To fiore

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We see everyone in the Exo-Vac as we see Dimitri going to the armory on the phone as he saw a section saying appearance as he pressed it and he was now wearing a red combat armor

Dimitri: Not bad.

Ashton: Nice outfit dude.

Dimitri: Thanks. *looks at the device* Well brace yourselves guys cause we will be arriving in Fairy tail right about... *sees the exit of the portal* Now.

We then see the Exo-Vac exit out of the portal as we see them land in a forest near town

Ashton: God I love this anime!

Dimitri: Me too, and we will get to see our favorite characters here. Right? *Ashton says nothing* Ashton?

Ashton falls to the ground screaming in pain as the armory glows purple and the hulk's powers are automatically selected

Lexi: Dimitri what's wrong with Ashton?!

Dimitri: Get back everyone, the Hulk has come to Fiore.

Duck: The Hulk? Who's the Hulk?

Ashton then transformed into the hulk as he was a large green muscular monster wearing torn purple pants and he belted out a loud roar.

Dimitri: That is the Hulk. Run!!!!!!

Everyone then started to run as Ashton chased after them as they ran through the woods as Dimitri then jumped inside a hole in the ground as Ashton came to it and Dimitri popped out from behind him and kicked him to the floor

Ashton: Hidey man hurt Hulk. Hulk rip off hidey man's head!!!

Dimitri: Yikes! *runs away*

Ace: We gotta hide! So we can figure out why our friend is trying to kill us.

Dimitri: I got an idea.

Dimitri then pressed a button on the app as Dimitri created a bright blinding light at Ashton as he then grabbed his eyes.

Ashton: Hulk's eyes! Hulk can't see!

Rev: Moveitmoveitmoveit!

They then ran off as they were seen hiding in a large building

???: Who the hell are you people?

They all turned and saw a pink haired man with his fist on fire.

Dimitri: Natsu Dragneel, am I glad to see you!

Natsu: How do you know my name?

Dimitri: That doesn't matter, we need you and your friends' help saving our friend.

Lexi: He became a giant green monster and is trying to kill us.

Tech: We have to find a way to calm him down and stop him.

???: I say we help them.

They then saw a redheaded woman in armor come into the entry hall

Dimitri: Erza Scarlet, the strongest member of the fairy tail guild.

Natsu: Erza are you nuts? For all we know they could've set the monster loose themselves, so they can kill us themselves.

Dimitri: Hey, we aren't controlling him even if we were, we would've done so by now.

Tech: He's telling the truth. He's our friend, we would never make him do this.

Erza: Alright, we'll help you.

Dimitri: Thank you

Erza: Cana, Juvia, Lucy, Grey, you're coming with us.

Dimitri: We'll all go together. and what happened with our friend I say we all got a mystery on our hands. Let's go.

We saw everyone as they were going through the town.

Lexi: This doesn't make sense, how did Ash even turn into that anyway?

Dimitri: No idea, but the app started glowing purple and the hulk was auto selected meaning someone knew what they were unleashing.

Tech: So that could mean that someone is using Ashton for something, but what?

Dimitri: I don't know.

Lucy: Uh guys? I think I found something.

Duck: What is it?

Lucy: Him.

Ashton: Hulk smash!!!!

They then saw Ashton coming as Dimitri saw Ashton was coming for him

Dimitri: Run!;

They all began to run as Dimitri saw Ashton coming after him.

Dimitri: Why me?!

Erza: Over here.

Dimitri saw Erza as she was by a tower of barrels as Dimitri ran by as she kicked a barrel making the other barrels fall on Ashton

Ashton: Bugs off Hulk!

Erza: Come on.

Dimitri then followed Erza as they both ran to a building as Ashton ran to find them as he was gone before Dimitri saw a emblem on the back of his shoulder

Dimitri: Isn't that the Fairy Tail guild symbol?

Erza: Indeed it was. But why would that be on your friend? He isn't a member of the fairy tail guild, is he?

Dimitri: No, something tells me that someone placed it on him to place blame on your guild for his destruction.

Erza: But who would do such a thing?

Dimitri: I don't know. But I plan to find out who it is.

They then walked out of the building as they saw the others.

Duck: What happened?

Dimitri: Ash was after me but Erza saved me.

Erza: We even saw our symbol on the creature's shoulder.

Gray: But why would it be on it? it's not a member of our guild.

Dimitri: Well we believe that someone planted it on him.

Lucy: But why would someone want to ruin Fairy tail?

Ace: It must've been one of your enemies that did it. But which one?

Dimitri: Well maybe we can find some clues that can lead us to the culprit.

We see them going through books in a library as Dimitri was reading a book of the quartum army and saw a picture of a man.

Dimitri: Hmm.

Ace: What is it Dimitri?

Dimitri: Don't know, that face seems familiar but where have I seen it before?

As he placed the book down a rumble was heard as they saw a glass of water and sees the water in it ripple with each rumble

Duck: *Gasps* Oh no, he's coming!

Cana: Then we better get moving!

Erza: This way.

They then ran to a door as they ran out of the library as Ashton was seen coming out of the library.

Ashton: Hulk smash!

Dimitri then saw Ashton coming to him again as Erza led Dimitri to a building as they went through a hall but Dimitri saw Era at the entrance as she was making it collapse as Dimitri was seen running out as the others came to him.

Ace: You ok?

Cana: Where's Erza?

Dimitri: She tried to slow Ashton down by dropping a building on him.

Natsu: We need to find her.

Dimitri: Yeah but we need to stop Ashton, and I think I have an idea. Hey I'm sounding like Velma. And I'm thinking like Fred, I say we all should set a trap for the Jolly Green Giant.

Duck: Please tell me I'm not the bait.

Dimitri: No I am, it's me Ashton keeps chasing and it's me who will catch him.

We see Dimitri at a building in town as he was on his phone.

Dimitri: Ok, if i'm correct Ashton should show up any minute now.

Ashton roars

Ashton: Hidey man not run from Hulk now!

Dimitri: Then I won't run.

He then sees Ashton running to him as Dimitri pressed a button from the armory as he threw a sphere at Ashton as it formed into a dome trapping Ashton in it as he tried to break free but started to get tired.

Ashton: Hulk... sleepy... Hulk need... nap.

he then collapsed as he changed back.

Duck: He stopped? But why?

Dimitri: Cause this field is keeping the corrupting signal from reaching him.

Tech: So that means the one who's making that magic signal is nearby.

Tech then walked to a window with curtains as he removed the one on the left as we see a man was hiding behind it.

Lucy: Zash?

Tech: Dimitri, think back at when Ashton first transformed.

Dimitri then began to think as a flashback was seen as we see Ashton on the ground and the app turning purple as we see Zash hiding at the bushes as he sent the spell to them but then looked as he saw he was seen by Dimitri as the flashback ended.

Dimitri: He was at the spot where we landed here!

Ace: And I'll bet this guy ain't hiding in these curtains alone.

He then moved the curtain on the right as they all saw Erza as she was tied up and gagged.

Dimitri: Erza. *runs to her and removes the gag* You alright? *unties Erza*

Erza: He stuck me in here so I stopped rescuing you.

Ace: Zash used Ashton so he could ruin the fairy tail guild. He placed their emblem on Ashton hoping to throw suspicion off himself and onto them.

Tech: And Zash thought Dimitri could I.D him and ruin his plan, so he used the hulk to scare him away.

Zash: And I had done it too, if you people hadn't come along!

Ashton groaned and started to wake up

Ashton: Where am I? *sees he is in the field* And why am I in this dome?

Dimitri: We'll explain later. *places cuffs on Zash and puts a blindfold on him* Let's get this creep to the authorities.

Duck: Why put a blindfold on him?

Dimitri: The book I read said he can use a magic called evil eye which he can use to control people by eye contact, and since his magic works with eye contact, let him see through a blindfold.

We later see the group at the fairy tail guild.

Gray: Guess we should thank you guys for getting involved.

Dimitri: Anytime and Gray your clothes.

It was revealed that Gray was seen in only his underwear

Gray: Not again!

He then scrambled to get his clothes as the others watched him.

Lexi: Does he always do that?

Dimitri: Yup Gray has a habit of taking off his clothes. Side effects of training under a stripper. And no I'm not kidding there.

Gray: Hey!

Dimitri: Anyway, we are wondering if you guys could come with us and help save the multiverse.

Ashton: See me and Dimitri are from a world where you guys are characters for a show and the rest of our friends come from different shows, and something dangerous is threatening to destroy all of them.

Erza: We will join you. If you'll have us.

Dimitri: Of course. Welcome aboard.

Ashton: But this won't be easy cause whoever is trying to destroy the tv multiverse is aware that we're here and is sending their agents to stop us

Dimitri: So we need to be careful of who to face if any agents come here *sees a portal open up at a distance* And speak of the devil.

Ashton: Allow me.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ashton then went to where the portal was opened and saw a man in a green and yellow uniform with a dragon tattoo on his chest as he did a few fighting moves as Ashton saw him doing them

Ashton: That was so awesome! You were like *mimics the moves* Waaaah! and then went "Shashabooie"! Who are you?

The man then turned to Ashton

Man: I am the dragon.

Ashton: Me too! Wanna spar?

Man: With you? Alright buddy, show me what you got.

Ashton then came at the man to hit him only for the man to get the upper hand as he landed some hits on Ashton making him reel back as Ashton tried to hit him as the man did some more hits and ended with a palm strike sending Ashton to a wall as he bounced off the wall and was flying towards the man as he was surprised by the ricochet, and was similarly launched backwards. As Ashton swiftly came at him.

Ashton: Dragon strike!

He then did some hits at him with a series of punches and claps as Ashton tried to kick the man but was countered with a punch as they Ashton did a flurry of kicks as the man did a series of punches to block them as he caught Ashton's foot and did a technique as Ashton was in a daze as the man slammed him into the ground as Ashton got up but was punched in the air as he shook his head.

Ashton: Focus. Focus.

He then began to think about Lexi, Satsuki, Lucy, Juvia, Cana, and Adiane smiling at him as he then broke out of the daze as he did an axe kick and hit the man as he then did a chi blast as the man absorbed it.

Man: You can use chi too?!

The man then ran and appeared behind Ashton.

Ashton: Huh?

Man: Interesting.

The man then harnessed chi and formed it into a sphere as Ashton saw it.

Ashton: So cool.

He then launched Ashton as he fell down some stairs as he heads to a bamboo forest as he landed on a pair of bamboo shoots as he sighs but his eyes widened as he saw he was heading towards a small collection of bamboo shoots making him panic and avoid getting skewered as the bamboo pulls him back making him land on his back unharmed as the man came to him.

Man: How about we both stop holding back?

He then kicked a nearby bamboo stalk to create a makeshift staff, breaking it to specifically have a pointed end and twirling it in intimidation.

Ashton: Hahaha! Totally!

a bamboo stalk near him, providing him with a similar weapon, with his being littered with leaves. The two staff-equipped warriors rush at each other, trading and colliding blows with their weapons, with the man gaining a temporary advantage by smacking Ashton over the head and poking him in the stomach. However, after Iron Fist whacks him on the head again, Ashton quickly closes the distance between the two by chopping the staff but got kneed by the man as he was temporarily stunned as the man came to him and did some palm hand strikes.

Ashton: Stop that it tickles!

Ashton then pushed the man back with a shoulder bash.

Ashton: Kinda like this!

He then held his staff to the man's face as the leaf tickles his nose as he stifles his sneeze and goes in to attack, but stops as the sneeze returns. He fails to hold it back again and sneezes as Ashton takes the opportunity to grab onto the man's index finger.

Man: What are you doing?

Ashton: Oh ho ho, you know this hold?

Man: Uh, no?

Ashton: Oh, well you're about to learn it. Skad- *The man pulls his hand away* Hey!

Ashton then grabbed his hand again.

Ashton: Skado- *the man pulls his hand away again as he grabs it again* Skado- *the man pulls his hand away again.

The man grabbed Ashton and threw him over his shoulder slamming him into the ground.

Ashton: Come on, gimme a break!

Ashton then tackled the man wrapping his arms around him as Ashton held his own finger.

Ashton: Ok, this time for real! Skadoosh!

Ashton then flexes his pinky finger as the two are sent into the Spirit Realm. as the man manages to throw Ashton off of himself, and looks around in shock.

Ashton: Nice view, huh? Hahaha! Golden Lotus Clap!

Ashton then clapped his hands sending out golden shockwaves that temporarily disorienting the man as Ahston lunges forward at the man sending a couple of punches both of which are countered before being knocked back by the man who is still in his blinded state. The man jumps back and dons an offensive stance.

Man: Feel the power of Chi!

He then rushes forward with his chi-infused hand and unleashing a powerful one-inch punch, which launches Ashton a great distance to another temple located on a different island in the Spirit Realm. Ashton was seen ultimately unscathed by the attack, standing up from the rubble and clasping his hands together to tap into the Hero's Chi which summons his dragon. Moments later, he embeds himself with the creature, flying straight towards his opponent.

Ashton: Yeah!!!!! Get ready to feel the thunder!

Surprised at his opponent's survival, the man turns around and raises his fist to call upon his trump card.

Man: Heart of the dragon, he's still fighting! Spirit of the Dragon, lend me your power!

He then calls upon the power of Shou-Lao as the dragon then crashes into the ground where the man is standing, embedding him with it and K'un-Lun's power as he morphs into his skeletal form. The man turns to face his swiftly approaching opponent before sending out the dragon with his fist, clashing with Ashton's. The two collide for a couple of strikes in the air, seemingly equal.

Ashton: Hohohoho, Come to papa!

Ashton's chi dragon destroys the man's chi dragon and swoops down. As Ashton once again focuses by imagining Lucy, Lexi, Adiane, Satsuki, Lucy, Cana and Juvia smiling at him increases the power of his attack, but to no avail as he is picked up by Ashton's chi dragon. As the two prepare for one last strike, the man screams as he slowly disintegrates, his chi overwhelmed by Ashton's. Ashton smashes through him, reducing the man to dust.

The chi dragon winds itself into a yin-yang symbol, before disappearing in a flash. Ashton then returns to the mortal world, celebrating his victory.

Ashton: YEAH! That was so... Cool! Wait till the others hear about this!

He then ran off and found the others

Ashton: Guys that portal had this kung fu guy come out and I beat him.

Dimitri: Thank you panda style button!

Ashton: So where to next?

Dimitri then checked the device as he saw the title on it.

Dimitri: DC Superhero Girls.

Ashton: But before we do anything the Exo-Vac needs an upgrade.

Ashton turns into Upgrade and latches onto the jet causing it to expand into a large green jet plane as he changes back.

Ashton: There we go. Now we can go.

Dimitri then saw the device as it showed a distance of the world they're in and to the next world as he also noticed a few worlds were in the distance as Dc superhero girls was last.

Dimitri: Hey Ash I think we might have a few pit stops before entering DC Superhero Girls. *shows Ashton the device*

Ashton: *sees the destinations* Oh baby I am so excited for when we get to Static Shock.

Dimitri: Not to mention there is Carmen Sandiego, Ed edd n eddy and a certain anime with your favorite blue haired psycho ice princess.

Ashton: Akame ga Kill? YEAH BABY!!!

Dimitri: Then let's go, figure it's time to make some pit stops.

Ashton: And a chance to meet some more characters.

And done!

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