Visions of Glory

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I stood in front of the mirror as I glanced over my appearance for at least the 6th time that day.

"This is it," I whispered softly to myself, "this is the day you finally tell Annette how you really feel." My gaze flickered to my hair now. It fell loosely to my ears and despite myself I found myself ruffling it in some feeble attempt to mimic Ridley's natural curls. It didn't work...obviously. I shook my head at my reflection now. What the hell was I doing?

I took a deep breath, attempting to keep my hands from trembling as I finally left my bedroom, making my way through the hallway. It had taken me all night to build up the courage to finally go and see her so I assumed she was probably in her room. Ridley and I had been friends with her ever since we were children and had often stopped by for innocent late night visits together so I was sure coming now wouldn't be too intrusive. I made my way down the hall, my nerves twisting my stomach to knots.

There were two guards stationed outside her door as custom. As I approached, I recognized them as Oliver and Eliza.

I looked to them now, trying to disguise how much I felt like throwing up. "Hello," I mumbled nervously. "I was just wondering if I could request a quick audience with the princess?"

Oliver and Eliza exchanged a nervous glance.

"I don't think that's a good idea..." Oliver said slowly.

I blinked, "why not?"

Eliza fidgeted uncomfortably. "Percy...I'm not exactly sure how to break this to you but..."

Oliver looked to Eliza now. "Oh don't tell him, he's going to be so upset."

"He's going to find out eventually, isn't he?" Eliza said softly, crossing her arms.

"Find out what?" I asked, my blood turning to ice water.

Oliver sighed heavily. "She's...already entertaining a guest at the moment."

"A male one," Eliza added.

My eyes widened in a slightly confused panic. "How is that possible? The only men she'd ever let in would be me, Stefan or Ridley."

This caused yet another nervous glance between the two.

"W-What is it....?" I stammered, feeling like I was about to vomit.

Oliver sighed heavily. "That's the thing...Ridley's the one in there. And judging by the way he was talking to the princess I have a feeling he might have...similar intentions to you."

The shock hit me first, then the disbelief. "No..." I whispered hoarsely. "There's no way. Ridley isn't like that. He doesn't have feelings for the princess romantically. In fact, I doubt he could ever develop romantic feelings for anyone. All he cares about is being a knight. I'm sorry but I just can't believe you. It's not plausible."

Oliver and Eliza exchanged yet another glance before Oliver suddenly lowered his voice. "Okay, listen...I know we shouldn't do this but...Percy you need to see this. Chasing someone you can never have, it's just not fair to you." And with those words Oliver opened the door a crack.

I peered into the room and what I saw inside made my heart feel like it was about to leap into my throat.

Everything was exactly as they had said.

There on the bed was Ridley. He sat beside Annette, a gentle smile on his face. I had never seen Ridley make an expression like that. They were talking in hushed voices. My breathing quickened, my heart pounding in my ears. This was probably just some kind of misunderstanding. Ridley and I had just spoken this morning. Maybe he'd decided to tell Annette she should be with me. That had to be it! He was my best friend, of course he wouldn't have just left things like they were this morning. He knew I loved Annette and he was going to finally help me be with her-

And that's when Ridley suddenly leaned across the bed and kissed her.

In that one moment I felt like the world had just shattered around me.

I couldn't think....I couldn't breath...I felt like I was suffocating. I jerked away from the door.

Oliver lowered his head, softly shutting it. "Percy...I'm sorry."

"I can't..." I stammered, "I can't talk right now...I just need to be...I need some time to...fuck...I just need some fucking time." And with that I took off down the hallway. The burn of tears had already begun to stream down my cheeks but I ignored them as I ran, my shoulders shaking.

I made it outside, slamming myself up against the castle wall before crumpling to the ground. I buried my face in my hands now, beginning to sob hysterically. This wasn't fair...this wasn't fucking fair. How could he do this to me? And now something else overtook the sadness. An anger. It was an anger that I had never felt before, it burned my chest and made me want to punch something...punch him. My hands fell to my side, curling into fists.

Ridley had betrayed me.

I couldn't let this stand.

Why did it always have to be this way? Ridley always got everything without ever even trying while I was left with nothing.


I'd had enough.

And that's when a memory suddenly raced through my mind. It had been months ago but I still remembered it clear as day. The night of the Haunting Ball Prince Vandel had come to me and offered me a deal. If I acted as an informant for the demons I would be a hero. I could help end the war between the demons and the humans. What had Vandel said I could be...Percival the Peace Bringer? I could be the hero and Ridley...Ridley would be nothing. A name stamped out in the dust, overshadowed by me. I couldn't help but feel a small grin spreading over my features at the thought. Vandel has said all I'd need to do was to go straight to the demon palace. Slowly I rose to my feet, wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

Fuck Ridley.

It was almost time for the age of Percival.


The moment our lips parted I jerked back immediately. "I knew it..." I whispered hoarsely. "You're not Ridley."

The person sitting beside me, who was most certainly not the boy I had been in love with for years, smiled thinly. "Oh, was it that obvious?" He chuckled.

I nodded, slowly. "It was suspicious enough that you came here alone and the fact that you were what set me off first."

The not Ridley arched a brow. "Ah, so he's not charming? I suppose I misread him."

"He may seem that way in front of strangers but anyone close to him knows how stuffy and awkward Ridley can get. You weren't even flustered in the slightest being in a room alone with me. That should have been evidence enough. However...I wanted to be completely sure. That's why I let you kiss me. The real Ridley..." my gaze fell to the floor, "he would never have...he wouldn't have kissed me so easily."

"So you knew I wasn't your precious knight yet you still let me into your room, you still let me kiss you..." the not Ridley smirked. "Do you know what I think princess? I think deep down you still wanted it to be true. You wanted to let the possibility of the fantasy being real last until you had undeniable proof that the boy beside you wasn't your true love."

I lifted my head to glare at the person beside me now. "Stop trying to play mind games with me," I said firmly. "Who the hell are you? There's nothing stopping me from calling in my guards and having you taken away this instant."

The not Ridley stood up, giving me only a small shrug. "You're not going to do that."

I crossed my arms, a swell of anger rising in my chest at this thing for trying to play me for an idiot. "And why the hell not?"

"Listen princess," the not Ridley sneered. "I already got what I came for. I'm about to walk out of your room like nothing happened and you're going to let me. And you want to know why? It's because I happen to know exactly where your real Ridley is and if you don't do what I say my people will make sure he's slaughtered."

I swallowed hard. Damn it. I had no idea if this creature was lying or not but the idea that by arresting it I could put Ridley in danger turned my stomach to knots. This monster had said it already got what it came for but what the hell had it actually wanted? All it had done was kiss me. Was that its goal? Nothing seemed to make sense. No matter what, the most important thing to me was keeping Ridley safe. I couldn't risk putting him in danger.

Finally I let out a low sigh. "Alright," I said softly, "you may depart."

The not Ridley offered me a twisted smile, an expression that looked horribly wrong on Ridley's gentle face. "Thank you so much oh so gracious princess," he all but hissed. He gave me a mocking bow, his eyes turning black for a beat before returning back to the same blue as Ridley's.

I stiffened slightly. "'re a demon of some kind?"

The creature was almost to the door, that same awful smile still plastered to his face. "Why of course princess."

"So what are you? A spy? A informant?"

The creature shook his head. "Oh no darling nothing as lowly as that." He chuckled. "Sometimes a queen needs to get her own hands dirty once in awhile."

And with that the creature slammed the door. 

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