Ashton's game adventure

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We see Dimitri as he was holding the controller.

Dimitri: Ok, so this is the tutorial level of the game. This is where you learn the basics of how to play the game.

We then see Dimitri using the controller as we see Ashton breaking a few crates and collecting the coins inside them

Dimitri: Alright, so far, so good I just need to get him to the museum roof

Jessica: Why does Ashton need to get to the roof of the museum?

Ashton: *through the tv* It's part of the game. I have to steal something inside.

Dimitri: Exactly.

We then see Ashton sitting on the edge of the skylight as the laser system deactivate

Ashton: Great job Bentley.

Dimitri: Ok, after he gets the item he needs he will run into...

We see Ashton turn and see a fox woman come into the room

Carmelita: You really think you were going to get away with it did you Ash?

She points a red pistol at Ashton

Ashton: Hey Carmelita! Funny meeting you here.

Carmelita: Ashton Millman. You lying, miserable, no-good thief! I am locking you up for good!

We then see Ashton going up to the window.

Ashton: Sorry, gotta take a rain check! Please don't hate me!

Duck: Ok, Ok I'm confused, how does Carmelita know his name?

Dimitri: I'm gonna take a guess that when he got sent to the game it somehow changed it to making Ashton the main character. And since this is the fourth Sly Cooper game that means the ancestors will be a little like Ashton in appearance.

Lexi: But what happens if Ashton's health is empty?

Dimitri: In the game it usually means... game over. But with Ashton inside it... oh no.

Ace: Oh no? Are you saying Ashton can die in the game for real?

Dimitri: Exactly.

Ashton: *through the tv* SO DON'T LET DIMITRI LEAD ME TO MY DEATH!

Dimitri: I'm not gonna do that, I'll try to be very careful.

Ashton: *through the tv* You better!

We then see Ashton as he was running to the van

Ashton: Hit it Murray!

We then see the van as it turned into a rocket and vanished leaving behind a spinning license plate

Eddy: Where'd he go?

Dimitri: Not "where" when. He went to the first level of the game, Feudal Japan. Where Rioichi Cooper lives.

Duck: How many levels does this game have?

Dimitri: Well first is Japan like I said, next comes the wild west, the caveman era, medieval time,  ancient Arabia, and an alternate paris. So 6. and each level has a boss.

Gray: What's the last boss?

Dimitri: A time traveling french skunk. And no I'm not kidding. And Gray your clothes.

Gray then saw he was in his underwear.

Gray: Come the frick on!

Ashton: *through the tv* Gray lost his clothes again?

Dimitri: Yup and as I was saying this boss comes from a family of thieves like sly cooper and his father was going to steal a jewel and blame it on Sly's father but his dad was one step ahead of him.

Erza: So the skunk's father got sent to jail instead?

Dimitri: Yup and Le Paradox wanted revenge by wiping out the Cooper clan throughout history by placing the other bosses of the game in the other time periods.

Lexi: And how long will this take?

Dimitri: Probably about... 9 hours and 20 minutes. So I'd recommend getting comfortable. This'll take a while.

Lexi: This is gonna be a long gameplay.

We see Dimitri playing as he was going through the first level as we see Ashton was almost at the boss.

Dimitri: Ok, so the first boss is named El Jefe and he uses fire and lighting attacks and the fireballs can be deflected with the samurai armor.

Duck: Sounds pretty easy.

Dimitri: This is the first boss, it's supposed to be easy.

Lexi: What about the lighting attacks?

Dimitri: They can be avoided by running around where the attack will be trying to get you.

Slam: *grunts sounding like "How does Ashton get to the next level?"*

Dimitri: Simple, we beat the boss. Then we move on to the next level.

El Jefe is beaten as a blimp dropped a golden star badge as Ashton picked it up.

Dimitri: A sheriff's badge which means we are moving on to the next level where Ash has to get thrown in jail

Zee: Why?

Dimitri: Simple to get Tennessee Kid Cooper out of jail, Ashton has to get in maximum security where Kid is being held in.

Lexi: Oh.

We then Ashton deface the posters on an armadillo sheriff

Duck: Who's that stupid armadillo?

Dimitri: That would be the supposed sheriff who is actually a criminal who loved two things. Gold and cowboy movies. Le Paradox put him there to get rid of Tennesee Kid. So that means we will be giving that sheriff what he deserves.

Ashton: *through the tv* And restoring Tennessee's reputation as the greatest outlaw in the west.

Dimitri: Exactly.

We then see Dimitri as he is guiding Ashton through the town until he gets caught and is forced into jail.

Dimitri: Yes, Ashton is now in. So next is to get him and Tennessee out of the brigg.

We see Ashton as he was seen getting Tennessee out of jail as Ashton was going through the prison while rolling on his prison ball avoiding the laser wires.

Dimitri: Ok this is going well.

Lexi: Like I said, this is gonna be a long gameplay.

Ashton: *through the tv* I'm having the time of my life!

Dimitri: Yeah and hopefully we'll get ya out unscathed.

Ashton: *through the tv* You're doing well so far.

Dimitri: Thanks.

We then see as Dimitri has got them out as we see Dimitri playing through the level.

Zee: Alright, doing good, you're almost at the boss level.

Dimitri: Thanks. I just need to be sure he doesn't die.

Duck: Can't you go through the game faster?

Dimitri: I'm playing this game as fast as I can. So sit down and shut it!

Duck then sat down as Dimitri was guiding Ashton as he was seen beating Toothpick

Lexi: This boss fight makes no sense.

Dimitri: That's the point each boss fight you go to will increase the difficulty.

We then see the van go down a canyon as a necklace was then placed in a machine and the van vanished

Ashton: Hey Carmelita sorry about what Toothpick put you through.

Carmelita: It's alright. But why did you lie to me?

Ashton: Well my family was being erased from history and I needed to save them. I am really sorry for lying to you. I was scared you'd shoot me in the face if you caught me.

Carmelita: Believe me I wanted to. But you went through to save me so you're forgiven for now.

Ashton: Thank you.

Duck: *groans* This is taking forever. Can you do something to speed this up?

Dimitri: Like what?

Duck: I don't know, maybe a montage or something?

Dimitri: No can do. HAHAHAHAHA!

Duck then sighed as Dimitri was seen guiding Ashton as he was seen freeing the next member of the cooper clan.

Dimitri: Alright guys we got Bob free. And Bob is the first Cooper because he invented the cane Ashton and the others are using/have been stolen from.

Ace: What's next?

Dimitri: First off, Bob will be needing exercise to get back into shape. and next will be to beat The Grizz. The worst boss of the game.

Lexi: Why?

Dimitri: Apparently, Grizz was doing graffiti art and was caught but his art had led to him being famous for only a short period of time. But let's just get through this level so we can beat this guy.

We then see Dimitri as he was playing through the level as he was seen leading Ashton straight to the level until Ashton and the other get stuck behind an ice wall

Dimitri: It's Murray's time to shine.

We then see Dimitri playing as he was using Murray.

Dimitri: Luckily I was able to remember the patterns on this.

Jessica: Is that how you are able to play it so well. You memorized the patterns?

Dimitri: Yup.

We then see Dimitri as he had Murray ice skate for a bit and throw Grizz into the ice wall freeing the others.

Ashton: You were great Murray!

Dimitri: And that is how you beat a bear.

Yoko: And I thought Ashton was a goner.

Lexi: Which level is next.

Dimitri: Well since they now have Grizz's crown the next level is the medieval level.

Ace: And which boss is in it?

Dimitri: A black knight but it is actually Penelope Bentley's girlfriend who joined Le Paradox for the money. Effectively breaking Bentley's heart.

Ace: That's awful.

Dimitri: Yeah. Which means that Bently will have to fight her in the boss fight. Oh and as a bonus Carmelita gets to have a boss fight in this level as well.

Ashton: *through the tv* That makes this more fun.

Dimitri: Exactly.

We then see Dimitri as he was playing through the level as we see Ashton was getting close to Carmelita

Ashton: I may be a human but anyone can see that you are the most beautiful woman in any time period.

Carmelita: Oh. Thank you.

Ashton: You're welcome. Ever since we first met I wanted to ask you something.

Carmelita: What is it?

Ashton gets on one knee and pulls out a small black box

Ashton: Will you marry me?

Carmelita: Of course.

Duck: Wait what!?

Dimitri: He just proposed to Carmelita. How is that hard to understand?

Lexi: It was pretty obvious.

Dimitri: Ok let's keep this up.

We see Dimitri playing as we see they have reached to the moat monster boss as he was making Carmelita shoot the weak points of the monster

Ashton: *through the tv* Dude be careful that's my fiancé.

Dimitri: Relax man, I know what I'm doing.

We then see Dimitri using the controller as he guided Carmelita as she was shooting the monster's weak points destroying it

Dimitri: Nailed it! Ok one boss in this level down, one to go.

We then see Dimitri as he played through the level as he had got to the boss.

Dimitri: Ok, let's show Penelope what happens when she betrays the Cooper clan.

Ashton: *through the tv* Yeah, she's getting her just desserts.

We then see Dimitri guiding Ashton as he is seen firing arrows at the giant knight's weak spots.

Lexi: Keep going, it's almost down.

Dimitri: Got it.

We then see Ashton had fired at the giant knight's weak points destroying it and was under the wreckage as Penelope was about to get him but Bently showed up.

Dimitri: Perfect timing.

Ashton: *through the tv* Thank goodness. I can't feel my legs.

Dimitri: Take five bud, Bentley will take care of her.

We then see Dimitri as he was making Bentley fight Penelope.

Duck: Why do you even watch gameplay videos?

Dimitri: A lot of gamers watch those it's to help them figure out how the game goes, which bosses there are, and see the weaknesses of said bosses.

Lexi: It does make sense.

We then see Dimitri playing as Bentley defeated Penelope

Ashton: I'm sorry Penelope broke your heart Bentley.

Bently: It's alright, and I'm sorry I wasn't there this whole time.

Ashton: Hey she fooled all of us.

Dimitri: Alright, two more levels to go and the last one will have Le Paradox.

Lexi: Make it count.

Ashton: *through the tv* Maybe we should do a montage.

Dimitri: Agreed, I think my hands are starting to feel numb.

Duck: So montage?

Dimitri: Can't believe I'm saying this to you but yes.

We then see a montage as it shows Dimitri playing through ancient Arabia as we see Ashton freeing Salim Al-Kupar as we then see them rescuing the three remaining members of the forty thieves, as we then see Carmelita belly dancing to distract the guards.

Ashton: I am so sorry you have to do this Carmelita. I will make it up to you later I promise

Dimitri: I'm sure she'll forgive you Ash.

We then see Dimitri playing through as we see Ashton going to the boss which was an elephant woman with a trumpet in her trunk.

Dimitri: Miss Decibel, one of Le Paradox's lieutenants.

We then see Dimitri guiding Ashton as he was beating Decibel to a pulp as we see Le Paradox's ship leaving with Carmelita. we see the van returning to paris to see it was ruled by Le Paradox as we see Ashton going to the ship and was trapped with Carmelita as we see Dimitri playing as the entire gang and cooper ancestors were going through the ship getting their canes back and each one returning to their timelines as we then see Dimitri as he had gotten to the boss fight as we see Ashton fighting Le Paradox as we see the two go into a duel as Ashton was beating Le Paradox and kicked him off the blimp

Dimitri: Finally it's over. *drops the controller* And now I can't feel my hands.

Ashton: Incoming!

Ashton then came out of the tv with Carmelita in tow as they crashed into the wall.

Ashton: Ouch.

Lexi: Welcome back Ash.

Dimitri: Don't I get any credit or a "thank you" for this?

Ashton: Right, thanks for getting me out D.

Dimitri: Anytime Ashton.

Carmelita: What is going on?

Ashton: Right, I guess you should know, this is my friend Dimitri and me and him are both from a dimension where you are a character from a game and while the others are characters from movies and shows.

Dimitri: And we are on a mission to stop an evil threatening to destroy everything.

Carmelita: Where he goes *points at Ashton* I go. We are engaged after all.

Dimitri: Ok. Welcome aboard. Let's see which world is next. *looks at the device* Ok K.O. Let's be heroes. Well let's get ready for what will be in store for us.

And done!

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