother is this about how long I was gone? I promise I can explain. The human king was murdered and I happened to be near the human castle so I thought you'd prefer it if I-"

"Oh stop blabbering," my mother interrupted. "You think I didn't know that? I've been aware of Stefan's plans for months since he came to me with the corisathium."

So everything truly was as I thought.

I swallowed hard. "I don't understand why you've been keeping me in the dark about all of this. And I still don't understand why I can't see Tuttle. If anything you should be consulting with me mother. I'm your son, your heir, your confidante-"

"Oh get off your fucking high horse Vandel," my mother sneered. "I'm cutting off your access to the servants because I refuse to let you do anything that might sabotage this wedding. That also means you won't be leaving your quarters till your marriage."

It felt like I had just gotten hit by a boulder. I stared at my mother in shock, almost unable to comprehend what she was saying.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Damn it Vandel, I thought I raised an heir to a throne, not a dunce. Did you really think I didn't know you've been trying to sabotage Stefan's plans while you were away in the human kingdom?"

My jaw nearly hit the floor. "How did you-"

"I can see into your mind, you've always known that. We're connected you and I. I can hear your thoughts no matter where you go."

"But...I learned how to block it out. I've mastered haven't been able to clearly read my mind for years."

My mother smirked, shaking her head. "But something's changed Vandel. I'm surprised you never noticed. Your block's been fading."

"But how-"

"You've been becoming emotionally unstable. Surely you must know why."


My mother chuckled under her breath. "Without even knowing it that little knight has torn down all your defenses and has left you completely vulnerable. I'm sure he had no idea that by keeping you wrapped around his finger he was giving his worst enemy the perfect lens into all his silly little plans."

"He doesn't have me wrapped around his finger," I practically snapped, it took almost everything in me to keep the growl out of my voice.

My mother arched a brow. "Oh really? So you're telling me you would've risked everything for those human pets on your own? You think you would be working this hard to stop Stefan from taking the human throne if-"

"I hate Stefan! Everything I did to help sabotage this wedding was done of my own accord-"

My mother raised her hand and I felt a huge swell of pressure hit my chest as I was slammed into the wall. "Don't you dare ever interrupt me again," my mother hissed. "We both know that's a fucking lie. You used to be so attached to that boy, remember? You know you could have learned to care for him once more if you tried." She let out a huff. "And even if you still couldn't get over his past crimes you would have put aside your grievances for the good of our kingdom. It's that little knight that's changed you Vandel. Surely you're not stupid enough to still deny it."

I was at a loss for words. I just stared at my mother, eyes wide.

Finally I pulled myself together enough to reply. "If...if you really could see into my mind and knew my true intents with Ridley then why did you keep allowing me to see him?"

My mother simply smirked. "It's convenient for me that you two are close. I already told you, I've been using you to spy on the human kingdom each time you visit him. And besides..." something had come over her gaze, something dark that sent a shiver down my spine. "I want to keep an eye on him. That boy is more powerful than even you could ever imagine."

"What are you talking about?"

"Hmm, maybe I would have told you if you hadn't deliberately tried to go behind my back to team up with him." My mother snickered. "It's almost a little sad. I always knew you had a soft spot for humans...but to fall for one this hard?"

My heart nearly caught in my throat. "I...I didn't fall for him-"

My mother rolled her eyes. "Why are you even trying Vandel?" She pointed to her head. "I know what you're really thinking, remember? Just accept it and move on, it's easier to get over things that way. It would have never worked out. And besides...even if by some miracle you two could overcome all the obstacles in your path, what do you think Ridley would do once he found out the kind of person you really are? What kind of things Vandel, the prince of darkness, is actually capable of? How could he ever continue to care about someone like you?"

I shrunk back at her words, each hitting harder than any blow. I hardly even noticed how my room had begun to change, iron spreading over my windows like foliage slowly taking over an abandoned house. I suddenly realized with a start the iron had moved to me, a chain suddenly wrapping itself around my ankle like a snake.

"M-Mother...what are you doing?" I stammered, unable to keep the tremble from my voice despite myself.

My mother sighed heavily. "I hate that it has to be this way Vandel, I really do. But this wedding needs to go off without a hitch. That means I can't risk you trying to fuck it up. To guarantee that I must take precautions."


"I know how much you love weddings, I'll be bringing you everything you need to plan your dream marriage from the comfort of your own room. You love planning parties don't you? It'll be a fun activity to keep you busy until your big day finally arrives."

And with that she slammed the door, the sickening click of the lock sounding behind her. 

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