chapter one:

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"Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch!"

Mia furrowed her eyebrows as her little brother Dustin came running into the living room and started searching the other end of the sofa she was currently sat on.

"Another stupid penny." He cursed, throwing the coin across the room, nearly hitting their cat.

"Dusty watch it, you almost hit Mews." Mrs Henderson scolded. Dustin didn't answer her. He just continued searching, moving down the couch closer to Mia.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Mia asked. Instead of responding, Dustin shoved her forcefully off her seat. "Hey! Ow, Dustin!"

Dustin continued to ignore his sister, turning to their mother and asking, "can I please check under your cushions?"


"Mom, please! It's an emergency!"

She agreed reluctantly and got up, both of them groaning at one other. Mia watched her brother dig around then run back to his room when he successfully found some quarters.

"He didn't even bother to fix the cushion for you." Mia shook her head and fixed it herself.

"Will you go check on him, sweetie? Make sure he's not getting up to too much trouble?" Claudia asked.

"Do I have to?"


She rolled her eyes. "Fine."

Mia left her mother and wandered down the hall to Dustin's room. His door was slightly open and Mia could hear him talking to someone, so she stood outside to eavesdrop.

"Old Man Humphrey's got that kind of cash?" Dustin asked.

"Just call Mike already." Lucas Sinclair said.

Mia wasn't surprised—Dustin and his friends were always talking and scheming on their radio's. She thought it cute at first, but it'd been happening for years now and she was tired of hearing the words "over and out" every day.

"You call Mike."

"I have to go take a shower from doing real work, like a man. Over and out."

Dustin groaned so Mia took that as her cue. She slid open his door and yelled "BOO", causing Dustin to scream. He let out a high-pitched squeal and Mia doubled over in laughter.

"What the hell, Mia?!"

"Your face is priceless!"

"What are you doing in my room?!" He asked, annoyed.

"Mom wanted me to make sure you're not getting yourself into trouble. Clearly she doesn't know you very well since you're always doing exactly that." Mia replied, amused. "What are you and your nerd pack up to now anyway?"


"It didn't look like nothing from the way you shoved me off the sofa."

"We're just going to the arcade."

"If you needed money, you could've borrowed some off me instead of digging under the cushions like you're homeless." Mia said.

"If I wanted your money, I would've asked." Dustin snapped.

"Okay, no need for the sass. At least let me drive you there."

"No way! I'm riding there with Mike and Lucas. Now go away, Mia! I have important people to call!"

Mia rolled her eyes and muttered a few choice words under her breath as Dustin went back to talking on his radio. She closed his door and walked off to her own room. Mia looked at the pile of textbooks that lay open on her bed and sighed, remembering she never got around to finishing her homework because her mother made her come and watch some boring news segment about a car chase that happened all the way in Pittsburgh, while talking about why it was dangerous being on the road and that Mia should be thankful she didn't have her license yet.

It wasn't because she didn't want to get it–she tried once after she turned 16 but failed her test and had been too embarrassed to try it again.

Mia decided to leave her homework for another time and cleared her bed. She put all the books on her desk and crawled under the covers, allowing sleep to take over.


"Are you going to Tina's party?" Carmody, Mia's best friend asked.

Just as the two girls had left Chemistry, Tina had handed them each an invite to her Halloween party. Mia wasn't one for parties normally, but Carmody loved them so Mia always went with her because it was better than sitting at home watching the news or some other boring programme with her mother–not that she didn't enjoy her mothers company of course, she just preferred having somewhat of a social life.

Mia eyed the flyer cautiously and then looked up at Carmody, who was grinning in anticipation. "I don't know parties and I never go well together."

Carmody put an arm around Mia. "That's because you never go to the right parties."

"You go to the same parties." Mia stated flatly.

"True, but this one will be different! Come on Mia, we've had our costumes for ages and you can't be Cher trick or treating with your five year old brother and his gang of geeks–"

"–Dustin's twelve."

"You gotta show off your Cher and I've gotta show of my Madonna in front of everyone!" Carmody insisted passionately.

"Alright, alright!" Mia caved. "But if anything goes wrong I'm blaming you."

Carmody grinned. "We don't have to stay long, I promise. Well just drop in, have a few drinks, dance for a bit and then go."

"Whatever you say, Carmody."

The girls walked off to lunch and Mia wished her friend wasn't so stubborn sometimes. It would've made saying no to social outings a lot easier.

After school, Mia decided to take some time in the library to study and catch up on the homework she never finished the night before.

There weren't many people there when she arrived, just a few kids either wandering the aisles, at the front desk talking with the librarian, or a few sitting at a table playing chess or with their heads buried in a textbook. Mia sat at an empty table by the window and pulled out her books, placing them in front of her, then put her headphones on and pressed play on her favourite mixtape.

She got so deep into studying, that it wasn't until a sudden tap on her shoulder forced her to look up, startled. She took her headphones off and raised her eyebrows.

Steve Harrington was there looking down at her.

"Can I help you?" Mia asked.

"Uh, I just thought I'd let you know that everyone else has gone." Steve said. "We're the only ones here."

Mia furrowed her eyebrows and scanned the library, which was in fact empty.

How long was I studying for?

"Wait, what time is it?"

"Nearly five-thirty."

"Five thirty?!" Her eyes widened. "Shit!"

Mia didn't even bother wondering why Steve of all people was the only one still left in the library apart from her, she just hurriedly packed away her things and slung her bag over her shoulder. She tucked her Walkman into her pocket, letting the headphones sit around her neck as she started making her way out of the library, completely unaware that Steve was following her.

Well, she was aware she just didn't take any notice.

"Hey, Mia, wait!" Steve called.

Mia ignored him–as well as the fact he knew her name–and pushed the doors open. But he caught up and stopped in front of her.

"Please get out of my way. I have to get home." Mia said, walking around him.

"Wait, let me drive you home." Steve offered.

Mia stopped and stared at him. The last thing she wanted to do right now was get in a car with him. "Why would you do that?"

"Uh, because it's getting dark and you shouldn't be walking home by yourself?"

"No," she said. "I mean why would you do that for me? You don't know me."

Steve frowned. "So?"

"So," Mia crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "I could be a murderer for all you know. I could lead you to somewhere in the middle of nowhere and then kill you."

"You're not a murderer."

"You don't know that."

"I once saw you rescue a butterfly with a broken wing and take it to the nurses office."

Mia stared at Steve blankly. "That was the third grade. How the hell do you even know about that?"

"I just do, okay? My point is, you're not going to murder me–or anyone. Now will you please just let me drive you home?" He insisted.

She didn't understand why he was pushing this so hard. He wasn't chivalrous–he was rude and arrogant and too confident for his own good. But, Mia also didn't particularly seem fond of the idea of walking home alone, so she sighed reluctantly.

"Fine, whatever."

Steve smiled and Mia rolled her eyes, following him to his car. She gave him the directions to her house and he drove out of the school parking lot.

Mia wasn't sure how she ended up in this situation, but all she could think about for the entire drive, was the fact that Steve Harrington remembered her butterfly rescue in the third grade–even though the only person she told was Carmody.


Hiiii first chapter is officially here!! I hope you enjoyed, I can't wait to share more of Mia & Steve hehe

It's been ages since I last published something or even updated one of my other books (it's been a year lol) but it's here and I hope u guys will stick around to see what happens!

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