chapter five:

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If you'd have asked Mia two days ago how she was spending her weekend, it definitely wouldn't have included cleaning up blood stains and helping her twelve year old brother capture his cat-murdering, inter-dimensional pet.

But here she was, doing exactly that.

While Dustin was burying Mews outside, Mia was busy cleaning the blood from his carpet. Well, she was trying anyways. After Dustin finished burying the cat, he came to help but really, he spent most of the time trying to call his friends on his radio instead.

Mia was about to rip the headset off him, when finally someone responded.

It ended up being Lucas's little sister Erica, who Mia found to be a little rude, but also kind of funny with all her attitude and sass rolled into one. She wasn't much help though when Dustin tried asking where Lucas or Mike were, and she shut off Lucas's radio.

Dustin just sat there speechless for a moment, then his face lit up with what Mia recognised as his 'new idea face' and she sighed.

"Now what?"

"I'm going to Mike's."


"I'll be back soon, don't go anywhere!" He ran out of the room, leaving her alone.

"Wait–Dustin!" Mia yelled. "Dustin!"

But he was gone.

She sighed, and mentally cursed her brother to the depths of hell.

Mia finished cleaning, getting rid of the blood as best she could and put all the supplies away, before tidying up the mess she and Dustin had made. She occupied herself with homework, watching tv or reading as she waited for her brother to come home.

It'd been hours since he'd left and if she had to wait any longer, Mia might've called Chief Hopper.

But finally, she heard a car pull up in their driveway.

Mia abandoned the book she wasn't really reading and rushed outside. She halted however, when she saw who's car was there.

"Of course," she muttered to herself before walking over to Steve's car. Dustin got out and she punched him in the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"For running off and not telling me where you were going. You were gone for hours, Dustin!"

"I did tell you! I said I was going to Mike's!"

"And was Mike there?"

"Obviously not." Dustin said flatly. "But, Steve was."

Mia looked up and Steve waved awkwardly at her. "Hi again."

She gave him a small smile in return, then turned her gaze back to Dustin. "I'm assuming you've told him?"

"Yes. He's here to help."

Mia glanced at Steve again and sighed. "Alright. What's the plan now?"

Steve opened his trunk and the Henderson siblings followed. Steve grabbed a bat with nails sticking out of it and Mia raised an eyebrow.

"Do you always have deadly weapons just sitting in your trunk?"

Steve's lip quirked, but he didn't comment, he just followed Dustin over to the shelter. Mia followed closely behind the boys.

"I don't hear shit." Steve said.

"He's in there." Dustin assured him.

Steve banged the doors with his bat, but no sound came from the other side. Mia wondered whether Dart had either died from lack of air (that's what she hoped) or whether he'd somehow managed to escape (which she actually suspected was the case).

Steve turned to Dustin and shone the flashlight in his face. Mia squinted at the glare. "Alright, listen, kid. I swear if this is some sort of Halloween prank, you're dead."

"It's not a prank." Dustin replied. "I watched Mia hit him down there with my own eyes. Now get it out of my face."

Steve kept the light on Dustin but glanced at Mia, who shrugged nonchalantly. "You got a key for this thing?"

"It's inside." Mia answered and went inside to grab the key, handing it to Steve when she returned. Their fingers brushed at the brief contact, and it sent a warm shiver down her spine. She ignored it and stepped back. He unlocked the chain and opened the doors, and Mia tossed him the flashlight back.

"He must be further down there." Dustin said. "I'll stay up here in case he tries to escape."

"How courageous of you, brother." Mia muttered, then turned to Steve. "I sent the thing down there, so you can take this one."

Steve sighed and shook his head, before slowly creeping down the stairs to investigate. He disappeared from view, and a moment later a light switched on.

"Steve? Steve, what's going on down there?" Dustin called out.

There was no response, and Mia started to worry. The two siblings leant in closer to try and see, flinching when Steve appeared again, shining his light up at them.

"That's okay, I didn't need to my eyesight anyway." Mia murmured sarcastically.

"Get down here." Steve ordered, ignoring Mia's comment.

The siblings did as instructed and Mia gagged when she saw the slimy skin hanging off of Steve's bat.

"That's fucking disgusting."

"Oh shit," Dustin groaned.

"Yeah, that's not all..." Steve shone his light in the corner of the room and Mia saw a Dart shaped hole in the brick work.

"Oh, shit!"

The three of them crouched down to have a look. It seemed Dart had escaped through an underground tunnel and now they were basically screwed.


"What, Mia?"

"You're not allowed another pet ever again."


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