The Enchanted Forest (Part 1)

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The scene opens to a sprawling forest of majesty and beauty at sunset. A warrior cat leader, known as Bluestar is padding slowly through a field.

It was then that another cat creature, yet more human then the small warrior fell from a portal in the sky, almost landing on the poor cat. Bluestar expertly rolled out of the way and hissed at her.

Dawn yelped in fear and jumped away from the hostile feline. "Ack! Sorry!" She exclaimed apologetically.

Bluestar groaned and rolled her eyes. "Twolegs.." She muttered as she droned on.

"Hey!" Dawn huffed, her ears pinning back as she followed.

Bluestar held a small, yet amused smile. She huffed as she continued to examine the area. "I still don't smell them.."

"Smell what?" Dawn asked, looking around.

"The other clans! I hope nothing bad has happened." Bluestar groaned lightly.

"Clans? I've only heard of two, but I don't think they're here." She said as she looked around. "Heck, I don't even know where we are."

As they continued to walk, Bluestar spotted a small black cat walking past them. "Huh?" Bluestar asked in bewilderment as the two stared at the cat.

The cat jumped in surprise. "MEOW!!!" It reared and hissed at them. It was obviously unintelligent, and it soon dashed off into a clearing, never to be seen again.

"...what?" Bluestar asked in surprise. "What'd I do?!"

"Okaayyy then..." Dawn remarked as she continued walking.

After a while, they heard rustling in the trees. The two heroes looked around them, wary of what evils this forest held for them. "Who goes there?!" Bluestar asked out, gaining a fighting stance.

"Oh heya!"

As they followed the voice, they saw a tall figure perched on a branch. It was a teenage male who had been trying to get their attention. On his back was a long sword hidden away in a sheath, and on his face he wore a pair of sunglasses. He smirked and hopped from the tree, only to fall on his behind once he touched the ground, crushing the glasses as well. "Oww..." He groaned.

"Ugh.. are all twolegs this dumb?" Bluestar asked as she looked between the two.

As the three stood, they would soon hear an audible thump coming from the aforementioned clearing, followed by a shout.

Bluestar looked over. "What in Starclan was that?!?!"

Dawn yelped in surprise and followed Bluestar's gaze, staring at the clearing as well.

The teen, named Rin, sighed as he too looked as well. "It could be a demon." He remarked cautiously as he gripped the sword and scabbard that had once been on his back.

Bluestar unsheathed here claws and jumped in front of Dawn, who looked completely defenseless, while that was far from the case. "Hey! I don't need protecting!"

"Yeah, sure twoleg. What're you gonna do? Hit it with a tree eater?" She asked harshly as she looked up at her.

"No, but I have my ways." Dawn replied with a smirk as she too took a ready stance.

Another ran to their side and panted a little as he tried to analyze the situation, shaking his head in hopes to clear it a little. "..what happened?" He asked confusedly, only to be turned on by Bluestar, because she's Bluestar.

Rin turned to him. "Who are you?" He asked, ready to fight just in case.

"State your business twoleg!" The cat shouted.

The masked and cape-clad figure put up his hand defensively. "Hey! Take ot easy! I'm Robin, and apparently I'm here to help."

Rin nodded. "I'm Rin..."

They were all interrupted by a figure who lucky for them looked like an average man. He clenched his head, and examined the group warily, hoping they weren't going to all attack at once.

They all stared at each other in silence, exchanging glances of confusion, hostility, and unease, before Dawn finally decided to speak up. "Who are you?" She asked the man.

"I'm The Doctor..." The man replied with a slight smile, which quickly turned into a gaze of horror. "N-now if we're all done pointing our swords and claws at each other... would someone please explain the giant, bloodthirsty wolf behind the small talking cat?!?!"

Bluestar turned and saw the most horrifying wolf she had ever seen. She jumped and screeched and the rest of the crowd screamed.



(Young Justice chords here)

(Flying cats there)


(RWBY shit here)

OH BABY MY PRIDE- (Blue Exorcist)



(All is cut off, and the Once Upon a Time title them plays)


WhiteRosePowerofIce as Dawn
MoonclanDeputy as Bluestar
lylia9000 as Robin
MeganCostello24 as Rin Okumura
And Me as The Doctor and everything else


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