The Perfect Knight

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Author's Note: Sharing this utterly adorable pic of Vandel from @yoko_hanmazen on IG for this weeks fanart. As always, if you want to send any fanart my way you can send it to my Instagram @captaincleanfreak ! Seeing your fanart always makes my day! Also, WARNING, the later half of this chapter does contain some NSWF content so if you're uncomfortable reading NSWF content feel free to skip it!


We finally drew back from one another and I could feel Ridley clinging tightly to my shoulders. Slowly, I lifted my head to meet his gaze.

"I'm...I'm sorry about the things I said when you came to rescue me," he said softly. "I didn't mean them." He pulled me tighter and I melted into his touch. "To think I'd say something so cruel at the cost of hurting you..."

"It's okay," I murmured, gently running my fingers through his hair. "You had every right to say what you did."

He shook his head. "That's not true. You must hate me for it."

"I could never hate you." I grinned at him. "Well, with the exception of our first few interactions when I considered you my greatest enemy."

The corners of Ridley's lips twitched into a shy smile.

"I always thought of you as my greatest enemy as well." He let out a breathy laugh. "Which made me hardly able to stand how horribly attracted to you I was." His face flushed a light shade of pink. "I...I still can't believe the things I used to think about you. I thought you were cruel and evil and heartless..."

"Hey, don't feel too bad about it. Before I actually got to know you, I was a massive dick. I mean... fucking hellfire, I can't believe I seriously tried to force Annette to marry me. What the shit was I thinking?"

"Still...if I hadn't met you who knows if I ever would've changed. M-Maybe I'd be out there killing demons just like...just like him..."

Ridley's expression when he talked about his father made me want to go back in time and kill the bastard all over again for hurting his son like this.

"We aren't our parents," I said firmly, "despite how hard they tried to make us become them. Who knew so many wicked plans would fall apart just because a demon and a human were stupid enough to fall in love?"

Ridley offered me a small smile at that but I could tell the knight was still deeply troubled.

I reached out, gently tucking a few golden curls behind his ear. "What's on your mind?"

"Too much," he said softly. "I want to break free of it all but I just...I feel so trapped in my own thoughts and fears and I just wish there was a way to shut it all off..." he stopped suddenly, his gaze immediately flickering away from mine.

"Ridley...?" I asked slowly.

Ridley remained silent, clearly on edge as he stared down at the floor.

I felt a slight prickle of worry in my gut, unsure of what was causing this reaction.

"Are you okay? Is something wrong..."

Ridley hesitated, letting out a low, shaky breath. When he finally spoke his voice was soft and trembling. "Vandel, could I...request something of you?"

"Anything," I stated without missing a beat.

Ridley swallowed hard, as if determined to look at literally anything that wasn't me.

"Everything I've learned in the last few days has been overwhelming, to say the least. And with this new information about my father....I just...I can't handle it. Everything feels like it's too much. The self doubt, the anger, the betrayal of everything I once believed. I just need to turn it off...if only for a moment. So I wondered if you could..."

He couldn't even manage to finish the sentence, his blush reaching all the way up to the tips of his ears.

"Yes?" I said slowly. "What is it?"

"M-May I say something vulgar...if you wouldn't mind..." Ridley stammered.


Ridley took a deep breath, finally forcing himself to look at me.

"Vandel...could you fuck me?"

My entire face went bright red.

Holy shit, that was most certainly NOT what I had expected him to say.

"'s weird hearing you s-swear..." I stuttered, trying to pretend his words hadn't gone directly to my dick.

"I'm sorry," Ridley said, immediately covering his flushed face with his hands. "I...I told you it was vulgar. I shouldn't have said that-"

"No," I instantly cut in. "I liked it-" I quickly caught myself. "Um...I's nice seeing you let loose and swear like a normal person instead of being the literal saint you always are."

"Oh," Ridley said softly, lowering his hands. "So it okay?"

I swallowed hard.

"Say it again," I whispered hoarsely.

"That I want you to fuck me?"

I nodded quickly.


"You really want to hear me say such shameless things?" Ridley took a step closer, forcing me backwards. "That I want you to fuck me senseless? That I want you to wreck me till I can't think anymore."

"Holy shit," I breathed as Ridley suddenly knocked me down into the chair.

My heart took off racing in my chest as Ridley suddenly straddled my thighs, pinning me beneath him. His mouth moved to my neck, pressing a trail of light kisses down its length causing my breathing to quicken as his fingers slipped beneath my shirt. His nails lightly trailed across the length of my back causing a small shiver to shoot up my spine.

The knight leaned close to my ear now, his voice hoarse.

"Take your jacket off," he said softly. "I'd do it myself but I assume if any harm came to it you'd probably kill me."

"You're right, this cost me a shit ton of-" a small gasp escaped me, causing the words to instantly die in my throat as Ridley suddenly rolled his hips against me. "Y-Yeah I'll take the jacket off!"

I awkwardly fumbled with the golden clasps as I undid them before I finally let the garment slip from my shoulders and fall to the floor.

"This is actually kind of cute," Ridley whispered, his hands moving to slowly unbutton my shirt, exposing my bare skin.

"W-What is?"

"How flustered you are."

I didn't even have time to protest when he suddenly leaned in again, his mouth pressing to mine. I accepted it more hungrily than I would have liked, my entire body aching for more. More of his smell, more of his taste, more of his touch. There was a frantic need inside of me so desperate that it felt like my entire body was about to burn up. And that's when Ridley slipped off of me.

I stared at him, confused. "What are you doing-"

Before I could even finish my sentence Ridley sunk to his knees in front of me.

I stared down at him, eyes wide, hating the fact that my entire body was trembling.

"You don't have to do this," I breathed. "Didn't you want this so you could forget everything. You don't need to do this for fact maybe I should be doing it for you..."

"Vandel," Ridley said softly. The way he said my name was enough to make my heart feel like it was about to jump from my chest. "I want to." With those words his hands slipped beneath my waistband, gently pulling the garment down. A little hiss escaped me at the feeling of the room's cool air against my bare skin.

I found myself averting my gaze from Ridley's, my face embarrassingly flushed. It was strange...before I had never cared about being exposed like this but in this position I felt...well...surprisingly vulnerable.

Luckily, I didn't have much time to think on it because suddenly Ridley was taking me into his mouth and my entire body felt like it was being set ablaze. It was like my mind was turning to mush, every sense becoming consumed by Ridley and Ridley alone.

My hands knotted in his hair, grasping desperately at his golden curls and my hips subconsciously bucked forward, thrusting into his mouth. Ridley took it all beautifully, his ice-blue eyes never leaving mine when I looked to him. The intensity and the fire in them as they held my gaze made me even more painfully aware of how close I already was. From within the heat and haze of my arousal I remembered my purpose here. I wanted to help Ridley forget, if only for a moment.

"Hey," I rasped between hitched breaths. "I want you...I want you so fucking bad...I want to be inside you..." I gave him a small smile, still struggling to speak. "You asked me to fuck you till you couldn't think, right? Let me deliver on that promise."

Slowly, Ridley's mouth slipped off of me with an all too satisfying pop. He wiped his mouth with one hand before looking back up at me with an expression that was far too virginal given the circumstances.

The knight slowly slipped his shirt up over his shoulders now, exposing that frustratingly perfect body of his. As his hands moved to his waistband he glanced to me, a familiar blush spreading across his cheeks.

"Would you mind looking away for a moment? I'm still not as confident as you are with...uh...with..."

I nodded, immediately ripping my gaze from him, my heart still pounding like it had a vengeance.

As I heard the light thud of the last of his garments hitting the floor I slipped my hand into the dimensional pocket, hastily wetting my fingers with the thick substance from within the vial.

"Okay," Ridley finally said, his voice soft. "I think I'm ready."

I swallowed hard as the knight straddled me once more, my entire body feeling feverishly warm.

"I'm going to touch you...are you sure that's alright?" I asked, looking up to meet his gaze.

Ridley gave me a small smile. "If it's with you, always."

The words sent off a cage of butterflies in my stomach.

Finally my fingers breached him. I felt Ridley arch against me, a breathy gasp escaping him that set my blood on fire. I worked him open slowly, causing Ridley's arms to wrap around my shoulders, shuddering and whimpering softly at each touch.

Fuck...someone shouldn't be allowed to be this perfect.

Ridley looked to me now, his voice breathless. "Can I...can I put it in....I need...I need..."

I nodded frantically. "Of fucking course."

With his trembling legs on either side of my hips, Ridley lined himself up with me. A small whimper escaped him as he worked it in and if my body hadn't already felt like it was on fire it sure as hell felt ready to explode now.

I gripped his thighs tightly as I brought my hips down, rolling them back up again slowly. Ridley's breath hitched and he buried his face against my shoulder, his breathing frantic and desperate as I moved into him. He shuddered and gasped at each movement, his chest rising and falling rapidly as if he was struggling for each breath.

Both our feverish bodies and heartbeats fell in time with one another. Every sound he made at each thrust of my hips made me want him more than I ever thought possible. I could feel the sting of Ridley's nails digging into my back, his body pressed tightly against me, unable to bite back each desperate whimper and moan.

"Ridley..." I whispered, "look at me."

Slowly, the knight lifted his head, ice-blue eyes locking with mine.

Ridley's entire body was flushed, tousled golden curls damp with sweat, falling into his eyes.

"Who gave you the right..." I murmured, "to be this fucking beautiful?"

And with that our lips brushed together once more and I found myself, as always, completely consumed by Ridley and Ridley alone. 

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