Thunderstorm - A Beautiful Coincidence

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Third Person POV

'Just keep running (Y/n). Just keep running.' The girl told to herself while running from a bunch of angry men. What did she do to anger these men? Well, here's a summary.


While (Y/n) is strolling through the park with her usual clothing and bringing her favorite bag. She stumble upon a group of immature men who decided that bullying animal and vandalising is a good thing to do in the broad daylight. Though, there is not that many people today. And (Y/n) being (Y/n)  decided to put a stop to their silly behaviour. She called for the cops (since she is lazy to handle this on her own) but apparently bribing is a thing and they are left unscathed.

This had angered the men and the next day they track her down like a bunch of creepy stalkers and chase her. (Y/n) just sweatdrops and say 'OK, I'm outta here.' And run away. (Again, she's to lazy to handle this even if she's more capable to do it)

So, yeah. That's the gist of it. And now, she kept running, trying to lose her creeper. When she bumps into a boy wearing red and black. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" The boy yelled. (Y/n) get up from the ground, take the boy's hand and apologises. "I'm sorry for bumping into you mister!" She heard the stalkers coming closer. And so, she continued to run. "Sorry, but I gotta go! Bye!" She waves her hand with a smile and ran away. Thunderstorm, looking at the problem the girl's I'm, couldn't help but to help since it's what heroes do. They... Save people. And so, he chases those guys. Using his power, it was pretty easy to get them and beating them up was even easier. Once those creeps was done for, he went to search for the girl.

(Y/n), continued running without noticing that her problems was solved. It was when she saw a flash of red and black that she stopped running. The boy was in front of her. "Hey mister! What're you doing here? How are you so fast?" She asked, with a cheerful voice despite the situation she was just in. The boy just kept silent and glared at her. She them continued to look around her. "Where are those guys?" She muttered to herself but the boy still manages to catch what she's saying. "Those guys are done for." He said. "Ah! I see. Did you do it? You certainly looked like someone who'd do that." She compliments him but the boy took it the wrong way. "What the heck was that supposed to mean?! You think I'd look like someone who would beat someone up?!" He yelled, getting into her personal space. "C-calm down sir, I didn't mean it like that." She said, her hands was inches away from his chest. "What I meant was, you look like someone who would save someone you didn't even know. You look kind!" She explained and give him another genuine smile. Thunder, hearing this got flustered and back away. "Well, what did you do to make them mad?" He asked, his cheek was tinted with pink. "Well..." She began explaining the situation.

▶▷▶▷After a brief explanation.◁◀◁◀

"So, you opt to run instead of beating them because beating them was harder?" Thunder gave a quick recall. "Well... Now that you said it like that..." She replied, scratching her cheek. "Yeah, that was a stupid decision. You should've beat them up when you had the chance!" He scold her. "Well, I didn't want to use violent you know!" She replied defending herself. "Well, sometimes violence is the only option you got. Some people needs violence, then they learn their mistakes." Thunder objected. "Well, I disagree. You can change people without violence!" She disagreed.

And so, that was how they met. Two people with complete opposite personality somehow became good friends. The girl was gentle and patient while the boy was reckless and have anger issue. But both was kind nonetheless. They would do anything for each other and they know it. The level of trust they have was like nothing their friends ever seen. After all, good and bad was a different side of the same coin.

After a month of knowing each other and being friends, unnecessary feelings began to grow. Thunder, knew what it was while (Y/n) just kept being oblivious. They hang out as always but the feelings kept getting stronger and stronger. Every little thing she does bring smile to his face and every little expression he made was cute to her. Everyone knew they like each other and it hurt seeing the sexual tension between them but they didn't want to push their relationship. They'll get to it when they're ready.

Soon, the day finally come. Thunder, asked (Y/n) on a 'friendly date'. And (Y/n) was ecstatic. Maybe she could realize her feelings for him and he could confess to her? Who knows at this point. "So... Can you come with me at 8?" He asked bashfully. "Sure! What're we doing?" She answered. "Well, I wanna go on a friendly date. Just the two of us." He said. "Oh, so you're brothers aren't coming?" She asked again. "Yeah." "Okay! See you at 8 then!" She closes her door and exploded with euphoria. Her face was red and her hands are trembling.

At 8, he comes to her house knocking, nothing really changes with what he wears except his not wearing his hat and his hair was tamer than it usually was plus his clothes was cleaner that usual. (Y/n) opened the door and saw him, holding a bouquet of Daisy (Courtesy of Thorn). He hand it to her. "T-thanks." Her eyes twinkle with delight and adoration. She went in and put it in a vase. "Let's go." He said, softly, as if afraid that if his voice go any higher, she would run away. Sensing his discomfort, she puts her hand in his, squeezing it gently. As if to say, 'It's okay. It's just me. Just be yourself.' And he squeezed back.

They walked to Tok Aba's Kokotiam. Where the place had been set up to be even more romantic than it usually was. "M'lady." She saw Tornado in butler suit. Tornado then guide them to a table. "What would you lovely couple want on this beautiful evening?" He asked. After taking their order, he them goes to the bar, where Earth and Ice was cooking. "Wow, I can't believe you managed to force them to do it." (Y/n) said, looking at the place. "It's not forcing if they want to do it willingly." Thunder replied. They began to chat about many things as they are eating.

After eating, the both went for a walk in the park. They heard a 'Boom!' Coming from the sky and when they looked up, they saw fireworks. "Wow... Did you plan that?" (Y/n) asked. Thunder just blushed and look away. "Yeah... In a way. The idea comes from Solar and Blaze." He explained. "Well, it was sweet of them to do!" She said complimenting them. Thunder, of course felt jealous by this. Feeling his jealousy, (Y/n) said something. "Hey, thank you for bringing me on this lovely date. It was very nice of you." She said and it made him feel better.

They continued to walk until Thunder suddenly stopped. (Y/n) also stopped. "What's wrong?" She asked. "(Y/n), do you know where we are?" Thunder asked her. It was then she realizes where they were. Yeah, you guessed it. It was the place where they bumped with each other. "(Y/n), when I first met you, I thought you were some rude person that's gonna be annoying but after talking with you, I knew that I was wrong... You were gentle and kind. Full of hope and positivity. After being friends I began catching feelings for you. So, would you like to throw away the friendly in my proposal?" He asked, looking at her straight in the eye. "I'm sorry Thunder... I liked you too but we need to get older before we can pursue any relationship." She answered sadly. "(Y/n), we're 22." He said. "Oh, right. Then, my answer is... Yes!" She grinned, her face tinted with red.

And that was how they came to be, all starter with a coincidence. A beautiful coincidence.

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