Chapter One

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Slowly he stalks through the vast warehouse, the stench of animals clouding the air. "Everything points to here." Vlad speaks in his rough accent, carefully he looks around and a deep growling can be heard from nearby. Turning his torch to face the creature a pair of piercing red eyes looks back at him and a scaly reptilian body convulses under light. Opening its jaws it releases an ear splitting hiss and lunges at Vlad, silently he shoots it in the head. Nothing reads on his face and the creature lies dying on the cold floor, blood seeping from its skull. "This is the place." Using his gloves he wipes away dust on the wall, exposing in great red lettering 'ZENITH INDUSTRIES' "Four years ago, this company learnt the secret to time travel from the one known as Tracer, they perfected it. Without the world knowing they collected creatures from all over time, now I will use them to end the heroes." Vlad continues going deeper into the compound, dust and rot have conquered the company leaving it worthless. A few bodies litter the ground from those looking to get loot from the building, but instead only finding prehistoric beasts and became lunch for them. "The gorilla is next. I'll use something agile, lithe, cruel." Pulling open a door leading underground he looks back, a long mask decorated like a skull claims his face. "Heh, and three years ago I took the mantle of Dr Primeval, a villain more powerful than the pitiful overwatch. But then two years ago, civilisation ended and my family died. Now I will get my revenge." Slowly he steps down into the building, he walks with strength and purpose.


Cutting the engine I silently step off the bike, the slick black paint quickly camouflaging it. I take off my helmet and black it on top of the hidden bike, it too becomes hidden. My H/C hair is let loose in a ruffled up mess. Ahead of me the colossal observatory stands on the brink of the cliff, seagulls squawk and fly effortlessly on the air. Stepping towards the building through the soft emerald grass I smile, it's been a few weeks since I've been here, I wonder how Winston's been.

Entering the pin code I walk inside the huge dome, crates and boxes lie scattered around the room as usual, full of prototype armour and weapons from Overwatch. In the centre of the room a space has been cleared with a workbench at the centre, Winston sits hunched over the table working on something. "Sup Winston?" I ask inspecting a crates contents. He stops working and turns to face me "Mcree has been killed." He states solemnly, I gawk is surprise. I've only met him once but he seemed like a great guy. "I'm sorry for your loss." I bow my head and he nods in appreciation. "It's the same guy you know, the one who killed 76 you know? And Reaper. Someone's hunting us down. I fear I may be next."

"Winston I won't let that happen. If this killer shows up, I'll kill him personally." I grit my teeth and form my hand into a fist. "I've been trying to crack the pattern and I believe it's almost done, most of the coding is complete, I just need to wait for the next victim." He looks to the floor with sadness and depression.

"How long has it been since you last slept Winston." I ask walking over to him.

"About a month after this whole thing started." He looks at me his glasses reflecting my face, "but let's forget all that for a minute. I've got your equipment ready. You'll be able to achieve exactly what we did all those years ago." Walking across the room he pushes a large crate towards the table, he then opens it removing the contents. "I've made you this" he hands me two black gauntlets, the same colour as my leather bike suit. "They can fire thin wire at an effective range of fifty metres, it can slice flesh or be used to set a trap. If someone is caught in it they will be immobilized, and if they do move, they will die. It also works as a grappling hook, there are two retractable claws on the upper side of the gauntlet." I pull the gauntlets on and form a fist, two jagged claws sprout from my knuckles. "Wow, Winston you really went out of your way with these. Thank you." I embrace him.

"It's nothing, with Overwatch out of commission, someone needs to save the world." He smiles.

Without warning an explosion thunders from the door I used to enter. Something crackles over the speaker system then takes over. "Welcome ladies, gentlemen and primates. We have a special show for you today." Me and Winston panic at the voice, Russian in origin yet he's so relaxed. "The company known as Zenith Industries collected dinosaurs underneath everyone's noses. Using technology from the 'hero' known as Tracer. There's your little clue at who's next." He chuckles deeply "until then enjoy your death at the hands of Kaprosuchus an extinct Genus of crocodile." The speakers shut off and classical music starts to play.

"T-that voice. It's Dr Primeval. Y/N run! This man is incredibly dangerous, if you're luck he doesn't know you're he-" a hiss stops us in our tracks, several bodies can be heard fumbling through the wreckage of the door. I grab Winston and we hid behind a crate. The creatures tails can be heard sliding against the floor, their feet patter on the ground. One of them stumbles on something and hisses at another, the light snapping of jaws occupies the air. A scaled snout reaches round the corner of the box sniffing the air, it growls then reveals it's entire face. Winston pulls me back away from it's crooked teeth. Another jumps off the crate and bites onto Winston's arm, he shakes it off and sends it flying across the room. Using my gauntlet I punch one of them in the back and the claws bounce straight off it's skin. "Did I forget to mention that Zenith Industries experimented on them." He laughs through the speakers. It bites onto my gauntlet the claws extended and pointing down its throat, but not far enough. Tensing my muscles I shoot wire down its throat, it tears through its body and coils up inside. Retracting the length the Kapro chokes on blood curling into a ball in its own blood, whining in pain.

A third Kapro bites my leg its teeth barely making it through the leather, leaving only a flesh wound. It growls in dismay and leaps towards my neck Winston grabs it and launches its flailing body across the room. "Y/N! Run!" Winston pushes me forward away from him, one of the Kapros looks towards me and grunts before galloping towards Winston. More of them appear around him and with a lump in my throat I run towards Winston's computer. Grabbing the USB with the prediction system on I leave, I can hear animalistic screams and yelps from inside the dome. But I ignore them, a few more rush inside once I leave, eventually their sheer numbers will wear him down, there must be about seventeen.

"I'm sorry Winston." I whimper putting on my helmet, with one last look towards the observatory I drive off. My gauntlet blooms into life, an LCD screen occupying it's length. A red arrow points to a slot in the gauntlet, I push the USB inside and a map appears on the screen, telling me where all the heroes are and what order they will be killed in. "Winston, you haven't died in vain. I will save them, all of them." My gaze turned towards the map I see Tracer's location, I guess Dr Primeval really didn't know I was there. She's in France, and I'm in Dover, this should be easy. In fact that's an underestimate this man seems to have access to genetically altered dinosaurs, what could be more terrifying? I sigh and head off to the old ferry port, great ships still transport people between Britain and France, except they're ex military personal now. Fighting to try and bring society back from the brink of animalistic behaviour. But it's too late.

Author's Notes - I know I'm letting my love of dinosaurs influence my story, but why the fuck not. I mean we need and enemy and Dr Primeval is the perfect one. And Primeval isn't really an intended reference, it's more because Primeval just sort of means primal. Anyway tell me what dinosaurs you'd like to see against our remaining heroes,  at the end of the world who know what could happen? Zenith Out...

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