Newest Lost One OC

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Full Name: Elizabeth Hopkins
Nickname: Eliza, Liz or Storm
Date of Birth: October 15th
Sexuality: undecided (Just a child)

Personality: She's very emotional, being a child and all. She can be happy one moment and fighting you the next, making her a dangerous weapon. She has a shy side that usually shows rather than her more outgoing side and she doesn't stray far from what Aster and Darien are teaching her.
Powers: Light and Darkness control
Family: Aster Honna and Darien Fross
Hobbies: Singing, Playing tag, Hanging out with Darien and Astronomy.
Likes: Stars, Thunder storms, Bright lights, Fire flies, Forests and Bean bag chairs.
Dislikes: Yelling, Scary noises, Cramped Spaces, Cars, Onions.
Hero Outfit: None
Where you live: Oviera Tower
Theme Song:

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