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Author's Note: Thank you so much to @chaotikona on Instagram for this utterly gorgeous art of Vandel!!!! I was legit almost brought to tears the first time I saw this, he looks so amazing!!!!!


I rolled over on my side in bed, glancing to Ridley who's eyes had fluttered shut.

"Psssst, Ridley, you awake?"

"I just closed my eyes so...yes," Ridley murmured, his voice rough with sleep.

"I was trying to think of more activities we could do tomorrow," I said, propping myself up with one arm. "I suppose we could go horseback riding or um...maybe I could throw us a party-"

"Vandel," Ridley said, "You don't have to worry about constantly keeping me entertained." With his eyes still closed, he gave me a soft smile. "I'm happy just being here with you. That's enough for me." I felt my cheeks go warm at that, my heart taking off racing in my chest. Ridley let out a little laugh. "That being said, I'd really like to sleep..."

"Of course, of course!" I stammered, hating the fact that just a few words and a smile from Ridley was enough to get me this flustered. "I'll let you sleep! Of course!" I quickly rolled over onto my back once more, determined not to let out a single peep for the rest of the night.

My gaze fell to the portrait of Ridley and I that had been delivered to me via Tuttle a few weeks ago.

Obviously Boris's artistic skills were the bare minimum for someone with the literal title of 'the royal portrait painter' but I supposed I could actually see some minor improvements. He had finally managed to match every facial organ to its correct orifice and I supposed he'd gotten Ridley's eyes right. I meant that more than the simple fact that he hadn't drawn two noses there this time. He had actually managed to capture that spark in them, the never ending fire and passion that was always simmering behind that ice blue gaze. Maybe George's assistance was actually helping him improve after all.

I turned my head now, looking back to Ridley who was sleeping soundly beside me. He looked so peaceful, his chest gently rising and falling. I sighed heavily, subconsciously gnawing at my lower lip. Despite what he'd said...was he really happy? It had been over a month since he'd come here and even though every day felt like a dream with him by my side...I couldn't help but worry. He'd gone from having his entire life and existence revolve around Alteria to living with the very enemies he'd despised his entire life. I tried my best to fill his days with constant entertainment and activities so he'd be distracted, but despite every easy smile and laugh I was still terrified that deep down there was a pain I'd never be able to make go away.

Exhaling softly, I leaned over, absently brushing a few golden curls gently behind his ear. Ridley abruptly stirred, causing me to immediately draw my hand back.

"I'm sorry," I stammered. "I didn't mean to wake you."

Ridley didn't respond, slowly sitting up in the darkness.

I stared back at him, confused. "Ridley...are you alright-" before I could even finish my sentence, Ridley slipped from the bed, slowly making his way towards the large window that rested on the other side of my room.

Worry seized my gut. Was he sleepwalking? I jumped from my bed, quickly making my way towards him.

He had stopped at the window, the back of his head framed by it as he peered out into the night. I cautiously approached him, slowly reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey...Ridley... let's go back to bed."

At the sound of my voice, Ridley finally turned his head, his eyes fluttering open as he stared back at me blankly.

My heart leapt into my throat at what I saw.

Ridley's eyes had gone completely white.

My blood ran cold, a wave of fear shooting through me.

"It's almost time," he said suddenly, his voice a little more than a hoarse whisper. "We'll be going to him soon and when we do...everything will be as it was always intended."

With panic overtaking me, I frantically grabbed Ridley by the shoulders, shaking him roughly.

"Ridley? Ridley snap out of it! What the fuck is going on-"

"Huh...?" Ridley blinked and when he did, to my shock, his eyes seemed completely normal once more. The knight let out a little yawn, rubbing one eye. "How did I get over here...?" he mumbled. "Was I sleepwalking?"

The rush of relief I felt was brief when I recalled how terrifying what I'd just witnessed had been.

Ridley had begun to stare at me, his expression growing worried. "Is something wrong?" he questioned softly. "I've been told I used to sleepwalk when I was little, so I'm a bit embarrassed I seem to have fallen back into the habit. I...I hope I didn't do something to upset you..."

I shook my head quickly. "'s just..." Ridley already had so much to worry about as is...I couldn't burden him with this as well. "I was just worried you might fall out the window or something." I took his hand in mine, laying a light kiss to his palm. "Come on, let's just go back to sleep. Alright, love?"

Ridley froze, his cheeks going pink. "What did you just call me?"

I felt my entire face flush as well at the realization of what had just slipped from me. "N-Nothing," I stammered. "I didn't call you anything."

Despite my words, Ridley was grinning profusely as we climbed back into bed.

"Hey," Ridley said softly as he pulled the covers back over us.



My heart just about leapt out of my chest.

As I felt Ridley still beside me and gently drift off to sleep once more, I decided to try and banish the thought of what had just happened from my mind.

Maybe it really had just been sleepwalking...really, REALLY weird sleepwalking.

I knew deep down that was probably not the case.

But hadn't we been through enough?

Just for once I wished things wouldn't go wrong. But...I suppose that's just what comes with being a demon in love with a human.


Skeever looked exhausted as he entered the throne room, coming to kneel in front of me.

I felt my heart sink, already anticipating the news he was about to deliver.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty," he said slowly. "Yet another village has been attacked by a Bone Monster. There are at least eighty dead and many more injured."

An all too familiar hush had fallen over the court, many nobles lowering their heads.

I tried to keep my voice from trembling when I spoke.

"And there's still no explanation for this?" I asked slowly. The silence my question was met with was the only answer I needed. "I just don't understand. This is the ninth attack in the last two months. There's been an attack every few years or so in the past but...but nothing like this." I buried my face in my hands, afraid that if the nobles saw my face they'd be able to tell how close to tears I was.

If only Ridley were here. Of course, in the past two months when Alteria needed a hero more than ever he was not only MIA but now falsely known as a murderous traitor to the kingdom.

What the hell was I supposed to do? I had only been queen for a short time and my entire kingdom was already in peril. If this continued who knew how many lives would be lost.

Could it be the Bone King was attempting to slowly wipe out all of Alteria? Without Ridley, no one seemed to be able to kill the beasts. Everything just felt so... hopeless.

A lord stepped forward now, bowing his head before me.

"Your Majesty..." he said nervously. "I have an idea. If these attacks on Alteria don't stop then...what if we took the battle to the east instead?"

My eyes widened. "Are you suggesting we try and attack the Bone King directly?"

The lord swallowed hard. "Yes, Your Majesty."

I sighed heavily. "I understand the urge to take the fight to him, but I'm afraid it would be a suicide mission. We know essentially nothing about him and we can't even defeat his monsters in our own territory, let alone his."

"Surely there must be something we can do?" Skeever said softly.

I shook my head. "I've looked through every piece of writing on the Bone King out there. No one in Alterian history has managed to successfully fight them except Ridley and he's probably with the demons right now..." and that's when I stopped, my eyes widening.

The court went dead silent at my reaction, staring back at me intently.

"What is it, Your Majesty?" the lord asked nervously.

"Maybe there is a way to fight the Bone King after all..." I said slowly.

This wrought a series of gasps from the court, waiting for my next words with bated breath.

"Normally I would never suggest this, but the longer we try to find a solution the more our people are slaughtered. There's only one foreseeable way we could actually fight the Bone King and it's something that's never been done in Alterian history..." I paused, taking a moment to collect myself before I spoke the words that I knew would outrage every noble in my court. Taking a deep breath, I looked out at my people. "The only way we can fight the Bone King is to enlist the help of the demons." 

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