The Feast

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Author's  Note:  Thank  you  so much to Toosofttoolive for this adorable fanart of Ridley and Vandel! All the details in this are so wonderful! I love how you drew Vandel's bird form so much! This art really made my day!


I held the small raven that was Vandel carefully in my hands, worried that if I picked him up the wrong way I might accidentally hurt him. The raven in return cocked his head slightly, as if silently judging me.

Even though Vandel couldn't speak in this form I could practically hear his voice in my head saying, 'what the fuck is wrong with you Ridley? Never held an animal before?' Nervously I placed the raven inside of my pocket and after a moment Vandel's head popped out.

"Okay," I whispered quietly. "You ready to go?"

The raven gave a little nod.

"Okay, just remember to stay hidden, and don't go out to investigate on your own till I give you the signal."

Vandel gave me yet another small nod. was surprisingly easy to talk to him when he couldn't sass me back. Taking a deep breath I began to make my way down the hall, almost immediately I saw a familiar figure. I could feel Vandel's head duck back down into my pocket as he approached.

"Hello Ridley, how are you?" Standing there was Percival.

I offered him a small smile. "I'm well."

Even as the words were leaving my mouth I couldn't stop myself from cringing at the awkwardness of the interaction. I had no idea why but ever since I got back from the blood ball things had felt incredibly uncomfortable whenever we spoke. Percival was never rude to me but for some reason everything felt strained. I wanted to ask him what was wrong but dealing with these kinds of things wasn't exactly my forte and I worried that I might accidentally make things even worse.

The two of us stepped into the great hall now. It was filled to the brim with nobility from across the kingdom, all chatting and laughing with one another. A large table had been set up overlooking the banquet hall reserved for the king, his family, and his closest associates.

Annette perked up when she saw the two of us enter, giving us a little wave. Percival and I had always sat at the end of the table next to her ever since we were young. We made our way to our seats now and Annette's smile widened as we sat down.

"It's so nice to see the two of you in one place again," she said, still beaming. "It feels like it's been ages since the three of us have all been together." She sighed softly, propping her chin up with one hand. "I never realized how different things would be when the two of you became knights. At first I thought you'd be there to guard me forever but look at you now...going off on adventures, fighting the demon prince Vandel..." I couldn't help but notice that she was staring only at me when she spoke. At the mention of his name I felt Vandel shift in my pocket. Then to my horror I realized Annette's gaze had drifted downwards towards to the source of the movement. I swallowed hard, maybe she hadn't noticed anything.

"Ridley...did your pocket just move?"

Damn it.

Gods, why did Vandel have to be so self centered that even as a bird he couldn't stay still for 5 minutes when someone brought him up?!?!?!

I laughed nervously. "Oh was nothing..." As I spoke my gaze quickly shifted to the ground. Gods why did I have to be put in this position? I couldn't lie to save my life.

A mischievous smile came over Annette's face. "Oh? You're keeping secrets now are you? How mysterious. This is quite unlike you Ridley. I demand you show me whatever is in your pocket."

I shook my head immediately. "Princess I don't think-"

Before I could even finish my sentence Annette leaned forward and reached directly for my pocket. I froze in horror as I realized there was absolutely nothing I could do. There was no way I could defy a direct order from the princess.

My entire body tensed as her hands dipped into my pocket and scooped up Vandel.

Percival leaned forward in his seat now, his eyes wide. "You brought a bird...into the feast?"

I swallowed hard. "Yeah..."

"I had no idea you had a pet!" Annette said with a smile.

I awkwardly shifted in my seat. "Yes, that's what he is. A pet. I just got him so I didn't want him to be left all alone. I'm sorry princess."

"Oh don't apologize," Annette said, still beaming. "He's adorable." She began to pet Vandel's head causing the raven to bristle. "What's his name?"

"Uh...Mister Toot." I could practically feel Vandel's beady black eyes seething into my chest when I said the name. I had a feeling I would be getting quite the talking to once he regained the power of speech.

"Mister Toot," Annette cooed, "now aren't you just the cutest." As she said this she gave Vandel's head a little poke and I silently prayed Vandel wouldn't attempt to snap at her fingers. Suddenly Annette perked up. "Wait...I think I have just a thing for this little fellow." She removed a thin purple ribbon from her hair and promptly tied it around Vandel's neck, forming a large purple bow. I had never seen an animal convey a look of more malice than the expression currently residing on the raven's face.

Percival's gaze suddenly drifted to the empty seat beside Annette. "Hey," he said suddenly. "Where's your brother?"

Annette sighed heavily. "He said something about being away on some urgent business. It's a shame he won't be here for father's birthday after being away so long in Pecore. He said he'd do his best to make it back tonight for at least the end of the feast. You know my brother, it's always work and studying. No wonder the two of you got along so well when you were were children Ridley."

I smiled at her. "I suppose you're right. miss his own father's birthday-"

I was suddenly cut off as the king suddenly stood up. The room fell silent, all eyes falling to their ruler.

"Greetings everyone!" The king said, his voice booming around the great hall. "I'm so happy each and every one of you were able to make it today. This evening is more than just a celebration of my birth my friends. It is a celebration of my is a celebration of Alteria. We have been at war for countless years but together I know that someday we will overthrow our enemies and I couldn't be happier to have you all by my side as we build a better world." The king picked up his goblet from the table now, raising it high into the air. "FOR ALTERIA!"

The nobles sprung to their feet, all letting out a cheer. "FOR ALTERIA!"

A large grin spread over the king's face as he took a deep sip from his goblet.

And that's when suddenly he froze.

The cheers that had been echoing around the great hall went dead silent, all eyes falling to the king. His face had begun to pale and suddenly his shoulders began to violently shake.

Annette sprung to her feet now, her eyes wide and I shot up beside her. My stomach felt like it had turned to ice water, fear dripping my gut.

Annette took a small step forward. "Father...are you alright?"

And that's when the king buckled over, beginning to choke. He desperately grabbed for his throat, a strange black liquid beginning to pour from his mouth. Annette, Percival and I dashed to the king's side.

Tears were streaming down Annette's cheeks and Percival looked ready to vomit.

"Someone," I practically shrieked, panic and desperation taking over my body, "someone get a doctor! The king has been poisoned!" 

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