Chapter Four

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-Hana POV-

There he is, lying before me. A monitor slowly beeping, pipes coming from all over his body. It's my fault that he's here, he defended me against the rex and was willing to die. Why? Why did he risk his life for me? I sigh holding onto his hand. "You still here child?" Zenith walks in and straightens his suit, now in human form he is much less intimidating. "I used their feel that way about someone once." He leans against the wall. "Believe it or not. I fell in love with a human." He smirks. "But then he took her. She's dead now. Yet I live on, and will continue to live on for billions of years." He smiles at me. "Don't let anything happen to him. You'll regret it. I'd suggest telling him soon." Zenith leaves his red eyes glistening, as he leaves Zakik the cat enters and looks down at Y/N from his pillow. Zak's crimson eyes glare between us both and he places a paw on Y/N's face. He blinks then leaves. A tear leaves my eye and climbs down my cheek. "Why? Why did you do that? You idiot!" I sob into the mattress, the explosion has put him into a coma. "It's all my fault. If I had just stayed with them. H-he'd be fine." There's something I need to do.

Running down the corridor I head to Zenith's room, everything decorated in an old English style. "I know why you're here. Revenge won't solve anything. It won't wake him up." He tells me looking across his huge bookshelf. "I don't care. I need something to kill Dr Primeval!" I snarl at him. Turning to face me he seems sorrowful. "We have a MKII Tempest in storage. A mech I think you'll know how to use. More advanced than your outdated model." He sighs "or you can wait. Trust me and know that with my care he will wake up." He's angering me now, there's nothing he can do. He'd of done it already if he could. "There's nothing you can do for him!" I go to leave but he stops me.

"Have you forgotten what I am child? I can heal him. But you can't seek revenge and have me cure him."

"How can you make him better?" I ask on the brink of more tears.

"To do this I need something from both of you. Once started the process can't be stopped."

"Just tell me!" I grow impatient with Zenith's games.

"You both must give up your humanity. I've checked and my normal method won't work. Y/N isn't compatible. So I need you to form a consciousness merge. It's the only way left. I created that Rex and its fire isn't ordinary, slowly it drives the victim insane with a 'mind melt'." He sighs rubbing the bridge of his nose "But at the same time you are compatible. Since you are compatible the consciousness merge will allow you both to share the abilities granted by me."

"I-I don't u-understand." I say confused.

"This" Zenith holds a syringe with a thick black liquid inside it "this is a serum, made from the blood of a creature from another universe. Not me. A beast aged a billion years, age like that comes at a cost, insanity. But it's the only being alive able to resist madness, and even heal from insanity. However there is a side effect-"

"I'll do it." I declare. If it means I can pay him back for what he's done, I'll do it.

"Let me finish. There is a side effect that will only effect you and not him. Since the mind healing will work on you both because of the mind merge, it will not plague him. However you." Zenith sits down and drinks from a teacup "there is a chance you will gain immortality. And I don't mean super healing. I mean total and utter immorality, you will outlive all life on Earth, you will be rendered one of the loneliest creatures in existence. Unique in that aspect, no other version of you will ever encounter the same problem. Just you. Alone forever." What he's just told me, it's hard to take in. But Y/N will have a chance to live his life, either with me or someone else. Either way he'll be happy, and I'll be alone. "I haven't changed my mind. If it means Y/N will live a full life I'll do it." Zenith looks at me and grunts in understanding, or annoyance.

"So be it. But after Y/N has died, whether it be in ten years or eighty either way you must come with me. The blood of that beast is rarely used by me and when it has been used it has dimension changing consequences." He walks over to the window and looks outside, like he can't stand still.

"What will you do with me?"

"Don't worry. Nothing bad. I own an entire company in multiple dimensions. You'll have anything you want, and all you have to do is never return to this dimension. And perhaps most importantly, never make contact with Y/N in other dimensions. It wouldn't be good for either one of you." He walks up to me holding the syringe in his hand, "are you ready?" He asks, his hands much stiffer than mine, which are shaking.

"Yes." I tell him a lump in my throat. The needle slides into my arm just under my rolled up sleeve, the fluid disappears inside me and the world goes black.

-Zenith's POV-

"Stupid girl." I mutter resting her in the armchair. "How much could this boy possibly mean to you?" I groan rubbing my head "that bloody Eternal. And his games. The dinosaur man has been under his influence for a while now." It's unbelievable, the trouble humans go through for each other. "Fascinating." I chuckles. "You will live for a very long time, but don't worry. After Y/N dies you will have everything you need. Hopefully you will be able to give something back to everything. But if not I may have to talk to an old friend again." I look down at her, he's lucky to be cared for by so many. Zakik strolls in and sits on the arm of the chair. He looks at me. "Don't look at me like that. You could've healed him. But you didn't, you drove me to this." Zakik trots off in a displeased manner his tail flicking from side to side. I can sense someone else in the room so I try my fool proof method to identify them. "What is love?"

"Baby don't hurt me."

"Karl you bastard. You're supposed to be in Hell with subject 1087." I growl at the incompetent demon. His red hair now clearly visible. "Chill. I was, I told them the story. You abandoned me now I'm going there. They believe it. My sisters still think you're a bastard." Karl smirks.

"Is Samantha in place?" I ask shredding my human form.

"Yes, she is. Desmond is here. He's still pissed."

"Of course he is. But nobody can know what we have planned. What about subject codename Flames of Remnant?"

"Seems normal enough. He has no idea." Karl chuckles.

"Good. Once subject codename Overwatch has been revived I'll check on subject Kagami. Last I saw Subject Manticore was experiencing a loss."

"Why do you have to be so fucking formal? Nevermind. I'll do what I was told. Give Zakik a hug from me, and tell Mei if she wants the offer is still open." Karl smiles and turns back to the wall opening a hell portal.

"I'm not telling her about your perverted offers Karl. Leave. We have work to do." Karl leaves and I turn out of the room easily picking up Hana and throwing her over my shoulder. This procedure will take a while.

-Y/N's POV-

My body groans into function, I wonder how long I've been unconscious for. Slowly my body is pulled back aboard reality, I remember little of my dreams but I know they were strange. As my eyes open I see everyone's faces, Hana, Lena, Mei even Amélie. "What happened?" I moan sitting up.

"The explosion knocked you into a coma. Luckily Zenith came back to help and he healed you." Lena informs me. "Was anyone else hurt?" I ask my own body still not fully recovered.

"No, Hana sprained her ankle but Zenith fixed that easy enough." Lena smiles.

"Ah, I see he's awake." A black haired man with crimson eyes steps inside the small room, he stands beside my bed. "If everyone except Hana could leave." He says lightly, they leave, Lena looks back reluctantly as she does. The man clears his throat "it's me Zenith. I thought my human form would be more pleasing to your recovery. Thanks to Hana you have been healed. I'll leave her to explain how. But rest assured knowing someone is looking out for you." Zenith gives a light bow before leaving.

As soon as he leaves Hana embraces me, her small frame gripped tightly against my own. A loose shirt and tracksuit covering her. Designed for comfort at least Zenith is taking care of them. "What's this for?" I ask gently wrapping my arms around her. "Don't ever do that again. You idiot. You almost died." She growls into my shoulder. "I had to protect you." She looks up at me. "I had to protect my friends."

(Aww shucks. Friendzoned again.)

"F-friends?" She says something glimmers inside her eyes. Something red and inhuman.

"Yeah, we're friends aren't we?" I'm confused and slightly frightened by her new behaviour. Her grip on me tightens causing me slight pain. "Hana. You're hurting me." I say barely being able to move, her grip loosens. What's gotten into her?

"Y/N. I'm happy to have you back." Lena purrs dashing over to me, she kisses me deeply, leaving me confused again.

-Hana POV-

What! After all I did for him and he's making out with that hussie! My mind burns in retaliation, something feels different. I never felt this way before. If she even thinks about taking him from me I'll end her. Across the room Mei and Amélie have similar expressions, why does this have to be so difficult? We all want Y/N but Lena made the first move, she's an entire step ahead of us. Out of the corner of her eye she sees me and gives a smug grin. If this is how it's going to be then, Game On!

Author's Notes - Yes, it's quite likely that Hana is a yandere now. But what am I gonna say it's my thing. Along with girls with short white hair, anyway of my personal interests. Hana is pretty much immortal now, I don't really recall what that serum was. It's been a busy day okay. Zenith Out...

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