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Author's Note: This weeks fanart comes from @amelia_talpa on Instagram. I absolutely LOVE Vandel's outfit in this picture! The sheer swag this Vandel has is amazing! I love the pose too. This is what I imagine he probably looked like when he posed for over an hour waiting for the  knights to show up so he'd look cool when they got there haha. 


I ducked under the desk, the papers grasped tightly in my hands. Everything had happened so quickly that I hardly had time to process what was even going on when Stefan entered. What the hell was Vandel planning to do?

"Vande-" Stefan began.

"Shhh," the demon said, cutting him off. "If you're too loud the knights outside will hear you."

"Of course." I had come to figure that Vandel and Stefan had some sort of history together but the fact that the prince simply did what he said without question was concerning enough to turn my stomach to knots. I heard a click now, which I assumed meant Stefan had just locked the door. Vandel still stood behind the desk, his legs beside me. He gave me a little nudge with one foot which I assumed meant it was safe for me to start going through the paperwork. I quickly began to file through them, looking for anything that might be useful and trying my best to ignore everything else that was going on within the room.

"What are you doing here?" Stefan said softly. "How did you get in?"

"I have my ways," Vandel said, an uneasy playfulness in his voice. "Don't concern yourself with it. I mean you no harm. I just want to talk. I've been thinking about our last encounter..." I could feel him tense beside me as he spoke, his leg jittering nervously. His voice betrayed nothing however, still remaining light and playful. "After thinking for a bit I realized... I mistreated you. I came all this way to apologize so I hope you realize how genuinely I mean it."

"I knew you would come around eventually. In fact, your mother even promised me you would. Now, I hope you don't mind the observation, but you don't appear to be clothed my dearest friend. Could it be you came for something else as well? Something more than an apology?"

His words sent a shiver down my spine. Why was he talking to Vandel so intimately? Were they really close enough for Stefan to be making these kinds of comments? For some reason the thought caused a strange twinge in my chest. At Stefan's words I could feel Vandel stiffen beside me but when he spoke there seemed to be no unease, despite how on edge I could tell he was.

"Perhaps. So...I hear you're going to be king now."

"Yes...I'm going to inherit the throne. That must please you."


"Oh don't play coy Vandel. I know why you're really here. Because whatever is mine will soon belong to both of us when we finally marry." His words were such a shock that despite myself I jerked back, accidentally slamming the back of my head against the desk. My heart nearly leapt from my chest at the sound which practically echoed through the room.

Stefan furrowed his brow. "What was that?"

My heart was pounding in my chest so loudly that I could hear it in my ears.

"It's nothing," Vandel countered quickly. "I just accidentally kicked the desk."

There was a hesitant silence from Stefan in response. Then finally he spoke. "You're not trying to play me...are you Vandel?"

I felt Vandel's breath catch slightly beside me but he quickly forced a laugh, clearly attempting to still act casual. "What are you talking about Stefan? What other intent could I possibly have?"

"I don't know," he said slowly. "But now that I think about it this all seems too easy. You were practically ready to kill me the last time we spoke but now you suddenly want to apologize? I want to have a life with you Vandel, you know I do. But before that can happen there needs to be absolute trust between us. You understand that, right?" As he spoke I could hear Stefan take a step forward towards Vandel and the desk. The sound turned my blood to ice water.

"I'm telling the truth," Vandel said and I couldn't help but notice the slight waver of panic in his tone. I could hear the sound of Stefan drawing closer and closer, about to reach the desk. Before he could however Vandel quickly jumped out in front of it, frantically continuing. "You have what I want now, the crown. I won't lie and deny the fact that I'm only willing to be with you for my own self interest. But you knew that, you always knew that. I...I need you now."

Those words seemed to have caught Stefan's interest. "Really?" He said slowly. "Say it again."

"I need you Stefan."

The words caused a jolt of something to race through me. Something that made my chest feel tight.

"And what exactly do you need from me Vandel?"

"I need..." Stefan couldn't seem to tell but I knew Vandel. Despite being his enemy I seemed to know him better than almost anyone. I knew how forced and painful every word coming out of the demon's mouth was. "I need your power Stefan."

"Well lucky for you my dearest demon...I more than willing to give it to you."

And that's when I felt something hit the desk...or more specifically someone. From what I could gather I assumed Vandel had just been pushed against it.

"W-wait," Vandel stammered. "Your guards are outside what if they...what if they hear...ah." A soft, hitched breath escaped him at something Stefan had done and the realization made my blood boil.

"It's alright," Stefan said, his voice a little more than a whisper. "They're idiots. They probably don't realize someone else is even in here. Don't worry, you can relax...I'm here to take care of things for you from now on. I'm here to...make you feel good..." Whatever Stefan did next caused a small whimper from Vandel, then a slightly louder one.

I didn't know what was wrong with me. I had never felt this way before. There was no reason for this feeling...these feelings. Vandel was doing what needed to be done for us to succeed in our mission and get out of here. This should mean nothing to me. Gods knew I had no right to Vandel what was this? Why did the thought of Stefan touching him like this make me want to scream and slam his head against the desk over and over again. Why did my chest feel tight and my skin feel so hot.

And that's when I saw it. A thin sheet of paper tucked away within the pile. These names and locations...these were from the slums of Alteria. One name in particular was of a man from the same village the corisathium was stolen from. This had to be it...this had to be the list of people Stefan used to do his dirty work.

As if he could sense I had found what we were looking for I heard Vandel slowly draw back from Stefan. I hated how heavily both their breathing sounded but I tried my best to repress the strange wave of emotions in my chest.

"Now," Vandel said slowly. "I think perhaps it's best to stop here."

"Why," Stefan practically purred. "We were just starting to have some fun."

Vandel faked a laugh. "We have to leave some surprises for the wedding night, right?"

Stefan hesitate for a beat before finally giving in. "Fine...if that's really what you want. But only because I can't deny you anything. Besides...I think you'll find our wedding night coming sooner than you might expect."

His words sent a shiver down my spine.

"Now," Vandel said, "I don't mean to be rude...especially since I know this is your room, but would you mind leaving me for a moment to change before I depart. I'm feeling a little immodest. I left my clothes behind the desk."

"You're suddenly feeling embarrassed now love?" Stefan said, I hated the way I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"I know it's silly. You said you couldn't deny me anything only a moment ago, didn't you? Can't you grant me this" Judging from the sound that followed this statement I figured Vandel had just pulled him in for a kiss. The thought made my skin crawl.

"Fine," Stefan finally said. "I'll leave my own office...just for you. You're lucky you're going to have such a kind and lenient husband."

"Oh trust me I know."

"You have five minutes. Then I come back in."

"Of course."

And with that I heard Stefan slowly make his way to the door, closing it with a click. The moment it sounded I popped up from behind the desk.

"Did you find the paper?" Vandel whispered hoarsely. I nodded quickly. The look of relief on Vandel's face at the response was impossible to miss. "Thank the Gods," he whispered. "Now let's get out of this awful room because honestly I think I'd rather be dead than ever come back here." 

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