The Tantrum Part 2

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Author's Note:

Thank you to @theunenthusiastic on Instagram for this amazing art of the trio!


Two months flew by like it was nothing and I was quickly approaching the hour in which I would return once more to the human kingdom.

I made my way down the hall now, heading towards my room to make sure I had everything in order before I made the trip. Suddenly I spied someone at the other end of the hallway and immediately came to a halt. Standing there was a hooded figure, coming nearer.

I tensed.

Was this the mysterious man the rumors said was conspiring with my mother? I had never thought the rumors to be true but a giant black hood was most certainly not business casual attire, even for a demon.

I vaguely remembered lord Lyell telling me that my mother had instructed no one to engage with him. I was about to continued past him when suddenly, to my shock, the hooded figure turned and started making his way directly towards me. I attempted to brush past him when suddenly he yanked down his hood and I found myself frozen in shock.

"Nice to see you again Vandel," prince Stefan said, bowing his head.

My heart was pounding so fast that I could practically hear it thundering in my ears as I tried to piece together just what the fuck I was seeing before me. Despite the fact that my mind was currently racing a hundred miles an hour I did my best to make sure my expression betrayed nothing when I spoke.

"Stefan, why the fuck are you here?" I said, attempting to keep my voice as level as I could.

The prince offered me a small smile. "Your mother sent for me. I'm an important asset in a plan of hers."

"Well she never mentioned it to me," I snapped.

"She probably didn't want to get you worked up over it. We didn't part on the best of terms last time, did we?"


Stefan's gaze darted nervously around the empty hall. "Please lower your voice, what if someone hears you?"

I crossed my arms. "Not like it's my fucking problem. I was able to be civil to you at the haunting ball because the humans were around but there's nothing stopping me now fuckface!" With those words I grabbed the head off a suit of armor that had been propped up against the wall and flung it at him.

Stefan narrowly dodged it, allowing the helmet to loudly clatter to the floor.

"Okay, okay," Stefan said, holding up his hands as if he was preparing to surrender. "You're angry...understandably so. But please, just let me try to explain myself. Obviously you must have realized things are different now that your mother has allowed me into the demon palace."

"Yeah, yeah explain yourself all you want. It still doesn't change this," I snarled. As I spoke I allowed the glamor spell I kept on myself at all time to fade for a brief moment, fully displaying the long scar that ran across the length of my neck.

Stefan tensed immediately when he saw it. "Vandel...I'm...I'm sorry."

"Really? Because you didn't seem sorry when you fucking SLIT MY THROAT IN MY SLEEP!!!"

Stefan visibly cringed at my words, keeping his head lowered. "I was young and...I know it doesn't make sense why I did what I did but...I promise...there's more to it then you think--"

"I SAVED YOUR GODDAMN LIFE!!!!!" I snatched the arm from the suit of armor now, hurling it at him. It slammed against the wall a few inches from his head.

"Your aim is really awful, you know that right-"


Stefan seemed to collect himself now, meeting my gaze. "Listen Vandel, just let me speak. Things are different now. I went to Pecore immediately after well...the incident between us. I felt horrible guilt over what I did, when I heard word that you were alright I nearly cried with relief."

I met Stefan with a blank glare. "Thanks."

"Then, as time passed, I began to realize there was a gaping hole in my life, a constant ache for someone who wasn't at my side. And then suddenly I realized..."

"Don't you dare say what I think you're going to say."

"It was you."


Stefan took a deep breath. "Vandel...I realized in these past five years I've fallen in love with you."

I nearly gagged. "Are you FUCKING SERIOUS?!?!?!"

Stefan nodded, almost violently. "Yes! When I ran into you at the Haunting Ball last year it took almost everything in me to not pull you away from the crowd and confess then-"

"Fucking hellfire! Do you fucking hear yourself!?! Do you realize how fucking ridiculous you sound?"

"All men in love sound ridiculous-"


"Do you really need to say fuck between almost every word-"

"Abso-FUCKING-lutely!" I took a deep breath, attempting to calm myself somewhat. "So let me get this shit straight. You knew me for only a month when you were sixteen, when you were still a CHILD might I add. I rescued you, nursed you back to health, and then you repaid me by stabbing me in the fucking back...well...throat I suppose. Then, you show up years later saying you've fallen in love with me. Don't you hear how fucking crazy that sounds? Why the hell would my mother even allow you back here?"

"Because I begged her upon returning. I told her I'd do anything, betray my kingdom, grovel like a worm at her feet, all I wanted was a chance to make up for what I did to you. You know your mother can see into minds, she knew I wasn't lying. In fact, she could see just how deeply my love for you was. That's why..." he took a deep breath. "Vandel she said if I helped her with her plans I could marry you."

"Pfffft HAHAHAHHAHA, She said WHAT?!?!" I could hardly speak I had begun laughing so hard. I had literal tears in my eyes.

Stefan stiffened. "Why...why are you laughing?"

I could hardly speak between wheezing laughs. "It's fucking mother would ever marry me....her only prince nobody whose not even the heir to the throne." I straightened, wiping away the tears from the laughter. I met Stefan's gaze now, my expression turning serious. "She's playing you Stefan. If you haven't realized that by now then you're just plain stupid."

Stefan's hands curled into fists. "You're wrong."

I shrugged. "You'll see. Trust me, your life will be way better if you just drop this stupid infatuation with me and never come within my sight again."

"You don't understand how much I love you Vandel. Nothing will ever stop me from being with you."

I met him with a cold, unflinching gaze. "Well unfortunately Stefan I don't give two shits about you anymore. Now if you'll excuse me I have some very important business with someone I actually do care about." And with that I brushed harshly past him. I stopped for a beat, arching a single brow. "And by the way...why would I ever want to be with someone who's spending his time attempting to fornicate with the enemy instead of being there for his own father's birthday?" I didn't even give Stefan a single glance back before I made my way down the hall, leaving him gaping after me. 

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