Q&A Part 1

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Peppering some Hero vs Villain memes into this Q&A to add some spice, haha. 

What are the characters' zodiacs?

Vandel: Leo

Ridley: Capricorn

Annette: Virgo

Skeever: Cancer

Stefan: Gemini

Victoria: Scorpio

Percy: Pisces

Tuttle: Taurus

How many people was Vandel with before Ridley?

None, haha. He didn't think anyone (demon or otherwise) was good enough for someone as utterly fabulous as him (his words).

What was Vandel like as a kid?

A menace. Tuttle had his work cut out for him trying to raise him.

Who is your favourite character in the book and why?

Ridley and Vandel are both my kids, so I don't think I could pick between the two. But...Vandel was absolutely my favorite to write.

How was the wedding night? ;)

Let's just say...the entire demon palace had to invest in earplugs.

How did you come up with the idea of the plot?

My main idea was to explore cliché fairytale characters, (the evil prince, the white knight, the kidnapped princess, ect). The overall concept was that these cliché character types would all seem like their clichés from the PovV of the other characters, but once you got into their own PoV, they were completely different.

Out of all the characters who did you hate the most and why?


And ya'll know why, haha.

Did you have any idea where the plot was going/planning process?

Yes! I actually had the plot points for almost the entire book completed nearly two years before I actually finished writing it.

How did you come up with the names and what are their meanings?

I came up with pretty much all the names randomly just because I thought they sounded cool, haha.

I googled some of their name meanings because I was curious and...

Ridley: Reed meadow

Vandel: This straight up isn't a real name. I just made it up. I'm so sorry, hun.

Annette: Grace

Stefan: Crown; wreath.

Victoria: Victory

Percival: One who pierces the valley (this is ironic because Percy is the one who got pierced, lol)

Tuttle: Another name I just made up.

Skeever: Turns out it's not a name, is a word for an immoral or repulsive person. Skeever, sweetie, I'm so sorry. You're none of those things.

Where will Ridley and Vandel live now that they are married but both kings?

Ridley and Vandel are going to live in the demon palace since I don't think either would be super excited to live in a pile of bones. However, Vandel is definitely putting a team in place to have the bone castle renovated so he can turn it into some kind of vacation palace. He probably wants to add a pool, haha.

How did you come up with everyone's personalities?

I started with the stereotype of what each of the characters would be if they were in a typical fairytale. I then tried to flip those clichés on their head. The white knight...he works himself to the point of shutting out everything else, has trouble understanding people and social cues, and is absolutely hated by his fellow knights. The evil prince...actually puts an ungodly amount of effort into appearing suave and cool in front of others. The evil henchman...actually just a caring, tired dad figure. And so on and so forth.

Was there a specific time when Annette stopped liking Ridley?

I don't think there was one moment in particular where she stopped liking him. I think she just slowly fell out of love with him. What made Annette fall in love with Ridley was the fact that he seemed perfect and unattainable. Allowing herself to recognize that Ridley is an imperfect person, with his own complicated emotions and feelings, is what made Annette at last realize she was only in love with the idea of him. But falling out of love and letting go of your childhood love is a slow process. Still, I think it's one Annette needed to grow up, to go from a princess to a queen.

What kept you motivated? How/why have you kept writing?

The reason Hero vs Villain was able to be completed was entirely because of the readers. The comments, encouragement, and love for the characters I received was what always kept me going. Knowing there were people out there that loved Vandel and Ridley as much as I did made me want to do everything I could to finish their story and give them their happy ending.

How long did it take for you to completely finish the story (writing, drafting, editing, revising, publishing, etc.)?

HvV has taken three, nearly four years to complete!

Was there anything you would've wanted to change in the plot now that it's finished?

There are a few plot holes and plot points I definitely would have loved to clean up and make tighter. I also would have loved to add a bit more backstory about Stefan, just to explore what it was about Vandel that caused him to fall so obsessively in love.

What scene were you most excited to write?

Vandel's marriage to Stefan. I'm a sucker for a dramatic, angsty, forced wedding.

When did you start this story, and how many words/pages is it?

I started HvV back in 2017! It's a little over 140,000 words and around 340 pages!

Is Ridley immortal now that he's the Bone King?

Yes! Ridley's essentially immortal and demons age at an extremely slow rate. This means Vandel and Ridley will have many happy years together.

Will there be a sequel/spin-off

I don't think there will be a sequel since Ridley and Vandel's story is essentially complete. But I'm hoping to do a series of short stories regarding the HvV characters, including Vandel and Ridley's married life, story lore, and maybe even a few AUs.

These might take awhile to come out however, because I currently have two big secret projects in the works (one of them is HvV related). So stay tuned! Because there's going to be some big announcements coming soon!

I realize there were so many amazing questions that I'm going to have to break the Q&A into a second part in order to cover all of them! So stay tuned next week for Q&A part 2 :D

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