Stefan's Story

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Author's Note: Sharing this utterly gorgeous art from @sydp_30 on IG. They both look so pretty here!!! I especially love Ridley's cape!


I stood beside the handful of other knights Stefan had chosen to stand guard, including Percival. Stefan was currently standing in front of a three way mirror as two tailors made adjustments to the large cape made of snow white ermine fur that cascaded off his shoulders.

He turned to us now, flashing us a smile. "What do you think? Perfect for my wedding, right?"

Stefan had finally announced his marital plans this morning had not gone over well with the people. Of course, there was no way Stefan would ever know the level of anger his decision had invoked, but the moment his back was turned outrage and anger had been voiced throughout the palace and most assuredly throughout the kingdom as well. Even now, as I watched him get tailored, it took everything in me to keep my blood from boiling, though my reasoning was quite different from the others. At the lack of responses, Stefan looked to us now.

"Why are you all so quiet today," he asked. "Does my outfit actually look bad?" He glared at one of the tailors who flinched back. "If it does then I want to know. My betrothed loves clothing. If I look awful that might be the one thing that could ruin our marriage."

He laughed.

No one else did.

Stefan sighed heavily. "Come on, why is the atmosphere so tense in here?" The only sound was the uncomfortable shuffling of the guard and the anxious movements of the tailors. "Ridley?" I froze at my name being spoken, the other guards looked to stare at me, wide eyed.

"Yes my lord?" I said, trying to keep my voice as level as possible.

"What do you really think about all of this?"

My gaze darted to the floor. "What do you mean, my lord?"

"Of my marriage? You're the only one here that actually knows Vandel."

I froze, nearly choking on my words. "I...I don't think I understand what you mean, my lord-"

"You spent time with him when Annette was kidnapped, didn't you?"

It took everything in me to hold back an audible sigh of relief.

"I suppose my lord...I'm just a bit confused."

"About what?" Stefan asked.

I took a deep breath, I couldn't openly object to our 'king', but if I stayed completely silent Stefan would know I was being insincere. I needed to find some middle ground.

"I suppose I'm just a bit confused how the king of Alteria would want to marry someone like the demon prince of darkness. Someone" caring, and beautiful, and smart, and funny, and brave. "So evil."

Stefan chuckled under his breath. " Ah, well I understand your confusion. You can't possibly understand what it's like to be in love with someone. No offense Ridley but I don't know if you're even capable of romantic feelings for anything other than your kingdom." He laughed again at this. I did not. "But Ridley...on the off chance that you ever do. Then you'll understand. For the person you love you're willing to do anything to make them yours—even if it costs everything."

"But, my lord, if you'll forgive the intrusion," Percival piped up from the back. "How did you even have the chance to...well...fall in love with the demon prince?"

"Ah," Stefan said with a smile. "That's quite the story itself."


5 Years Earlier

He had fallen asleep beside me, a book in his lap. Vandel didn't read much but when he found a new book on fashion trends he wouldn't stop until he was finished... or (in this case) until he passed out.

With him fast asleep I was glad there was no need for me to smother the small smile tugging at my lips. He looked so sweet and harmless like this, revealing no trace of the small, loud mouthed ball of sass he usually was. I suddenly noticed that a few strands of raven black hair had fallen into his face. Almost subconsciously I leaned forward to brush them away, my heart beginning to pound as my fingers neared him.

Suddenly his eyes fluttered open.

Immediately I jerked back, my heart still thundering in my chest, my cheeks burning. Slowly he sat up, rubbing one eye with his hand.

"Did I fall asleep?" he mumbled, his voice slightly rough with sleep. The sound of it set off a little cage of butterflies in my stomach.

"Yeah, you must have been tired."

Vandel shook his head. "Nah, this book just sucks. It's super that even a word...? It's, I'll just say it's dense as shit." He let out a heavy sigh. "They somehow managed to make talking about shoes sound boring. That should be fucking impossible. Just imagine it, shoes, the most wonderful thing in the world—boring. Un-fucking-believable." The moment he finished speaking he chucked the book over his shoulder. The poor book was sent flying, crashing directly into a decorative glass vase that loudly shattered. "Oops," Vandel mumbled. "That was my bad." He glanced to me now. "How's your leg?"

"It's much better," I replied with a smile. "I'm pretty sure I can walk now, no problem."

Vandel flashed me a grin that sent my heart racing once more. "Good," he said. "That means it's only a matter of time until we can arrange getting you out of here."

I froze, my breath catching. " soon?"

"So soon?" Vandel laughed. "You've been here for months. We need to get you out of here ASAP in case anyone finds out I'm hiding a human and tries to hurt you." He leaned forward, giving my hair a light ruffle which nearly made my heart jump up into my throat. "You're just a kid, what kind of life is there for you here? You should be studying, and growing, and making friends— not being locked up here day after day."

I wanted to protest and tell him how I really felt. That I didn't care where I was as long as I was with him, that I'd happily embrace a lifetime of captivity in the demon kingdom if it meant I could be by his side. could I? There was no way he could ever understand my feelings. All he saw when he looked at me was a child. I stared at him, trying to smother the tight ache deep within my chest.

"I'm not a kid," I mumbled. "I'm sixteen."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I stand corrected," Vandel laughed, giving me a playful shove. "A BABY."

I flushed a deep red. "I'm serious Vandel. I'm not a kid, or a baby...I'm capable of making my own decisions and...I think it wouldn't hurt for me to stay here another month or...or maybe even longer. You case my leg starts acting up again."

"You're just being paranoid," Vandel countered with a smirk. "You'll be fine."

But I won't benot if I'm not with you.

I opened my mouth to say something, anything to try and convince him to let me stay. I was stopped however as Vandel briskly stood up.

"Oh shit! I should have been keeping an eye on the time." He ran a hand through his hair, pushing down the pieces that had been ruffled post-nap. "In a strange twist of irony I forgot I had a security meeting today with the castle guard. I have like 50 new pamphlets for them, I even added some cute lil illustrations to spice them up. You'll be fine on your own, right?"

I gave a small nod despite the fact that every inch of me wanted to beg him to stay.

Vandel flashed me a smile. "That's it, kid. I know it's boring, but you'll never have to deal with this shit again once you're out of here. I'll come back to check on you as soon as I can."

And with those words he was out the door, leaving me just awkwardly sitting there as dozens of thoughts continued to rush through my head.

Sighing heavily, I fell back on the bed, squeezing my eyes shut. C'mon Stefan, I thought, think, you need to think. There had to be something I could do. Maybe I could break my leg again? Or I could pretend to get sick...or train of thought was cut off as I suddenly heard the door creak open.

"Vandel?" I called. "Did you forget something?"

"I'm afraid it's not Vandel," a woman's voice replied, it's sharp sound cutting through the room.

My eyes shot open, terror seizing my gut as my head jerked frantically towards the door.

A woman was standing there, wearing a long black dress made of raven feathers. Pitch black hair fell to her waist and her pupilless eyes seemed as deep and dark as inkwells. From the resemblance to Vandel and the cold feeling of dread closing in on me it could only be one person—the demon queen.

She smiled thinly and the twist of her mouth sent an ice cold shiver down my spine.

"So nice to finally meet my son's little kept human."

I swallowed hard, trying my best to keep my shoulders from trembling.

The demon queen laughed coldly. "I knew he'd developed a bit of a soft spot for the pets, but this is another level entirely." Her lip curled, as if suddenly overcome by disgust. "Harboring a human, to think my son would become so weak."

I wanted to call out for Vandel, or struggle, or beg for my life, but my body couldn't seem to move, the words jumbling together and disintegrating like ash in my throat.

The demon queen smiled cruelly. "Don't look so scared, little boy. You're actually in luck. I'm Vandel's mother. I raised him. If he's developed a fatal weakness I, by default, must have allowed it to happen." Her smile grew, the sight sending a shiver down my spine. "Which means it's my responsibility to correct my mistakes. I must teach him the hard way that he must smother this weakness." Her gaze locked on me, turning my blood to ice water. "You little human...can be turned into a valuable learning experience."

I sank to my knees in front of her, my entire body shaking violently. "Please, Your Majesty," I whimpered, the hot sting of tears burning my eyes. "Don't kill me. I don't wanna die. Spare me, please."

She laughed coldly. "I'm not planning on it. Well...unless you don't do what I ask." As she said this a curl of smoke seemed to take shape in her hand, slowly metamorphosing into a thin silver dagger. "I want you to slit his throat."

My entire body froze, my eyes going wide. "W-What...I...I can't kill him...I..."

"He'd be fine. I'd be there to save his life. The only repercussions will be the intense amount of betrayal he'll feel." She smirked. "Betrayal both towards you and towards humans as a whole. I doubt he'll ever show weakness to your kind again." She arched a pitch black brow. "So, what do you say?"

"I-I c-can't-" I stammered, doing my best not to choke on the words. "H-He'll hate me, he'll never forgive me. I can't."

Oh really?" the demon queen said. "Then maybe this will persuade you."

And then suddenly it felt like my head was going to explode, like nails were being ripped through my brain, that my very thoughts were being violently torn apart. I heard horrible screaming and then, with a start, I realized it was coming from my own mouth. I clasped my head in my hands, whimpering miserably. "Please," I begged. "Please make it stop...PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!"

"Will you do as I've asked?"


And then everything stopped.

It was like I could finally breathe again after being drowned. I gasped for breath, my body shaking violently, my chest heaving.

Before me lay the knife.

"You have till the end of the night," the demon queen said. "If you don't do it I'll kill you. And of course, if you ever tell Vandel our deal is void."

And with that she was gone, her form slowly fading away as if she was never even there.

Frantically I grabbed for the knife, still breathing heavily. What was I going to do? Hell, what COULD I do? How could Vandel ever return my feelings if he thought I wanted to kill him?

I squeezed my eyes shut, clutching the blade tightly to my chest. I would find a way. Somehow...someday...I would come back to him and he would be mine. When that day came he wouldn't look at me as an enemy, or even as a child. He would look at me as he was always meant to—as the love of his life.

I would do it.

No matter who I had to hurt.

No matter who I had to sacrifice.

No matter how much of myself or my kingdom I would need to give up.

He was going to be mine. 

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