The Castle of Black Glass

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There is a specific way master Vandel prefers his tea. He'll only drink it if there's exactly two scoops of sugar so I am careful to always get the measurement right. I glanced now to a fellow servant, a maid Hetty. She was currently making Vandel's bed as I refilled his nightly cup of tea, the previous cup had already gone cold.

I stared her, trying to ignore the pins and needles of my nerves. "He's out rather late tonight isn't he," I mumbled offhandedly to Hetty, hoping my anxiety wouldn't show in my voice.

"He'll be back," she grumbled.

I stiffened. "He missed his evening tea. That almost never happens. What if he was captured by the humans or attacked by a monster..."

"He'll be fine," Hetty said monotonically. "He always is. He's like a cockroach in that respect."

I frowned at her. "He is your prince. How dare you refer to him like that!"

Hetty just gave a little shrug. "Sorry, a well dressed cockroach." As if on cue there was a sudden sound of feet striking the windowsill and suddenly prince Vandel slipped through the window butt naked into the room. Hetty immediately averted her gaze. Vandel was casually munching on a piece of bread as he stepped through. I rushed to grab him a black silken robe and as I held it out he slipped it on with only a little nod.

"How was your trip my lord?" I asked meekly.

Vandel smirked at me, running a hand through his dark hair. "Enlightening." He picked up the teacup from the side table it rested on and sunk down into the large purple velvet chair that sat by the fire bringing it to his lips. When he finally lowered it, the dancing flames of the fire were reflected back in his pitch black eyes. "The humans should be here soon."


A day later an extremely loud screech from my violin sent Tuttle scurrying over to me, his head bowed.

"Sire," he said quickly. "Perhaps you should consider taking a quick break from your lessons for today because uh..." I turned to glare at him, the violin still tucked under my chin.

I pointed my bow at him accusingly. "Are you trying to suggest I sound bad? Is that why you're asking me to stop?"

Tuttle turned ashen, shaking his bald head violently. "No no no no sire. You sound like a dove, like a songbird on the strings like I meant to say is...the only reason you might wish to stop is because I have just received word that the Alterian knights are approaching the castle."

"WHAT?!?" I practically chucked my violin across the room. "I didn't think they would be here for a few more hours!!! I'm not properly dressed yet! I've had my outfit planned for this for days! Uuugh this is the worst! I'm going to have to cut my morning exfoliation routine in half!" I dashed out of the room as fast as I could, skidding around a corner before finally sliding into my room. Damn, I had been looking forward to this conformation all week, I couldn't blow it because I miscalculated their arrival date. I snapped my fingers, causing my chosen outfit to fly from my large mahogany closet that took up half the wall. I slid off the ensemble I was currently wearing before holding out my arms allowing the magic to slip my new clothes onto me. Gold silken ribbons laced the garment up behind me as if done so by an invisible hand. I made my way to the mirror now fixing my hair so it fell just so...just the way I liked it. I gave my reflection a little wink before I dashed to the throne room, quickly plopping myself down in the large throne that sat at it's center. I then proceeded to strike the most menacing and suave pose I could think of.

A guard looked to me, a slight expression of concern on his face. "My liege...are you feeling alright? Your face looks a bit..."

I glared at him and he turned ashen, the words dying before they even left his mouth.

"Finish your sentence," I said dryly.

"Err...a bit odd my liege."

"This is my intimidation face!" I snapped. "Obviously if you actually read the pamphlet I sent out to the guard staff a month ago you would have seen that on page five it says a good intimidation face is one of the main attributes of a menacing demon."

"I'm sorry my liege...I must have missed that part."

"It's okay," I said sharply. "I'm holding a seminar for the castle staff next week. You can come to that." Honestly, I live in a palace surrounded by idiots. Sighing heavily I resumed my pose.

"How long are you going to hold that?" The guard asked meekly.

"Till however long it takes those stupid knights to get here." 


When we had been confronted by demon guards outside of the palace we were convinced we were going to need to fight them but instead they told us that prince Vandel had requested to meet with us in person instead. I had told Percival cautiously it could be a trap but Percival had only shrugged and responded that we could fight our way out if it was. As we were led through the castle to the throne room now I swallowed hard. I hated this place, everything about it felt off. I could see no demons, other than the guards who led us, but I could still hear the sound of footsteps through the halls and the faint echo of the whispers of voices. This was especially unnerving due to the fact that everyone around me was completely silent. We were led to two towering iron doors which opened, as if pulled by an invisible string when we approached them. Finally we stepped into the throne room. It was large and circular, the floor made up of the same shining black glass that the castle's exterior seemed to be created from. A large crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling which some how managed to illuminate the room in an eerie blue glow. A large throne sat at its center, twisting high above our heads. Attached to it were two large metal extensions meant to look like giant iron wings. In it sat prince Vandel. There could now be no denying that he was the demon I had seen that day at the wedding. I had never quite seen anything like what he was currently wearing. His sleeves were jeweled, glittering rubies spiraled up the dark fabric and a black diamond sparkled at his throat. Gold lacing crawled up the garments front and a silver crown, which stuck up like the sharp uneven teeth of some creature from the depths of the sea, rested on his head. A large ink black collar stuck up behind him and it was so big that I had no idea how he even was able to move his head. He looked up now, a calm expression on his face. Erica, Percival and Thomas all instinctively bowed but I refused. I would never bow to this monster.

"Ah," he said, "so the gallant knights arrive at last?" His voice was smooth and cold like marble and when he spoke I noticed for the first time the sharp points of his teeth. I took a step forward trying to keep myself from being unnerved by him. I could show no weakness.

"We want the princess Annette returned to us."

Vandel smirked. "My, you're a brave one. If this heroic act wasn't quite so annoying it might just be cute." He crossed one leg over the other and I noticed little purple bows attached to the tops of his boots. "Now, I don't really want to fight with any of you. There is no need for bloodshed on either side which is why I simply invited you here. The princess will be returned to you...after she marries me." I glared at him and he held my gaze.

"She'll never marry you."

Vandel shook his head."Oh I quite disagree."

I stiffened slightly, he seemed so confident...could it just be an act? A sly grin spread across Vandel's face. Suddenly he stood up, the train from his long cape dragged behind him as he slipped down the marble steps attached to the iron platform his throne rested on. "Actually I should be thanking you sir Ridley." I froze, how did he know my name? "You see I could have tried a variety of techniques to get the princess to agree but really...all I need is you." And then suddenly I realized I couldn't move. It was like my legs were attached to the floor. Vandel snapped his fingers and a fire sprang up in front of the door. My stomach had turned to ice water, I should have known better, this was an obvious trap and still I had simply trusted that even demons would at least have some honesty and chivalry. He turned to look to the other three knights and he gave them a little wink.

"If all three of you leave now, I'll let you live. Seem like a good deal?" He snapped his fingers once more and the fire vanished. I went to call out for them to stay strong but before I could even open my mouth they all raced to the door...even Percival. When they were gone the iron doors slammed shut once more. Vandel snickered. "What good are friends, right?" My throat felt dry and my eyes stung but I attempted to appear indifferent, unafraid. Maybe they were planning something else, maybe the other knights were going to try and take Vandel by surprise. Vandel began to circle around me, his arms clasped behind his back. He looked smug and I hated it.

"You won't get away with this," I said slowly.

Vandel continued to circle. "Watch me. It should be incredibly easy for me from here on out. All I need to do is torture you in front of the princess a little, threaten to kill you, and then she'll do everything in her power to save you...including marry me."

I shook my head. "What makes you think she would surrender due to the state of only a lowly knight."

Vandel stopped for a moment and sneered. "Are you really so naive?" He laughed now and it made my skin crawl. "The princess is clearly madly in love with you."

"You don't know that!"

Vandel arched a brow. "You're right. I supposed I'm not one hundred percent certain. I guess there's only one way to find out." A sly smile crossed his face and he suddenly leaped forward, grabbing me by the arm. He leaned close, his face only a breath away from mine and whispered, "let's go see how far the love of the princess really goes for you shall we?" Suddenly I could move again but my entire body felt heavy, like I was being weighed down with led. Vandel pushed me forward, feigning annoyance at how slowly I was moving, though clearly he was the one causing it. We made our way into a dark hallway off the main throne room. The more we walked the sprucer the candelabras that lined the walls (which glowed a ghoulish green for some reason) became. Soon we were walking in almost complete darkness but Vandel seemed to have no problem with that. Finally he came to a stop and in the pitch black hallway I heard the clang of metal. I assumed he was getting out a chain of keys. To further back this theory, following the sound there was a click and then once more light flooded into the dark hall as the door creaked open.

"Ooooooh princess," Vandel cooed. Then he stopped. I glanced into the room, it was empty. Vandel furrowed his brow taking a step inside, looking about. Even his cold and calm exterior couldn't hide the confusion that was passing over his face. He began to circle the room and it was obvious he was trying his best to not panic and keep up the facade that he knew what he was doing. Slowly he turned back to face me, arms crossed. "Well, I guess they moved her to another room-" that's when Annette appeared behind him and slammed a large glass plate over the back of his head. Vandel froze for a beat, mumbling only the words, "oh shit." Before he crumpled to the ground. 

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