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Author's Note: I absolutely adore this modern AU fanart of Vandel and Ridley from @ilovehaikyuuwu ! They both look so adorable here!


I sat alone in my cell, my back pressed again against the cold stone of the wall, my head down. I didn't even react to the echo of footsteps as they made their way towards me. It was still far too early to be the executioner. There was no way it was morning just yet. That meant it could only be one person.

"I already told you, my answer is no," I said softly as I heard her arrive in front of my cell for the third time that night.

Annette sighed heavily, wrapping one hand around the bars. "Ridley, please," she begged, clearly on the verge of tears. "We can fake something and pretend you escaped. From what you've told me, Percival's death clearly wasn't your fault. And as for your...your..." her gaze fell to the ground, "...relations with Vandel. Even if he's a demon...even if the law against it has been around for thousands of years...does anyone really deserve to die for being with the one they love? Your life shouldn't be cut short because you feel like you need to be punished for something that's not your fault."

I shook my head weakly. "Your Majesty...I'm sorry but I've made up my mind. Nothing is going to change that."

"Ridley, please. I've lost my father, my brother, Percival...I can't lose you too."

I didn't reply, simply staring blankly ahead.

I didn't have the energy to argue with her anymore. I just felt numb and empty and I was ready to make this never ending stream of guilt finally end.

"Don't you think it's selfish of you?" Annette whispered softly. "After everything, to just give up like this?"

"It's not giving up," I said blankly. "It's atonement."

"Call it whatever you like," Annette said dryly. "But it's the first cowardly thing I've ever seen you do in your life."

And with those words, she left.

I continued to sit there, everything she had just said sinking in, making me feel even colder and more alone than I already was.

But I couldn't back out now. I had made my decision and I had to stick with it. I had to for my father and Percival's sake.

I shut my eyes, leaning back against the wall once more as I tried to clear my mind and feel absolutely nothing.

But that's when a voice suddenly shattered the silence. A voice that set my heart racing and my blood boiling all at once.

"You know, I never would've let you walk out of my kingdom if I knew you intended on doing something this stupid."

"Vandel," I said coldly, refusing to even open my eyes. "How did you get in here?"

"Turned into a bird and just slipped between the bars," he said. "Though, with my powers, I could probably undo the lock any time I wanted."

"I thought I made it perfectly clear that I never wanted to see you again."

"And I was going to be okay with that," the Demon Prince replied. "Until I found out the 'not seeing me again' bit was because you planned on dying."

I couldn't meet his gaze, if I did, who knew what I would say.

"There's nothing you can do about it, Vandel," I said dryly. "What's done is done. This is the way it has to be."

The rest of my unspoken words hung heavy in my heart. Because if it doesn't end like this then it'll be impossible for me to stop myself from going back to you again...and how could I ever live with myself if I did that?

"Ridley, I'm not asking for your forgiveness. In fact, I fully agree with your decision to hate me for the rest of your life. All I'm asking is for you to actually have a 'rest of your life'. There's things you don't understand about that night...things I need you to know-"

"All I need to know," I growled, finally opening my eyes, "is that we're both filthy murderers and I'm a disgusting demon fornicator. I need to pay the price for my sins."

I had to turn him away, I had to make him leave. If I didn't, like always...he'd make my resolve crumble.

"I hate you, Vandel," I snapped, though every inch of me knew it wasn't true. "I hate you more than I've ever hated anyone. I've hated you before I even knew you. You've ruined my life time and time again. You've taken my father from me, you've taken my loyalty to Alteria, you've even taken my honor."

A tense silence fell between us, and the look on his face made me want to start weeping again. An overwhelming, nauseating wave of guilt swept over me that my words had hurt him like this. But...but I had to. It was the only way. Even if it was this painful and made every inch of my heart feel like it was ripping in two.

"You've taken almost everything from me," I said, my voice a hoarse whisper that was quickly swallowed up by the thick silence of the dungeon, "so at least give me this. A death that will let me atone for our crimes."

Vandel didn't say anything for a moment before he finally let out a heavy sigh, crouching down so he was level with me.

"I hate that it has to come to this," he said softly. "Trust me, I really wish there was literally any other way.'ve left me no choice."

I stared at him, wide-eyed. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't you remember why it's high treason for humans to fuck demons?"

And that's when he leaned forward, his lips a breath away from mine and I felt like I was being swallowed whole by those deep, black eyes of his. As I stared into them, I suddenly began to feel like my mind was being overtaken by a crackling white haze.

"Ridley..." Vandel said, his voice a little more than a whisper. "You're going to do whatever I say until we get back to the Demon Kingdom."

I heard my voice leaving my mouth despite the fact that I wasn't even aware I was speaking

"Yes...I' say..." I was beginning to feel incredibly sleepy, like my very consciousness was being sucked into Vandel's pitch black eyes.

"Good," Vandel said, his voice so calm that it made me feel like I was sinking even further into his gaze. "You're going to follow my orders and we're going to escape from here. You got that?"

"Yes...we escape."

Vandel laughed softly to himself, "Gods, you're going to fucking kill me for this."

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