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-??? POV-

"I don't trust Hana to take him in, she let him go before so I'm sending you in Mr Killer. Operation Eternity has been activated." I'm surprised by Zenith's quickness, something must be happening, possibly to do with the Council of Dragons, could they have found out? No I don't believe so. "Affirmative. Master Zenith." I smile and walk through the desert far ahead of me a few black dots walk across the horizon towards a town. Breaking into a sprint I pursue them.

-Y/N's POV-

We're here in Mexico, my arm torn from its socket. Lena lost in space and time. Hana, working for Zenith. Mei and Amélie are all I have left, but their disheartened selves are broken, loss has fractured them. We stand outside the house where Sombra is supposed to be living. It's scruffy and I don't think there's much internet access here, honestly it seems like a completely lost cause. And a misdirection on Hana's part.

I knock on the door and wait for a reply, the door opens not to Sombra but to a man in a suit. Everything about him is neat from his suit to the blood on his shirt. Blood. But he's not injured, over his shoulder I see pieces of Sombra littering the room "w-what?" I says stupidly. He punches me in the face sending me into Amélie who manages to hold me up. "W-who are you?" Mei growls firing her weapon. The man disappears and reappears behind her before knocking her out with a blow to the head. "I am Mr Killer. Zenith sent me." My eyes widen and me and Amélie try to run but he continues to block us with his teleportation. "Why are you doing this?" Amélie cries at him, firing pointlessly into the dust. "Y/N will find out in due time." I feel a blow against the back of my head, Amélie punches Mr Killer in the stomach and fires her rifle into his chest, the bullet knocks him into the floor. "Is he dead?" I ask stumbling to my feet.

"No" he breaks Amélie leg and shoots her in the shoulder, her blood comes out in a small slowly expanding puddle, her slowed heart rate may still save her. "Enough of that nonsense. You're coming with me." He steps over to me and I punch him in the face blood dripping from his nose, in return he kicks me to the dirt and steps on my remaining arm. "Don't make me tear this one off too." A black tear similar to Hana's appears in the air and he throws me through, darkness engulfing me...

Author's Notes- And so the the end begins. Zenith Out...

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