Solar - My Sun

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∞ A little note ∞

Y/N - Your Name
M/N - Middle Name
L/N - Last Name
B/N/N - Best Friend Name
B/H/C - Best Friend Hair Colour
F/F - Favourite Food
F/D - Favourite Drink
F/P - Favourite Pastry
F/C - Favourite Colour
H/L - Hair Length
H/C - Hair Colour
F/C/C - Favourite Candy/Chocolate
F/I - Favorite Instrument
F/S - Favourite Shape
N/N - Nickname
F/H - Favourite Hairstyle
S/C - Skin Colour
F/Cake - Favorite Cake
R/N - Rival Name (If you don't know which name you should pick, you can always use Rival-chan... Just saying.)

(Y/n)'s POV

His smile, is the brightest. His eyes is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. But his heart is my favorite. Such a kind heart, gentle smile and a pair of eyes that's full of life. He's perfect. "-n), (Y/n)!" I snap out of my trance when I hear someone called me. "What?" I ask him. "Are you hearing what I am saying?" Solar said with a pout. "Of course, yeah, totally." I said with a really unconvincing look. "Are you okay?" He ask. I just smile and nod. "So, what were you talking about?" I ask trying to change the topic. "I thought you said you are hearing what I'm talking about." He said.

"Fine, I'm sorry. I'm thinking about something." I replied. It's always been like this. The only person who wants to be friends with me is Solar. And he likes to socialize and very popular. I always wonder why he wants to be friends with me. Is it a dare from someone? Me, I don't like to socialize. I've tried it before and the outcome is not very good. Solar always do the talking while I'm just listening. Hearing his voice and his tales always make me happy for no reason. I wonder why?

Suddenly, I heard the sound of the bell, meaning it's time to go home. All the students rush out from the class like a bunch of monkey wanting some banana. "Bye (Y/n) see you tomorrow!" Solar said cheerfully. I just smile and wave like I always do. After he is out of, sight, I frown and go to the back of the school like usual. Behind the school is where the school bullies always wait and I am asked to go there everyday. Thats where the bullies thought me some 'lessons'. The first time, it was excruciating but after a couple of time, I can bare the feeling of pain. Of course, I didn't tell anyone about them like in the novel and fan fiction. But only cause they threat me. If they didn't threat me , they would've been in our discipline teacher's hand.


"Hey~" The leader purr like a cat. It's making me sick. Everything about them is making me sick. Their faces is caked with makeup, their clothes are revealing as if they didn't have that much that much money to buy fabric or even buy a full clothes. "I just want to tell you that Solar is mine. Don't go near him okay?" She said. I just ignore her and pretend her threat never happen and walk towards Solar. Later that day, the girls grab my hand and drag me to the back of the school. She slap me and punch me. I don't care much. "If you tell anybody about this. I will do something to your Solar." The leader said. 'My Solar? What the heck is this woman talking about.' I thought but the next word sent shiver to my spine. "I'll make him hate you."

Flashback Ends

Finally, I am there. I saw five girls there waiting for me like always. I just sigh and go to them. 'Such a hassle.' I thought. "Hey there!" One of them said with an awfully disgusting cheerful voice. "Ready for your punishment?" 'I didn't do anything.' I thought. "Yeah, yeah whatever. Just get it over with already." I said wanting to go home. It's not like anyone is waiting for me at home, I just simply want to go home and sleep. "How dare you talk back!" One of her 'friends' shout and slap me in the face. I just let her do it. "Hey don't do that to her!" Minion number 2 shout. "If you want to hurt her, make sure it's in a place nobody will see." She said and punch me in the gut.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" I hear a voice said. The bullies turn around with a shocked face. "S-Solar!" Minion #3 shout. I turn my face to the direction they're looking at and saw an angry Solar. The bullies just run away leaving me here. Solar run to me and take my hand. I look up to see his charming face. He just look at me with a very worried expression. Suddenly, I feel my heart skip a beat and heat come rising to my face. "Come on we need to get you to the nurse." He said. I just get up with ease. "Don't worry, I'm fine. The bullies didn't get to hurt me so much since you come. Thank you. Why are you here anyway?" I ask casually. "Fine! This is what you call fine?!" He ask back while pointing at my face. "Yes, I'm fine. I will take care of myself once I'm home." I said. "Let me help you." He put my arm on his shoulder and started walking.

"You didn't answer my question. Why are you here?" I ask him again. "Oh, I leave my phone here. I was about to check on my ig when I realize it's gone." He chuckle. "Oh." I simply said. "Why didn't you tell me?" He ask. "About what?" I replied. "About the bullies. I thought we are friends. Why didn't you tell me about the bullies. I could've help." He said. It's my turn to chuckle. "It will only cause you trouble. I can't do that to my first friend." I said while smiling.

After that incident, Solar and I become inseparable. He basically follows me everywhere (except for the toilet and bathroom obviously) and even come to hang out with me in my house. I feel so happy. But, I realize he's been spending a lot of time with me instead of his other friends and brothers. I don't want to be the cause he lose his friendship with someone he truly love.

Solar's POV

"Hey, Solar." I hear (Y/n) said. "Yes?" I turn to her expecting her usual beautiful gentle smile but what I get is a face filled with frown. "I realize that you've been spending a lot of time with me instead of your others friends and your brother." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, so?" I replied. "So, how about you hangout with them more? You know, I didn't need that much company anyway." She answered while looking at the ground. A thought make it's way to my brain.

"D-do you hate me? (Y/n)..." I ask shakily. She immediately look up to my face. "N-no, it's not that. I just feel like you are being distant with your brother." She said, though I don't believe her. 'Of course have hates me. Who would like someone like me.' "Well I should go now..." She said probably trying to get away from me. "Yeah, sure!" I said with a fake smile and go home. I walk with my brothers and think about what (Y/n) said. It's really been awhile since I last hangout with my twin.

"Hey! Solar!" Thorn shout while waving his hand in front of my face. "Yeah! What is it?" I ask. "Have you confess to (Y/n)?" He suddenly said. I blushed right away. "N-no. Why would I?" I stutter out. He just pout. "Well, I can see that you really care about her." He said. "She's my friend of course I care about her." I replied. "Yaya and Ying is our friend too, but I never see you act like that towards them.... Do you like her?" He ask. I blush deepen and I feel like running away from. "N-no, I-I don't t-think so." I answered while looking away. "That's a total lie! I see the way you look at her! You totally have a crush on her!" He shout. My other brother turn and look at us. "So, who like who now?" Earthquake ask. "Solar like (Y/n)!" Thorn shouts again. "W-what! No! Stop it Thorn! I don't like her!" Thorn give me a 'really' look. "Okay, maybe I have a little crush on her..." I admit. My brothers started to smirk. "So, that's why you don't want us to befriend her. You're afraid she won't hang out with you anymore!" Blaze concluded.

"Solar finally found a girl he likes! I'm sooo happy." Quake state while wiping fake tears from his eye. "Stop being so dramatic! That's my job." I said. "So, are you gonna confess to her?" Cyclone ask while Thorn have an 'I ship it' face. What have gotten myself into?!

??? P.O.V

The next day, Solar get ready to face a tough day after what happened last night. He's nervous and scared. He tried to confess to (Y/n) but didn't get the chance too...

All because of that one bit- I mean girl...

The new girl. (R/n)...

She's rich, she beautiful and she's popular. She can get anything she wants in life. What does she wants? To be more popular. So she hangs out with the Defenders of The Earth or in other word, the elemental siblings. (R/n) basically follow them everywhere. Especially Solar. (Y/n) don't know why but every time she sees them together her heart would crack little by little. And Solar being the oblivious, cute, kindhearted, friendly boy he is, thought she was just being friendly. Hmmm, I wonder if holding hands all the time counts as friendly? I wouldn't know I never fall in love before. Le cry... Even his brothers feels uncomfortable around (R/n). Except for Thorn. This sweet innocent child is too pure for this disgusting, horrific world! Sorry I'm getting off track, ADHD.

Because of that girl, Solar slowly step out of (Y/n)'s life. He stopped seeing her and the bullies began once again. (Y/n) can feel her world is becoming dark once again. But for some reason she didn't care much about it. Seeing Solar happy is enough for her...

Third Person P.O.V

The school bell rings and the pupils run while (Y/n) stayed behind. She tends to go out last. Once she was out of her I mean school, she goes to where she and Solar first met. Just to revive old memory. She goes into a forest and continue to walk until she arrive at a beautiful waterfall. The water is glistening and rainbow formed where the water clashes. (Y/n) take off her shoes and dip her feet into the water. Feeling the cold water and remembering how they met.


It is a really hot day, the sky is blue and the sun is smiling bright. (Y/n) hates it. The other children in her age is walking around with their friends laughing and having fun while she is walking alone. She misses her home dearly, even when she doesn't have any friends there. The peaceful and fresh air in her hometown, she misses them all. But now she's trying to live like a normal 'human'. Without using magic on daily basis. Seeing them so happy brought smile onto her face. She don't know why but she really like it when other people smile. But her smile turned into a frown when she remember something she didn't want to remember. Something she hope she could throw away. All those memories that keep haunting her. She decided to go to her favourite place. She walk into the forest. She called it Fairy Forest because she misses her guild dearly too.

She continue walking on the path she already memorize. She doesn't expect any visitor. So she is a little shocked seeing someone there. A boy in a green cap is sitting under her favorite tree. His cap is on his face. The boy is quietly sleeping without a care in the world. She quietly tip toed to the boy and was about to take his cap when... "What are you trying to do?" A voice startle her from behind and a hand on her shoulder. 'A boy'. She quickly take the hand and judo flipped the boy. "Oww." The boy moaned out falling on his back. (Y/n) quickly get on her feet. "I'm so sorry!" She goes to him and help him get up. "I am really, really sorry!" She kept apologizing. "I-its okay. It partially my fault. You're strong." He said. 'Should I use my magic to heal him?' (Y/n) ask herself. 'No, you shouldn't!' Her brain calls out. 'But he's hurting!' Her heart interrupt. (Y/n) choose to follow her heart.

"Here let me help you err..." She look at the boy. "Oh, my name is Solar." He said. "Okay, Solar. Can you please turn around?" She ask. "Why?" He said. "Please?" She simply replied. Solar hesitantly turn around. "Thank you." (Y/n) said. She put her hand on his back and her hand glow. After a couple of seconds she retreat back. "Is it hurt?" She ask. Solar move around a little and grin. "Wow! I feel better! Great in fact!" He turned to the girl. "How do you do it?" His golden eyes filled with wonder and curiosity. He stare straight into her eyes. "You have such beautiful eyes." (Y/n) said out of the blue. "Thanks!" The boy grin. "What is your name?" He ask. (Y/n) just smile. "It's not important. Suddenly, (Y/n) hear someone calling Solar and it's getting near.

"Hey Solar! Have you found him?" One of the boys who have same faces as Solar said. He's wearing brown cap and outfit. Solar turn to them. "Yeah! I found him and this girl!" He exclaims. "Who?" A boy in blue said in confusion. Solar turn around and see the girl somehow disappeared.

End Of Flashback

(Y/n) just smile at the memory. It's such an important memory to her. She also remember how they actually met. They met in the classroom when she's introducing herself in front of the class. She realize it's getting late and walk home. It's pretty weird, not having Solar by her side.

Days by day passed and she is growing tired of all the bullying. She grew depressed and no one's there to help her. No one is there to give her motivation to keep going. She have nothing to live for. She knew no one would realize that she's gone and honestly, she's okay with that. So she decide to end it all. She climb onto the railing of her house. '10,000 years, wasted.' She thought.

-Meanwhile 20 minutes before-

Solar is hanging out with his brothers at the Tok Aba Cocoa Shop. Finally they get to run away from (R/n). Solar finally realize (R/n)'s true intention and ask her to get out of his life.(about time) Harsh, I know but she deserve it. 'It's been awhile since I see (Y/n).' He thought. And so, he make his way to her house. He knock on her door a few time but no one is answering. 'That's weird. (Y/n) usually fast about this thing.' He thought to himself. He try to open the door and it worked! 'This is weird. She usually locked her door no matter what...' He thought again. He started to break in. He started to go from room to room. But find nothing. He finally arrive to the last room. '(Y/n)'s Room.' He thought. There's a sign saying



'She's really weird.' He thought and sweatdrop. 'But, that's what make her unique. She's not like other girl that like dolls and heels. She kind and gentle. But also strong and independent. That's what I like about her.' He smiled and open the door that reveal a hallway. 'How big is this house!' Suddenly, an arrow fly toward him only missing his head by a few centimetre. In front of him is another sign.


'She's not kidding about the consequences!' He sweatdrop continue to step into her room and every time her put his foot on the floor another arrow or sword come flying, above him or from behind. That's when he decided that (Y/n) is not a normal human.

After a dreaded 10 minutes he finally arrive in a real door, alive. He don't even know how he did it although there's some scratch here and there but nothing to serious. Well, he hope. He open the door and saw something that make his heart stop. (Y/n) is on the railing of her balcony. (Did I tell you she lives in a mansion? No? Well, sorry!) Solar quickly run to her and put his hand on her shoulder. (Y/n) being (Y/n) she judo flipped him and he fell.

'Solar!' She thought. She teleport down and caught him bridal style. She put him down on the ground gently and take a deep breath. "What the hell are you thinking?! Scaring me like that! While on a railing! Do you want to die or something!" She shout at him. "Me?! What about YOU! What are you doing on the railing?! You could've fall!" He stopped when he realize something. "You WANTED to fall! (Y/n) why would you do something like that?!" He ask. (Y/n) was taken aback by his outburst. And she decided to answer it.

(Start the song! It's called Irony By Lizz Robinett. Go check it out!)

I feel that walking has become another chore. I don't think I can go on walking anymore. Forgive me for those words, I know they're but a cliche to you. But

"Life is tiring, my feet are feeling sore. I wish that I could have a bit of time. To heal the ache that is growing stronger all the time. But I know time stops for nobody, let alone me. And so I go inevitably. It's just, I feel that, i dont belong here you know." She sang and Solar feel his heart skip a beat.

Whenever things are going rather happily. It turns out life is just playing a trick on me. It's slightly shameful to admit the truth, I end up in tears. And so returns the same old melancholy. I miss when life was just simplicity. And misery wasn't always chasing after me. It's pretty obvious now, I should have left my regret. But I held onto it so foolishly.

"But, when you come into my life, everything just... Seem to get brighter and brighter everyday. That is until (R/n) came. You seem so happy around her so I don't mind it much. But after a couple of days, I felt very lonely. I try to forget you but,I can't. And I don't know why." She said referring to the time she met Solar and the time she lost him.

"Maybe I overreact a bit, it hasn't destroyed me yet, Has it? But everything I desire is always just too far to get. Honestly it's just me, brainlessly, so silly, Always hoping for good to be." She pauses and chuckle. "If that's the case. Then just hear my plea. Pick me up and drop me. Into unfaltering sleep."

You say to look hard for a solution
But wouldn't that depend on the person?. So I could never. No, I could never. Believe a word anyone says
I know that everyone has their hardships. It's fairly clear to me that I'm not alone. But how is it that they can just leave them, I just don't know at all...

"I once have a best friend you know. Her/His name is (B/f/n)." Tears started to form. "But, she/he died... Because of me... I killed her." A big fat tear roll down her cheek. Solar can feel his heart crack looking at his crush. He make his way towards her and hug her. More tears began to make it's way to her cheek. "Tell me." He simply said. So you told him your story. (You can made it up and comment it!)

Often I'm told I need to clean up my act. Although maturity is something I lack. And so when some simple little problems arise. I overthink them over and over again. It seems that the world is just a troublesome place. So sometimes I think that I should just end the pain. You're sick, aren't you, dear? I'm sick of the tears. Why can't everything just end simply?

"People always say I'm annoying and immature for my age. Sometime they even say I'm useless. Me being me, I agree to what they said. Although my parents and friends always told me I'm not. I still believe them."

"Everything I aspired to be is nothing that will become of me
If my expectations are too far-fetched then just what am I to do?
Give a sign, give a sign, a reason not to, leave. Give me a chance to prove my worth. I constantly search for
A place to cry. Why won't these tears just stop. Pouring from my eyes?" She continue.

It's hard to constantly think of the same things, It's just unnecessary to think too much. You always told me stars would guide me back home. Although they only show at night.

Solar hug (Y/n) tighter and whisper sweet things in her ear. "You always showed me so much kindness, I don't deserve it, I have failed you too much. I think my tiny heart is going to split, Just leave it be for now." She said back.


Step back from me. Please leave me be. This so deceitful road that I stumble on. Is never going to end..." She slowly step out of the hug. Immediately missing his warmth.

It's getting difficult to manuever
And it's just worthless to try and run away. So I'll just hold my hands over my ears. And block out all this noise. How can I live not knowing what life is? Sometimes my dreams seem to be more realistic. Obviously I can't be called happy, Then what am I after all?

"As I grew, I realize that I shouldn't care about what other people said and continue living like normal. But of course I have my limit. After sometime, I can't hold it back anymore. But being with you just make it all... Worth it. I feel like living again. You gave me hope, and I'm glad you did." She said. She realize why she can't forget him now. "I really really love you. You know. I don't know when or how. I just did." She confess. Solar's face immediately turn beet red. "I-I love you too. And I've want to tell you that for so long!" He replied. (Y/n) just give him a blank stare. "Are you sure about that?" She ask with suspicious. "Yes! It's true!" He said.
"I see. Well thanks for loving me!" She said with the biggest smile he ever saw. 'C-cute!' He thought not realizing (Y/n) is making her way to him. He only realize it when he felt something on soft on his lips. He stood shock for a second before returning it. After a minute they both back away with red faces.

"Don't ever do that again please." He said pleadingly. "Do what?" She ask innocently. "Standing on the edge of the balcony of course! You could've fell and got hurt, or worse! (Expelled) You look like you were committing suicide!" He shout while (Y/n) stands there confuse and give a little chuckle. "I won't do that kind of thing silly~ Of course I've had my time but I promise I won't do it." She ask. "If you're not, then what are you doing on the railing?!" "Oh, I'm feeling the breeze. I like to stand on it because I like being a drama Queen! Sometimes..." She giggle. "Thanks for your concern though. She said and pull him for another kiss. "You got a lot to explain..." Solar said.

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