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Izuku stood on the rooftop, his green hair which was messier than normal whipped around in the strong wind that blew around in the air around him. Bellow him, was the empty street of the abandoned neighborhood he was at, not a single person noir hero, villian or civilian was around.

No one could stop him from this, not on his watch. It would all be over for him, the bullying, the disgrace he brought to his family, the pain and suffering, it'll all be over soon for him.

Izuku faced his back to the edge as he looked at the night sky above him, the wind still blowing around him. He closed his eyes as he went to take a step backward.

"Kid don't!" Izuku shot his eyes open at that voice that stopped him before he could make the full step backwards, to his surprise no one was there. "Rocka seriously?! That's a bold move with you!" "What was I supposed to do Bulk?! Let the kid take his life?!" Izuku looked around for the arguing voices source. "Rocka! Bulk! Enough!" The two voices silenced at a third yelling, Izuku jumped a bit at that yelling.

He felt a hand on his shoulder yet when he looked for the source he saw a translucent figure there, they were robotic and almost as tall as his favorite hero All Might, the Pro Hero he wanted to be like. Their armor was a snow white color while limbs underneath it were a baby blue color, their eyes were a glowing icy blue color which went on par with the glowing stone in their chest which had an H symbol in it, a brown hip back on his hips, an ice themed gun with icecle spikes on the barrel. The robot had the air of a leader but also a bit of a father as well.

Izuku backed up a bit at the sight of them, "W-Who, are you?" At that question alone, nine more translucent robotic people appeared. Eight seemed to have the same H symbol but of the colors paired for each Black and Orange, Silver and Marigold, Red and Yellow, Green and Orange, Blue and Neon Green, Orange and Neon Green, Yellow and Silver, and finally Gold and Silver. The other robotic person was taller than the white one which put All Might's hieght to shame, midnight black armor and neon green eyes and the strangest with them was a pair of antlers on their head that would belong to a buck deer.

"Duncan Bulk," The silver one introduced himself, "Jimi Stringer," The black one said, "William Furno," The red one spoke, "Natalie Breez," The green and only female one said, "Mark Surge," the blue one said, "Julius Nex," the orange one said, "Nathan Evo," the yellow one said as he crossed his arms over his chest, "Daniel Rocka," the gold one said, "Black Phantom," the other black person said, "Preston Stormer." The white one that held Izuku's shoulder introduced himself. "And we're Alpha team, a part of your quirk."

It took time of explaining and to get ahold of his newfound quirk, but Izuku quickly got the hand of it. The people as they introduced themselves were a part of his quirk, Stormer(The leader of them who was at times cold as his element but cared for everyone around him), Furno(the second in command who had a fiery temper that went with his element), Bulk(the lovable giant with unmatched strength and a love for reading), Stringer(The Cassanova flirt who loved music), Breez(the only female of the team who had a love for animals and to get the innocent to safety with her own occasional temper), Surge(the shortest hero with a short temper for it and electricity at his control), Evo(The tech guru who loved to fix and modify vehicles and all), Nex(the team medic who kept his mind and senses sharp no matter the task at hand), Rocka(the somewhat arrogant hero who can scope out a villian a mile away) and Black Phantom(the Ex-Villian who wanted to redeem himself of his actions and usually keeps to himself) and for Izuku, it was the miracle he was waiting for.

He knew there was a bright future ahead of him now.


Izuku braced himself for the strike from the aquatic based villian before the familiar yell of Stormer rung out as the ice hero punched the villian away from Izuku, Mineta and Tusi. Stormer formed a thick layer of black ice around his fists and feet as he fought the villian.

Izuku snapped back as he gave a yell while forming blue electricity around his fist while his eyes turned a neon blue and punched another villian that came at him, instantly frying them with two hundred volts of electricity. Izuku and his two classmates would've delt with the electricity shock as well being soaked with water but Surge made sure that didn't happen.

Izuku soon joined Stormer in the fight against the villians that came at them all, Izuku switching between of Alpha team as he fought with the ice hero.


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