Heroes of Darkness

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If you don't want spoilers, go read "Fiery Lands and Stormy Seas," and then "Reign of Rain." Thanks to everyone for supporting me and this series up to this point. I hope this book doesn't let you down.

The following is the conclusion and final entry in the legend of Tribal Hoenn, a place where noble humans and Pokémon bond through their spirits, forging powerful Spirit Bonds.

It is said that the secret to bonding through the spirit was discovered by the ancient Kings of Hoenn. Some legends even go so far as to suggest that the greatest of these Kings were the Three Heroes of lore. The stories say that after bonding their Spirits with their three companion Pokémon, they calmed the storm of a Primal Earth, and ushered in an era of peace.

Whether or not the old legends are true remains to be seen. However, after the two Great Wars, Hoenn saw the rise of the powerful Sootopolis Empire, which was able to conquer and assimilate all the other Kingdoms of Hoenn... even the three supposedly founded by the ancient Heroes themselves.

With the power of Kyogre, the eternal beast of the primordial sea, the Empress Myranda Glamour attained immortality. Under her guidance, it was said, the Hoenn region entered into a powerful centralized era of governance. All were said to be equal under her majesty's mighty rule. She ruled with complete authority: writing the law, executing the law, being the very embodiment of the law. However, her authoritarian ways did not go unnoticed during her ascension. Some resisted, yet with the might of Kyogre, the never ending rains smothered all enemies to nothing more than a whisper retreating into the shadows.

And so it was that for seventeen years, the Sootopolis Empire, with Glamour herself as its Lady Monarch, tightened her grip on Hoenn without question.

So it is now that our story resumes, seventeen years after the Empress ascended her throne, in a time where the Spirit Bonds between humans and Pokémon would be tested once and for all. Chaos and war were returning to Hoenn. A time of war between families, humans, and Pokémon is near. The trials of this war affected all: the fates of peasant, noble, lords, and immortal Empires alike hung in the balance.

The conclusion of the Tribal Hoenn legend begins now.

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