The Trial

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Author's Note: Thank you to @dorkii_stuff on IG for this incredible art of Vandel and Ridley from the 'Two Enemies, One Bed 'chapter! The idea of Ridley and Vandel having Snapchat is so adorable! I'm sure Vandel would use his to just keep posting nonstop outfit of the day selfies. 


Ridley stumbled back upon seeing the princess, covering his mouth with his hands. His body had begun trembling, almost violently.

The princess didn't react and just simply stood there, holding the knife as if she was in a daze.

"Princess," Ridley practically screamed, his voice hoarse, "what did you do..."

At the sound of Ridley's voice the doors burst open as the knights from outside reacted to the sound.

"Ridley is everything alright....OH MY GODS!" A look of horror had come over their faces upon seeing the horrific sight from within the room.

That's when Annette's expression suddenly changed.

It was as if her vision was coming back into focus. Slowly her gaze drifted downwards towards the knife and it immediately slipped from her bloodied hands.

Tears began streaming down her cheeks. " did I...." Her entire face had gone ashen and she looked like she was about to vomit. "He's my could I...h-how could I have..." her gaze fell to Ridley now, her eyes wild. "Ridley, you have to believe me, this isn't what it seems. can't be-"

I had no idea if it was the shock, guilt or horror that was too much for her to bear. Perhaps she was even faking it, but after that statement the princess's eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fainted.


The throne room was crowded. People from all over Alteria had crammed themselves into every nook and cranny of the space for a chance to witness even a glimpse of the trial of the crown princess.

I stood there, shifting nervously besides Thomas and Erica, the two knights who had been standing guard that night.

Stefan sat on the throne now, the place once occupied by his late father. He had returned almost immediately upon receiving news of his father's death and was currently overseeing the trial seeing as the king was dead and the heir to the throne was quite possibly his murderer.

Stefan's gaze fell to us now. "Ridley, Erica, Thomas, would you please step forward." Awkwardly the three of us shifted towards the center of the room. I could feel the eyes on us, seething into our backs. I hated the feeling, my entire stomach twisting to knots. As I moved my gaze locked with Annette.

She looked awful.

She still wore the clothes from last night. They were wrinkled, the blood that had stained the sleeves long since dried. Her hair was a mess and it looked like she hadn't slept all night.

The princess stood there, arms bound tightly behind her back with a knight at each side. Her once protectors now her captors. Her gaze seared into me, helpless and begging. I knew Annette well, we had grown up together after all. She would have never done something like this. She had to be innocent. I had no idea how but I was determined to prove it to Stefan.

The prince looked to the three of us now. "So, Thomas, Erica you two were in charge of guarding my father the night of the murder?"

The two knights nodded.

"Yes my prince," Erica said, bowing her head. "We were there all night."

"And how many people were allowed into the room?" Stefan asked, arching a dark brow.

"Four," Thomas answered. "First it was only the doctor. He then allowed princess Annette and the queen entry. Eventually as the night went on the queen and doctor left when he was stabilized but the princess decided to stay. I had thought she was simply there to be a proper daughter but now I see it was all part of her plan. Ridley was the last person to go in. The murder had already occurred by the time he entered."

Stefan's gaze drifted to me. "Ridley is this true?"

I nodded stiffly. "Yes."

"And Erica, Thomas, you never were alerted that a murder was taking place while you were on guard?"

The two knights hung their heads in shame.

"No my lord," Erica said meekly.

Thomas perked up a bit. "But it's not our fault. If anything it proves the princess was the killer. The king obviously didn't see her as a threat. If he was asleep when she killed him she could have done it without even making a sound."

Stefan nodded. "That does make sense. So Ridley, what exactly did you see when you entered into the room?"

I swallowed hard. "Princess Annette covered in blood holding a knife." My gaze darted to Annette for a moment. "But it's important to note, she was acting strangely. She wasn't herself. Her eyes seemed blurred and unfocused like she was in a trance-"

"Thank you Ridley," Stefan said, cutting me off. The prince looked now to Annette. "Sister, what defense do you have? How can you explain this?"

Annette was trembling. Her voice wavered when she spoke as if she was about to cry. "I...I don't know. I...I can't seem to remember anything until I looked down and saw the bloody knife. You must believe me Stefan. You know I'd never do something like this. He was my father. I loved him."

Stefan's gaze had darkened. "He was my father too," he said, his voice cold. "And I'm sorry sister but 'I don't remember' isn't a particularly good defense. We held this trial as a courtesy because, despite all this, you're still my sister but the evidence just seems to keep stacking up. You're a murderer Annette and I am ashamed to call myself your flesh and blood."

Tears had begun to well in Annette's eyes. "Please, Stefan, it's some sort of set up. You have to believe me."

"The only set up was your ability to trick everyone around you into thinking you weren't a monster," Stefan snapped. A group of advisors stood gathered around Stefan and they leaned close to him now. The entire throne room fell silent, everyone holding their breath in anticipation.

My heart was pounding so fast that I was worried everyone around me would be able to hear it.

Finally Stefan drew back from them, leaning forward in his throne. His gaze locked on Annette, harsher than I had ever seen it.

"Sister," Stefan said, his voice cold and unwavering. "I have consulted with my associates and we have come to an agreement. You...princess Annette, will be sentenced to death for the murder of our father, king Alphonse the third."

The entire throne practically exploded with noise now. Cheers rang out from many, sounds of shock rippled through others.

My heart sunk, panic taking over my entire body.

I bound forward. "Stefan, please!" I begged. I had to practically scream over all the noise to be heard. "The princess didn't do this! It makes no sense! What could she possibly gain from this murder? Why kill the king in a place where you would be the only suspect? Someone else was behind this. Stefan please-"

The prince's gaze fell to me now. "Ridley, you're like a brother to me so please don't take this the wrong way, but you're an idiot if you still believe my sister to be innocent. She manipulated you the same way she manipulated everyone else around her. Your theories are simply a way to justify to yourself that the person you grew up with and cared about wasn't just a facade. I'm sorry Ridley but murderers must be punished. If I didn't follow the rules of this land, even though the criminal in question is my own sister, then I would have no right to be king. It's hard for me too." His gaze turned from me now, falling back to Annette. "Take her away, and have her locked in the dungeon. I don't want to see my murderous 'sister' again until it's time for her to finally pay for her crimes."

And with that the knights grabbed Annette by either side, dragging her away. Tears streamed down the princesses cheeks but she didn't protest.

I stared after her, trying my best to fight back the stinging sensation in my own eyes. Annette was innocent. I knew it.

I would find a way to prove it.

I was going to save her.

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