The Demon Queen

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Tuttle appeared carrying a large item hidden beneath a red silk cloth. It was almost too big for him to carry, none the less he seemed to be waddling towards me with as much speed as his little legs could possibly muster.

I waved my hand at him. "Put it down already, let's see it." Tuttle moved to pull the silk covering off the item and I shook my head. "No,no,no, NO Tuttle! You're doing it all wrong!"

"I thought I w-was just...showing you your painting sir..."

"You need to present it with a little more flare. Put some effort into it why don't you. Gods, what the fuck am I even paying you for?"

"You're...not paying me my lord..."

"Just reveal the damn painting already, I'm getting bored."

Tuttle bowed his head and tugged off the cloth revealing the large oil painting beneath.

"Um...sir..." Tuttle said meekly. "Forgive me if I'm being too bold in asking this but...why did you have a royal painter make you this giant portrait of sir Ridley?"

"Because he was able to kidnap me. I've finally met a rival on my level. I have a nemesis and I want to be reminded of my my hatred for him every time I see this." Tuttle and I both looked at the painting of him now. An awkward silence fell between us as we both stared at it. "It doesn't really look like him does it?"

" really doesn't."

I frowned. "Who the fuck did we have paint this again?"

"The royal portrait painter Boris."

"The royal portrait painter has a name?"

"Yes, remember, he was that goblin your mother took a liking to back in-"

"Okay, okay yes I remember let's not talk about that!" I squinted at the painting. "Gods has he ever even seen a human before? I'm pretty sure he got the nose and the eyes mixed up."

"Oh he most definitely did."

I snapped my fingers and the painting flew threw the air, mounting itself on the wall.

"Well, I don't really care about the state of the portrait. All that matters is that now I can do this," I grinned pulling out a dagger. Then, in one graceful movement I sent the dagger flying into the face of the the portrait. It landed with a thud squarely between the eyes...or at least where the eyes would have been if there weren't two noses there instead, thanks Boris. I let out a cackle. "You have NO IDEA how long I've wanted to do something like that! I've just never had a rival worthy of me throwing a dagger at a picture of their face before!" I laughed again.

Tuttle waddled forward. "Um...I don't mean to ruin your moment my liege but I believe it's six o'clock..."


"You have a meeting with your mother."

"FUCK!" I quickly waved a hand dismissing Tuttle and then dashed to my mirror. I hated having to go to mother with bad news. Normally my mirror time made me feel better but not today. To say she would be more than a little displeased with the events that had transpired last night would be quite the understatement. I never thought that that damn princess and sir Ridley would have been able to kidnap me single handedly, I had underestimated them and that had been a dire mistake. If he hadn't been stupid enough to allow me to lead him straight to a monster I could have been in serious trouble. I would have let him die but...I kind of liked the idea of having an arch nemesis. I took a deep breath now, it was time to visit mother.

I made my way down the hall, the dark purple cape I had decided to wear that day fluttering behind me. Beside the entrance to the throne room was a golden door. Two guards stood on either side of it. They bowed immediately when they saw me approaching.

I cleared my throat dramatically. "I am here to see my mother, the queen of the demons Victoria."

"Of course your majesty," they said almost in unison. With a creek the door opened and I stepped inside. The room was pitch black, normally that wouldn't be an issue for me but the magic was so strong in here that even I couldn't see.

"Hello mumsy dearest," I said as sweetly as I could. The air grew cold and a slight shiver passed through me.

"Vandel, how nice of you to finally visit," my mother's disembodied voice echoed around me. Ugh, I hated when she talked to me without physically manifesting herself, it always gave me the creeps.

I swallowed hard. "I'm afraid I have some err...rather bad news for you mother. Please don't be too disappointed in your lil' wittle Vandel poo-"

"For the love of the Gods Vandel just drop the bullshit and spit it out."

"The princess escaped." There was silence in the the dark room and I tensed.

Then finally my mother spoke again. "Figures."

I blinked. "What?"

"I said it figures."

"'re not surprised?"

"I'm a little disappointed but that's about it. So we didn't get the princess this time, there's still plenty of other opportunities."

I furrowed my brow in the dark. "That may be but it will most definitely be much harder to kidnap her after one failed attempt. The humans will be on alert."

"That may be true but I have another plan already in the works. Surely you remember that the Haunting ball will occur in one month's time." Right, the Haunting ball, how could I forget? It only occurred once every 50 years. I had only attended a few in my short 210 years of life. During the Haunting ball for one night only humans and demons came together in peace. There would be dancing and festivities in a sacred spot between our two territories all beneath the eerie light of the blue harvest moon. When everyone had returned to their own respective kingdoms and the sun rose once more in the morning sky both humans and demons would be enemies once more. Thousands of years ago an old warlock had tried to bring about peace between the humans and the demons. He had put a curse on both kingdoms that a horrible fate would befall our countries if we didn't attend the ball and follow the rules he put in place. Unfortunately for that warlock the power it took to create the curse ended up killing him and the Haunting ball hardly helped human and demon relations. All it turned out to be was a bothersome annoyance for both races.

"But mummy, you know we can't make a move on the humans during the Haunting ball, it's against the rules." The air in the dark room was charged, practically crackling with electricity as my mother chuckled.

"We won't theoretically be making a move on them, simply planting to seeds to put my new plan into motion."

I grinned in the darkness. "Now you've got me quite interested mumsy. Please elaborate."

"I will Vandel must promise anything I tell you must stay between us and us alone."

"Oh you have my word mother dear. Oh and Mumsy?"

"Yes Vandel."

"Can we please fire Boris the royal portrait painter?"


"Pretty pretty please."

"I said no Vandel."

My shoulders sagged. "But muuuuuuuuuuum-"

"Don't you but mum me? What are you 120 years old?" 

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