Blaze - Rain

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Third Person P.O.V

'There she is again... Playing in the rain without a care...' Blaze thought. He is looking a girl with (H/c) hair and blue dress in the rain behind a light pole. That always happens when it's raining. The girl would play in the rain while Blaze will 'observe' her as he would call it when his brothers ask about his strange behavior. (Yes, it's definitely not stalking) There is something about the girl that intrigues the him. He don't know what it is but he hates it. He continue to 'observe' the girl without knowing that his presence is already known. The girl always knew about her stalker but decided to let it be. It didn't bring any harm to her anyway. And she is pretty confident that if anything were to happen, she could handle it.

Blaze turn around and thought. 'This time! This time! I will find out how she keep disappearing!' He turn back to see the girl and... She's... Gone. 'How??!'

Time Skip brought to you by Mc Donald's. Mmm, I'm lovin it!

The girl is back and Blaze is at the same spot as always. She continue to twirl on the road. Jumping into puddles with her clothes stuck to her body like glue. Her beautiful (H/c) hair is wet from all the rain that's pouring on her and her shoeless feet. She likes the rain. Everyone always thought the rain is gloomy and sad but to her, the rain give her this sort of calmness. The way the rains trickle down her body giving a cold tingle and cold air blowing her clothes. She love it all. People would call her childish and immature for playing in the rains. But does she look like she cares about it? Nah. Haters gonna hate and there's no stopping them. So she just gonna ignore them. "There is no point talking to simple minded people. Humans change easily yet so difficult. A simple being with a complicated mind. There's always a reason in their doings. So, why should I care? O have my own reasons." As she always said
That is another reason why Blaze like her. She seems sweet and kind but when she is taunted, she gives off a mischievous vibe and her demeanor totally changed.

Blaze always wanted to talk to the girl but every time the rain stops the girl just disappear. He chases her one time and the girl is very fast. Not even Thunder could match her. (Or so he thinks.) She run to an abandoned alleyway and once Blaze is there. She's already gone. That struck more confusion into his brain and it's adding the curiosity to his questions. In other way, it's adding fuel to the fire. (Ba sum tss)

The rain abruptly come to a stop. Blaze finally come out from his hiding spot and approach the girl. "Stop right there." The girl suddenly said. Blaze stopped walking and froze. The girl turn around and show her (S/c) face and (E/c) to Blaze. (Y/n) froze in her place as she stare at Blaze's face. 'A... Boy... It's. A. Boy!' She thought. She took a few step back and get ready to run. But before she could do that Blaze already step closer to her. "Wait! I just wanna-" A sword is held to his throat. "Stay right there!" (Y/n) said. And Blaze... Well he doesn't have any choice but to freeze or else he might die.

'What should I do with him?' She ask herself. 'Kill him? No, he's still a person. And I'm not ready to go to jail just yet. Erase his memory? No, I might erase memories of his whole life. What should I do?! C'mon help me brain!' 'Hey! Don't look at me! I've never been in this situation before and I never think it would happen. So... I have no idea.' Her brain reply. 'Great. Okay (Y/n) think rational.' "Who are you? And how did you find me?" She ask the boy. 'Really (Y/n)? You're gonna pull a tangled move on him?' She thought to herself again.

"Hey, hey!" Blaze suddenly said. "I'm not here to hurt you." "Oh. Okay!" Her voice turn cheery and her sword disappear into thin air. "I'm (Fake/n)!" She replied. 'That is surprisingly easy.' He thought before feeling pain on his neck as he fell on the cold road. "Do you really think I would fall for that trick?" (Y/n) said while smirking. "Oh, and by the way. I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." She add and wink. And that's the last think he remember before waking up in front of his house. (Well, Tok Aba's house)

"Hey! Wake up! What are you doing in front of our house in the cold?" Earthquake ask. "Wha..?" Blaze ask before the fact sinks in. "That girl! How dare she!" He shout. Hearing the word 'girl' make Earthquake smirk. "A girl?" He ask and Blaze blush. "N-no it's not like that!" Blaze immediately deny it. "I didn't say anything. I'm just asking who is this girl you're talking about." Earthquake replied. "(Y/n) (L/n)." Blaze spat out her name as if it was poison. A bell ring in Earthquake's head. "(Y/n) (L/n)? Isn't she's a student in our school?" "what. What. WHAT?!"

"Yes. I'm pretty sure about it. I've gone through her files before. A top student, jump a few grades and mysterious. There's not much in it. She's not that popular either, despite being top student with great grades." Earthquake said. "Really?" Blaze ask in awe. "Yes, well. At least that's what I remember." "Oh. Maybe I can meet her tomorrow! Do you know with who or where she spends time the most?" Blaze ask. "No why would I? Do you think I'm some kind of stalker or something?" Earthquake replied back. "Pfft! Of course not!" Blaze said with a really unconvincing look. But luckily, Mama Quake is too kind to notice it. (Or he notice it but didn't think it's bad)

The Next Day

Blaze is now searching for (Y/n) but he can't find anything. He wakes up extra early without thinking that (Y/n) probably didn't come just yet to school. After his useless searching, he goes to his class as it is almost time for class. While coming in through the door, his shoulder touch another person's shoulder and they both fall as the door wasn't wide enough for the two of them.

"Hey! Watch where you are going!" Blaze shout as the other person stays silent. "Sorry..." The person squeak out. By the voice Blaze could tell that the person is a girl (but he doesn't want to assume) and he immediately felt guilty for yelling at them. Blaze look up to see the person is picking up all their stuff along with Blaze's. He could not get a clear view of their face since their bangs are covering their face. Once they are done the person notice that Blaze is still on the floor and grew worried. 'Is he okay? Is he hurt?!' She thought panicking. She hold out her hand wanting to help Blaze who seems to be deep in thoughts.

Blaze look up the the person and see a familiar face. "You!" He shouted at the girl. She raise a brow and him with a confused face and takes his hand forcefully until he stands up. 'She's strong.' Blaze thought. "I'm sorry have we met before?" She ask innocently with tint of Pink on her cheek. Probably because of embarrassment. Before he could answer the girl a shout was heard. "Hey! Stop blocking the entrance. We want to come in." (Y/n) realizing that they are blocking the entrance turn red. She takes Blaze's hand pull him aside which makes him blush.

Ba dum!

"Sorry." She apologize still holding Blaze's hand. Blaze who is still shocked and confused when he feel his heart skipped a beat. "Can you let go of my hand now?!" He ask gently. But it came out harsher that he want it to be. The girl look at her hand which is still intertwined with Blaze's and blush harder. "S-sorry!"

'She sure like to apologize a lot.' He thought. "Well, I'll go now." The girl said to him and go to her designated seat while he just stared at her for a while before going to his seat. Other students started to fill the empty tables followed by Blaze's siblings. "Hey Blaze! You're early today. Which is absolutely weird since you are the laziest person I know. Next to Ice of course..." Cyclone said while ignoring the cold glare from Ice.

"What are you looking at?" Thorn ask looking to the way Blaze is looking. Immediately Blaze look away and tell his brother that it's nothing and of course Thorn just believe him, but he couldn't fool the rest of his brother who started smirking with a mischievous glint in their eye. "Is lil' Blazy having a c-" before Cyclone can finish his sentence the door was slammed open and the students ran to their designated place. Blaze realize what Cy was about to say and he blush. After greeting the teacher, they all started learning but Blaze couldn't focus and he kept gazing at the girl. His mind filled with more questions than before. 'Is that really her? But she is so different. She sounds so confident and brave, but now she is so timid and shy...' He look at her again, who is busy staring out the window. Feeling like she is being stared (Y/n) look back at Blaze and their eyes met. Blaze immediately look away while his heart is beating hard. (Y/n) just raise her eyebrow and thought 'What is he looking at I wonder?'
'I should probably stop staring... She probably thought I'm a creep now. Wait! Why do I care what she thinks of me?!' The fire element manipulator thought while trying to focus on the lesson. But we all know that's impossible since his mind is filled with a certain someone.

After a couple of hours it's finally break time. A lazy person's favorite hour. The fire elemental boy already have a plan in his mind. He wants answer and he will get it today. At least he hope so. So, he followed (Y/n) closely to know where she is going. After awhile they arrive at the rooftop. A loner's favorite place to hang out. Once (Y/n) sit on one of the benches on the roof, she started eating her home-cooked meal. "You can come out you know. I know you're there." (Y/n) said. Blaze's face paled instantly and his heart dropped to his stomach.  'Uh-oh.' He thought to himself. A hundred lies and excuse forming in his head. He just sigh and come out of his hiding place. "Oh! It's you." (Y/n) said. "You want some?" She hold out her bento box. "What?!" Blaze ask confusingly.

"And that kids! Is how I met your mother!"


Author's note.

Don't worry. I will make a part two of this. Probably.

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