Ridley's Return

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I lounged lazily over the pit sir Ridley had disappeared into, my legs dangling over the ledge. I was on my second glass of wine and honestly I was getting rather bored. I had taken to writing dirty words in the sky using fire magic. Tuttle would be disappointed in me for wasting my magic on something like this. Luckily for me he was neither here nor in charge of my actions, no matter how ill thought out some of them might be. I snickered at one especially nasty word I had just written and I quickly waved my hand, making it disappear at the sound of Ridley climbing up the rope.

"Eww...what the fuck happened to you," I said as his blond head poked up from the pit. He dragged himself up. His entire body was covered in slime and blood.

Ridley sighed heavily, tossing me the garment which he had somehow managed to keep dry. "It's a long story."

I looked to the item excitedly now. I had waited for this day for a long time. With a smirk I slipped it on. I suddenly realized I didn't have a mirror to see how it looked, then again I was sure I was more dashing than ever.

Ridley grimaced. "Do I even want to know what that thing does?" He said slowly.

I grinned. "It makes me look fabulous."

Ridley shook his head. "No, what power does it posses? Does it make you stronger or enhance your magic or what?"

I blinked. "Oh it does none of that."

Ridley furrowed his brow. "You're lying."

I shook my head, for once I was actually telling the truth.

"I assure you I am not," I told him.

His eyes narrowed. "Then why were you desperate enough to get your hands on it to the point that you were willing to let me live?"

"That's because it does this!" I had waited SOOOO long to do this. I twirled around and as I did the cape sparkled as if it was made from thousands of stars. Ridley stared at it, his eyes wide. "Beautiful isn't it?" I smirked. "That's why it's called the cloak of the heavens."

"But..." Ridley stammered. "If it's not a powerful item then why did that warlock put the curse on it?"

"Oh, he was just an asshole," I stated matter of factly. "He used to be a consort between the humans and the demons in the years when we still had some form of communication. His name was Forsworth but every time he came to the palace I called him Fartsworth and he really didn't like that. So just to spite me he made a beautiful article of clothing, dangled it in front of me, and then put a curse on it so I couldn't get it." I stuck out my tongue. "Well, guess who the real winner is now FARTSWORTH! Don't fuck with Vandel, cause he was always come out on top."

"Did you just refer to yourself in third person?"


"Yes you did."

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did, I heard you." Damn I loved messing with this kid, it was like teasing a lost and overly trusting puppy.

Ridley looked to me now. "So the bonding spell is broken?"

"Yeah, didn't you feel it?"

He nodded slowly. "Yeah..." he looked down at himself now. "I should wash off before I head home."

"There's a river literally right over there." I pointed straight ahead.

Ridley's eyes widened. "How did I miss that?" I could answer that question right here and now, Ridley (despite his promise) was oblivious as fuck.

Ridley began to make his way over to the river and I followed him, my wine glass still in hand. He pulled off the demon armor he had stolen from one of my poor guards. It landed in the grass with a dull clunk. He was left wearing only a loose white shirt. Well...I supposed it had been white before the green slime had seeped in. He pulled it up over his head and tossed it beside the armor. Finally he took off his sheathed sword, and placed it carefully beside his items. When I saw it's diamond studded hilt I was slightly taken back.

"Where did you get that sword?" I said suddenly.

Ridley's ice blue eyes narrowed. "The king gave it to me, not that I even owe you any kind of explanation." He waded into the river now. He took a deep breath before he submerged himself in the cool babbling water. When he finally came up the blood and slime had been washed off him. I suddenly became painfully aware of the way the water dripped down his bare chest and clung to his hair. I grinned bringing the wine glass back to my lips, my gaze still locked on his shirtless form. I might hate the young man but at least I could still appreciate his packaging. He ran a hand through his wet hair now clearly unaware of how he looked which made him appear all the more appetizing. I bit my lip, damn...if only that body could belong to someone I could actually stand. Suddenly he turned and I noticed long scars running up his back, they looked painfully fresh.

"How did you get those?" I asked.

"I gave them to myself," he stated matter of factly.

I furrowed my brow. "Why?"

Ridley sighed heavily. "Because I kissed you. I had to punish myself for it."

I quirked my glass. "I was that good huh?"

Ridley frowned. "It's forbidden, I needed to punish myself for doing such a thing, even if it was necessary."

"That's pretty fucked up."

"It's reasonable." Damn, I decided that I probably would never understand Alterians. "Hey," Ridley said suddenly. "There was something weird I saw down there..."

I smirked at him. "You mean besides whatever the fuck covered you in blood and slime?"

He ignored me, continuing on. "There were some weird glowing drawings and writing on the wall...it said something about a demon eater. What's that about?"

I felt myself stiffen slightly despite myself. I tried to just play it off. "Eh, he was a creature that caused a shit load of suffering and pain a long time ago," I said quickly. "But there's no need to talk about it, he's gone. He's pretty much just a children's story now. Mother's tell it to their kids to keep them in their beds at night." I noticed a slightly crease in Ridley's brow. I chuckled under my breath. "What? Never thought that demons have mother's, cause we do. This might surprise you but demons and humans aren't as different as you might think." I took a sip of wine.

Ridley's mouth tightened into a thin line. "I obviously knew demons have mothers. Yours is famous."

I smiled slyly. "True, and she really is as infamous as the stories say."

Ridley stepped out of the water now. "I suppose this is where we part ways once more."

I nodded. "I suppose it is."

"Thank you for not killing me."

I laughed, extending a hand. "Well thank you for getting me my cloak." When Ridley reached to shake it I immediately drew my hand back and snickered. "Ha! Psyche. Try to be a little less gullible next time I see you."

Ridley's eyes narrowed. "Hopefully there won't be a next time."

"Oh I assure you there will be. You have heard of the haunting ball haven't you?"

A look of recognition came across Ridley's face. "The haunting ball...of course. I forgot it was coming up so soon."

I smirked. "So I'll see you then?"

Ridley sighed heavily. "Unfortunately yes."   

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