To a school

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We see a car driving to a school through town as we see a woman driving it as she looks at two boys at the back.

Carol: Boys you remember what I said about using your powers here?

(Y/N): Yes, use them when there's trouble.

Carol: And you can't let anyone know about them, I'm sorry but it's not like back home. Here there aren't a lot of heroes here.

(Y/N): I know mom, but me and K.O. both are kinda sad we had to move from Lakewood.

K.O.: Yeah but won't we get to see our friends again, like Rad and Enid?

Carol: I'm sure peanut, and (Y/N) you need to  remember to keep an eye on your little brother. I may have him enrolling in the school you're in.

(Y/N): Yes mom. I still don't get why we moved from Lakewood to here.

Carol: Well there are other places that could use help there.

We then see it pull up to a school.

Carol: Ok boys have fun.

(Y/N): Yeah nothing more fun than being in a school...full of normal people. I'm being sarcastic in case you're wondering.

Carol: I see that, but you need to watch your attitude (Y/N).

(Y/N): Sorry it's just... *sigh* Lakewood is pretty awesome, meeting new heros and fighting robots, what more can a hero ask for.

Carol: I know you miss Lakewood, but try to at least make new friends here.

(Y/N): Ok mom.

We then see her drive off as they both looked at Metropolis high.

K.O.: (Y/N) you think everyone would be friends with me, even though I'm a kid.

(Y/N): Hey don't worry kid if you could make friends back at Lakewood then you can make friends here. But we need to remember mom's rule, we can only use our powers for emergencies.

K.O.: Got it big bro.

(Y/N): Okay. *Sigh* I miss Lakewood.

K.O.: Me too. But hey we can make new friends here.

(Y/N): Yeah your right.

You then heard someone talking as you turned to see a girl talking with a person in a car.

Kara: I don't get why I'm being punished for something I didn't do.

Martha: And we hear you say that you "didn't do it" Kara let's reframe our thinking.

Kara then groaned at what she said.

(Y/N): Don't try and sugar coat it, it's not working.

K.O.: *jumps to Kara's face* Hi I'm K.O.

Kara: Aah! Hey, get off of me!

(Y/N): Woah K.O *gets K.O off her face*  sorry about him that's my little brother he's a bit excited.

K.O.: Sorry.

Kara: It's cool little dude.

(Y/N): Anyway I'm (Y/N) me and my little brother just moved here with our mom.

Kara: What's her job?

K.O.: Our mommy is a trainer

(Y/N): She used to help train people in fitness.

Kara: So she's a fitness teacher?

(Y/N): Yeah that, So you're not from this planet are you?

Kara: How do you know that?

K.O.: We have a friend that was from space.

(Y/N): Yeah well we'll see you later.

Kara: Later.

She then walked to the school as a bus came and students came out as one of them fell and dropped many things as she tried to pick them up as you and K.O. came to help her as another girl in a purple bat themed hoodie came as well.

K.O.: Hi, my name's K.O.

Babs: I'm Babs.

Karen: *whispers* Karen.

(Y/N): Nice to meet you.

K.O.: Me and my brother just moved here with our mommy *picks up a piece of the bumblebee armor* Huh?

Karen: *takes the armor piece* Thank you.

She then walked to the school.

K.O.: Was that a glove?

(Y/N): I think it was.

Babs: So what was your old home like?

(Y/N): Well me and my brother worked at a bodega in a plaza and we got to meet many new friends there.

Babs: That's cool.

Then a limo came as a girl came out from it.

Zee: Bye daddy.

Then we saw the girl's dad as he was holding a backpack.

Mr. Zatara: Zee you forgot your backpack.

We then see Zee suddenly had her backpack in her hand.

Zee: Thanks daddy toodles.

Then you and K.O. both looked at it with wide eyes.

(Y/N): And I'm guessing she has magic.

K.O.: You think she's a witch, like Enid.

(Y/N): Hmm I don't think so she doesn't have a witch hat.

K.O.: Maybe she left it at home.

(Y/N): Maybe.

We then see the two of you walk in the school as the students saw Ko and began to wonder why a kid his age was attending metropolis high as you and K.O then see a girl in green with what looked to be a power ring as she was talking to a boy.

Jessica: Hal I told you I don't believe in the lantern corps, they're methods are too extreme.

Hal: I don't make the rules.

Then he noticed you and K.O. looking at them as you made you and K.O. look like you both were reading your class assignments as you then looked back at them and saw Jessica holding her ring.

Jessica: Take it I don't want it.

Hal: No Jess, they chose you.

K.O.: Hi there my name's K.O.

They both looked to see K.O. as you saw him there and realized he wasn't with you anymore as you came to him.

(Y/N): K.O. remember what mom told us you can't go by yourself like that.

K.O.: Sorry.

(Y/N): Sorry about that my little brother just likes to make friends.

Jessica: That's ok.

Then she noticed K.O. was holding a book.

Jessica: What's with the book?

K.O.: Oh this is my card collection.

Hal: Card collection?

(Y/N): Yeah me and K.O. both like to collect cards back home.

Hal: What kind of cards do you both collect?

(Y/N): Oh we both collect...normal playing cards.

Jessica: Oh well that's pretty interesting.

K.O.: We can show you some if you like.

(Y/N): But now isn't really a good time, since we have class to get to.

You then took K.O. and walked off.

K.O.: Why couldn't we show our cards to them?

(Y/N): Well it's different around here and they probably don't have pow cards around here.

K.O.: Oh. Do you think the cafeteria has spaghetti?

(Y/N): Yeah probably.

We then see you both sitting at a table as you both saw the girls that you met from earlier as you then heard Kara laughing and then she got hit with spaghetti as she wiped it off and looked around to see who did it.

K.O.: (Y/N), there aren't any olives in this spaghetti is there?

(Y/N): No I know you don't like olives and you're thinking of pizza.

K.O.: Oh.

Then you saw Karen got hit by a burger thrown by Kara as she then threw another only for it to be hit with a tray by Jess.

Jessica: Leave her alone you big bully!

Zee: My hair.

You and K.O. saw it hit Zee as it was in her hair.

K.O.: Uh oh.

Zee: My... HAIR!

Then she grabbed a carton and threw it at Kara as she ducked and it hit Jessica as Babs then got on a table.

Babs: Food fight!

Then everyone began to throw food around as you then flipped the table you and Ko were sitting and used it as cover as you had K.O. in your arms as you began to sneak off from the fight but then got caught in it as we see a teacher come in and saw the mess going on.

Mr Chapin: Enough. *gets hit with food* I said enough!

Then all the students saw him and we're about to  point at you Ko and the girls all until to gave them a scary glare which made them point at themselves and looked at mr Chapin normally

(Y/N): Just to clear up my brother and I had nothing to do with this.

K.O.: It's true honest mr...

Chapin: Chapin.

K.O.: Ok, hi Mr. Chapin I'm K.O. and that's my big brother (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hi.

Chapin: Nice to meet you now then everyone except you eight detention.

We then see you go to a classroom as you, your brother and the girls were the only ones in the room since the rest of the students were in detention.

K.O.: Thanks for saving us from getting detention don't think mommy would like me being in detention on our first day.

(Y/N): Anytime kid.

Zee: I hope some of you have good attorneys.

Kara: What are you gonna do? sue me cause I have a better aim than you?

Jessica: Let's not start fighting again.

Karen: If I offended anyone I am really sorry.

Then you saw the door open as Mr Chapin was with a truant officer.

Truant officer: We found her just walking around the streets

Chapin: Well why don't you join the other students.

We then see the person go into the classroom as the door closes and the person took her cloak off to reveal a girl wearing armor.

K.O.: *gasps* Is she... a hero?

(Y/N): I think so.

Babs: the Wonder Woman.

Kara: That's no Wonder Woman that's just some dumb cosplay girl.

Diana: I am no girl. I am Diana, Princess of the Amazons. I alone survived the 21 tests of Athena and Aphrodite, so I am dubbed as a woman.

Kara: Trust me Princess you do not want to start with me.

Diana: Is this a challenge?

Kara: For you maybe.

(Y/N): Should we try to stop them?

K.O.: Can I at least see how she fights?

(Y/N): Alright but if it gets way out of hand we stop this.

Diana: Very well I shall allow you first strike.

Kara: okay but you asked for it.

Then we see Kara as she threw a punch but Diana only moved out of the way.

Diana: Again!

Then we see Kara trying to punch her as Diana blocked it and kicked Kara sending her a few feet away as she then blew her hair and dusted herself off as she then tried to punch Diana as she kept dodging her moves as she was trying to punch her.

Kara: Why don't you just stand still?

She then punched Diana as she was sent through a wall as she crashed through it as you and the others gasped at that.

(Y/N): Dude!

Kara then came to the hole to check on Diana.

Kara: Oh, my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. Are you all—

Then Diana came out of the hole ok as she then began to fight Kara as the two began to throw things around as you and the others watched as Babs was smiling with hearts in her eyes as Kara and Diana charged at each other only for a green spring to block them and push them back.

Jessica: Stop this, fighting is never the answer.

Karen: Yes!

We then see her putting on a makeshift armor.

Karen: The answer is *squeaky voice* running away.

She then shrunk and flew off as Kara came to Diana only for a flying power fist to hit her.

K.O.: I was only supposed to use my powers for emergencies.

(Y/N): Well everyone fighting in a classroom, that equals an emergency.

We then see the brawl going on as Zee was still in her seat.

Zee: Teacher's coming.

Then you all stopped doing what you were doing and then began trying to clean up the room as K.O. was seen running super fast cleaning up as the classroom was then back to what it was before the fight. Then Mr Chapin came into the room and saw everyone sitting in their desks smiling.

Mr. Chapin: Everything alright in here?

(Y/N): Yes sir.

Mr. Chapin: Good I forgot my-

K.O.: Keys, they're hanging on that rack right there.

Mr.Chapin: Oh thanks.

K.O.: Just happy I can help.

Then we see Chapin take the keys and leave the room as Babs then looks at you all.

Babs: A Ha! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew you were super.

K.O.: You did?

Babs: Yes I saw Kara dent that car and no person can slam a door that hard and Karen drop her metal thingies and Zee had her backpack all of a sudden and you and your brother were talking about some kind of card thing and Jess was talking to some cute boy about a ring and corps thing so my plan was to start a food fight so we all would bet detention but I didn't go for the account of (Y/N) keeping us from getting it and Wonder Woman i wasn't expecting her which is a big bonus so my plan was to get you all riled up and forced to reveal that your superheros.

(Y/N): Seriously?

K.O.: Your a hero too?

Babs: Yeah the one and only batgirl.

(Y/N): Well your plan did work a bit and you guys are heroes.

Kara: How come you and K.O. aren't shocked?

(Y/N): Cause where we're from, heroes are a normal thing.

Jessica: You and K.O. are both heroes?

K.O.: Yeah and our mommy is a hero too.

(Y/N): We work at a hero bodega and fight evil robots from boxmore.

Kara: Boxmore?

(Y/N): It's a business that is owned by a villain named lord Boxman that regularly attacks the bodega.

Jessica: And that's normal for you two?

(Y/N): Yep it's just a Monday for us when fighting robots.

K.O.: And we both have Pow cards, see? *shows them his pow card*

Jessica: So those are the cards you and your brother collect?

(Y/N): Yep. My hero level is 14 while K.O. is level 3.

Kara: But why do you two work at a place for heroes?

(Y/N): It's my brother's dream and I have to at least be there to keep an eye on him even though he is a hero I do have to keep him safe. Plus I also have my own powers

Kara: Like what?

(Y/N): Like this.

You then made a power fist like K.O's

(Y/N): this is one of the powers I have, the other is power mimicry.

Babs: Power mimicry?

(Y/N): It's when I copy someone else's power. Like mom. It works when me and mom see someone using their powers

Kara: Soo you and your mom can copy powers?

(Y/N): Yes. Mom was a trainer in the plaza at a place called the fitness dojo.

Kara: She's a hero fitness teacher?

K.O.: Yep.

Jessica: Your dad must be proud of that.

K.O.: We don't have a dad.

(Y/N): And we really don't know who our dad is or was back then.

Kara: Oh, you both never saw your dad.

(Y/N): Yeah, but mom always told us that our dad was a great hero.

Jessica: Well whoever you're father was he must have been a good man.

(Y/N): Thanks.

K.O.: *Gasps* Maybe we can all be heroes and protect Metropolis.

Zee:. I am a magician, not a cop.

K.O.: A magician, I thought you were a witch.

Zee: Do I look like a witch to you?

K.O.: Maybe, I have a friend back at Lakewood who's a witch.

(Y/N): And you do use magic.

Zee: And who is this witch friend of yours?

K.O.: Enid one of our best friends.

(Y/N): And not only is she a witch she's also a ninja.

Kara: So she's a witch ninja?

(Y/N): Yep.

Kara: We'll I'm not being a hero every time I use my powers I get in trouble.

Jessica: I'm not fighting anyone.

Karen: I'm not really good at it.

Diana: Cowards! I speak of destiny. The same mantle of greatness the gods bestowed upon me, they have also bestowed upon you.

Babs: Plus, come on, you guys! How can you not be excited about heroes and villains and fighting crime and hidden lairs and secret identities and stuff?

(Y/N): She's not wrong.

Zee: Um, the trick with secret identities, my dear, is that, in order to remain secret, one must convincingly pass as a normal human being.

(Y/N): Ok that is a fair point.

Babs: Okay, tell you what. You guys give being a team a teensie try, she'll teach us how to be heroes and you can give her a makeover. Deal?

Zee: *sighs* Who am I to say no to a makeover.

Karen: I'll give it a try.

Jessica: Good for you I'll try too but only to support and encourage Karen's brave decision.

Then you all looked at Kara as Ko came to her face.

K.O.:  Please?

Kara: Fine just get out of my face

Babs: Then it's settled then super awesome superhero-ness here we come.

And Done!

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