"Beauty Isn't Everything"

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The dreams started happening after she arrived at the Wilderness School. Piper could hardly believe how vivid they were.. 

Somehow she knew they were real, and yet she couldn't seem to believe what she was looking at.. 

There was a roaring fire.. crackling into the night.. casting dancing shadows over the roughly hewn stones and the large man sitting before the flames..

His form was barely seen in the shadows of the flames.. but rough black thorns and claws could be seen.. his arms and legs were like the limbs of a blackened beastly dragon.. spikes jutting out.. His fit and tough bare chest was covered in blood red tattoos of swirling strange patterns.. a massive whipped back and forth in the shadows behind him..  and a hood covered his head a blackened hood obscuring his face.

In one clawed hand, the man held a massive red spear covered in red thorns.. glinting bloodred in the firelight.

When the man spoke, he spoke in a bloodthirsty, yet emotionless manner.. like a beast that had resorted to itself to battling everything and everyone, but yet took no pleasure even from it's attempts at pleasure. 

"You've reached the camp.. good.." growled the man.. "Good. I told Jeanne we only needed one.. but no matter.. two can also be a good thing. Gives us a backup for leverage. Hmph.. better not have any second thoughts girl.. or HE will know pain.."

The man jabbed the tip of his spear at a groaning bloodied man in torn and ragged clothes hanging from chains on his wrists, tied to a rock.

"This piece of meat holds no pleasure or interest to me.. There is really no reason for me to keep him alive.. except keeping you in line of course.. don't keep in line, and I'll take the attempt as useless and kill him without remorse or consideration.. it is the logical option."

The man leaned forward so that his face was visible in the flames. His teeth were sharp, like dragon fangs.. His face was handsome, or it used to be.. but his cold dead gaze, and the tear-like red markings under his eyes gave him a horrible deadly sort of look.. 

"The Earth Mother will not make the same mistake as Kronos.. she recognizes the powers of Servants.. they she does not underestimate them.. she has already taken the best of them and set them against you.. you would best remember that..  You.. and that weakling Empress.."

Piper awoke, gasping, to find Nero's face looking down at her, the girl's nose inches from her own.

"Muuuu a.. are you okay!?" Nero said.

"Uh.. maybe, if you give me a little room?" Piper groaned. 

"Umu.. any friend worth her marbles leaves not her people to suffer when it is apparent there is something wrong!" said Nero. "I must look closely.. SO closely.. that no ounce of your immense beauty will ever surely block away the sickness that I shall destroy-.."

"Nero she gets it." said Annabeth, pulling Nero back.

"What happened?" Muttered Piper as she sat up, noticing she was in the Big House where she remembered only moments ago that they had burst inside talking about Rhongomyniad being stolen. 

"You collapsed." said Chiron gently. "Onto the floor right as we received news of the Lance's loss.. and of course Rachel's trance.."

"Umu! And it has become a most disturbing trend!" said Nero, placing her hands on her hips. "Firstly, this goddess appears to me, then she possesses this.. Rachel.. I am assuming you were possessed by this very goddess that appeared to me correct?"

"For an amnesiac she's pretty.. unperturbed.." muttered Annabeth as  Rachel snorted a bit.. 

However, in spite of Nero's dominating front, the fact that Nero wasn't acting a little more enthusiastic already told Piper quite a bit.  False memories or not, whoever was messing with their memories knew Nero well and put in extremely accurate predicted simulations as false memories. 

Nero was worried.. and to top it off, she was stressed to no end. 

Piper almost put out a hand to comfort Nero as she was helped to her feet, but then the dream came back to her mind, and she stopped

She was a traitor here. What right did she have to try and befriend the person she was going to betray?

"The way you described the goddess, if you're sure it's a goddess." said Annabeth. "A Goat Skin Cloak.. are you sure it's important? I don't recall any goddess having goat skin as a matter of import.. "

"I do.. I think.. it sits there on the tip of my tongue like a sudden song, waiting to be exclaimed to the heavens." said Nero with a sigh. "But it makes no sense... it.. "

But Chiron placed a hand on Nero's shoulder and nodded at her. "Go on.. say it.. I believe you yourself DO know the answer.."

"Juno... Juno wife to Jupiter." said Nero. "It is she who calls out for our aid.. and it is she who seems to be behind this conundrum."

Chiron nodded. "Indeed. "

"Wait.. Hera? That jerk!?" said Annabeth with a look of anger flashing across her face. "SHE has Arturia!?"

"That explains why it's out of the blue." Percy grumbled, looking just as irritated. "Hera's always had bad timing... the jerk face.."

Nero folded her arms. "My memories speak not of whatever relationship I might have with this goddess.. but I do not believe I feel anything amicable to Juno either.. judging from the way I react internally when I speak the name..mmmuuuu.. I believe I have a bit of a-.."

"Grudge." Chiron finished. "Nero..  like your feminine legend, this aspect is not actually well known either, but you and Juno had an argument at one point, and it did not end well.."

"So a goddess who hates us all is asking for our help?" said Percy. "Greeeaaat.."

"Specifically she is asking for Nero's help." said Chiron. "And she's so desperate for it that she even went as far as to possess our Oracle.. and the mana intensity even knocked out Piper here unfortunately.. "

"Mana intensity?" asked Piper. "Wait.. what?"

"The room was still heavy with Juno's power, I believe there might have been a bit too much left when you just entered." said Chiron. 

"Hera.." said Annabeth. "You mean Hera.."

Chiron smiled sadly. "No.. I mean Juno.. I'm afraid I cannot explain.. for now.. But, if truly the Queen of Olympus has been captured-."

"Yeah." said Percy. "Hera may be a world class jerk, but she's pivotal in importance among the gods. The Olympians shutting themselves away, all the crap that's been going on, and plus new Servants popping up everywhere without any masters to summon them... weird ones.. Dangerous ones.. that might be an explanation for it.. or at least be involved.

"Mumumu.. weird servants? Umu, considering the ones I've already seen at this camp, including myself, I will grudgingly admit... weird is relative.." said Nero with a frown, the cowlick on her head wiggling back and forth like a tail.

"Weird as in there have been duplicates of servants we know turning up." said Annabeth. "Me and Ushiwakamaru were attacked by ANOTHER Ushiwakamaru last week when we were on a mission to pick up a Halfblood in Oregon.  This one was different.. pale skin, yellow eyes.. a lot like Saber that one time when she-... er.. back at Mt. Tam.

Piper wasn't sure what Annabeth meant by Mt Tam.. but from the sound of it, it was a painful memory. 

"Wait.. Umu.. are you saying, IMPOSTERS have been turning up? Duplicate Imposters!?" said Nero looking horrified. "How disgusting! If one of ME were to turn up.. the falacies!!"

Piper had to agree with that. She wasn't sure how she could take something as creepy as the Horror Movie Us, where people were attacked by their duplicates. 

"Not just a falsehood.. an Alter." said Chiron. "One must understand that the Heroic Spirit summoning system of today isn't like that of the theoretical 2nd and 3rd Holy Grail Wars that happened in the past at Fuyuki City.  The Heroic Spirits summoned are in fact the REAL and ACTUAL people of history.. many at the Mage Association forget that.."

"That's the governing organization that presides over the presence of magic in the mortal community.." Rachel whispered to Piper. "They have headquarters in London at a place called the Clock Tower."

"-As such." Chiron continued. "Many abuse and neglect Heroic Spirits thinking of them as nothing but tools..  and only those with that kind of mindset dare to mess with magic in such a way that Dark Duplicates are formed. How they can summon these Dark.. Alters...while the true Heroic Spirits are already present, is something I cannot fathom.. a terrible mystery, one in which we will have to contemplate as we organize a Quest to rescue the Queen of the Gods.."

Chiron looked at Nero who seemed REALLY uneasy now. "She requested you.. and you truly for this.. Nero, I know your past is something you hold in fear at the moment, and knowledge of it is currently something you both do not want, and yet crave.. "

"Say no more Chiron.." said Nero. "Umu.. whatever my past was.. whatever horrible or good person I actually was, there is no reason not to try and do some good now. I must lay some work down for the good of the People!"

Annabeth seemed to consider Nero for a bit, then she nodded. "Okay. Well we'll announce it at the Singalong tonight, and you'll be allowed to pick two companions before you head out.."

"Where should I start?" Nero asked. "I'll admit, I have no idea to where I should begin my journey. North is a direction, not a complete destination!"

Piper felt her breath turn bated. She almost suggest it.. the place the man indicated.. but.. but could she truly go through with this?

"I suggest visiting Aeolus, God of the Winds." said Annabeth. "Those were Storm Spirits you saw attacking you last time, and if Hera made a reference to north, she might be thinking the same thing. Mana spike reports from The Clock Tower don't indicate anything unusually godly happening anywhere north, so she might be hinting you on how to find her. Aeolus is tough to find since his territory is always moving. But one of the Four Seasonal winds might help."

"Yes." said Chiron. "Boreas is in Quebec and might lend a hand.. The God of the North Wind.. "

"That far north?" said Piper. "How would Nero get there!? And didn't you mention that she said there were only 4 days!?"

Umu.. easy enough! We will take the Pegasi!" said Nero confidently.

"They can't fly that fast." said Annabeth with a frown.  "Maybe Llamrei could get you there, but she'll only let Arturia ride her.. otherwise she just stands there and paws the ground..  and our other fastest Noble Phantasm is Bear, Kintoki's motorcycle.. and he's well.."

"What about Medusa and The actual Pegasus?" asked Rachel.

"She's out with Sakura trying to look for Saber." said Annabeth.  "They won't get here back in time to lend us a hand. "Maybe if Rin get's back here by tomorrow.. then we can ask Ishtar to lend her Boat of Heaven.. but.. no.. we don't know when Rin will be back, and Ishtar might ask for something ludicrous in return."

"We'll figure it out as we go along." said Chiron. "For now, there is no time to waste. We must prepare to announce everything at the campfire tonight."

Annabeth nodded as Chiron left the room with Rachel, but Piper could see Annabeth's furrowed brow, it wasn't all said and done for her.. at least not right now. 

"I have an idea.." Annabeth muttered. "Chiron isn't telling us much.. maybe cause he can't.. "

"Yeah, but you sure about this?" Percy asked. "Sounds like the knowledge itself is dangerous.."

"Since when did you ever care about that?" said Annabeth.

Percy nodded. "Touche.."

 "Mumu..." Nero folded her arms. "Am I understanding that we are going behind the Master Centaur's back?"

"No.. just getting around an oath he made, which he can't break, though it would be okay if he did." said Annabeth, scratching her head as she did so. "He didn't say we couldn't find out for ourselves."

"Umu..well fine I guess." Nero muttered, though this time, her uneasiness definitely showed.

"It's a way we might be able to get back your memories." said Annabeth. "Look, I know about the issue of Nero's legend.. but, this might help you on the Quest."

Piper debated inside herself for what felt like an eon in an instant, before she finally took Nero's hand in her's, squeezing it. "Look.. I'll come with. I mean I don't know how useful I can be getting memories back but-.."

"OH PIPER!" Nero's eyes sparkled, grabbing Piper in a ginormous hug and lifting her off the floor. "Your generosity and kindness exceed the beauty of a flowery rose in full spring!!"

"Okay.. I get it.." Piper wheezed. "Nero... Nero you're crushing my spine... I can't  breathe.. help... aaaagghh."

"I'll take you to see Clovis from the Hypnos Cabin.." said Annabeth. "But only tomorrow before you go. It's almost time for the campfire and we need to give everybody the info about the Quest and decide which two people will go with you."

"Two.. people..? Mumu?" Nero blinked. "Is it truly that limited how many denizens I would have as travel companions?"

"Yes.. 3 is a lucky number, and you're travelling over large distances in a short amount of time." said Percy. "So yeah.. better to have 3.."

"Umu! But what if I need more praises?" said Nero. "I think 8 is a good number!"

"Eight!? Why eight!?" said Annabeth.

"Four to tell me I'm beautiful, and another Four to keep those four in place when I perform my self made play writes!" said Nero, her eyes sparkling. "And then I will return their favors with my own love and affection and favors! Maybe I'll sing for them.. or.. or.. hhmmm?"

Nero frowned as she scratched her head, looking pained. "Wait.. did.. I love acting?"

"Maybe this is a good sign." said Annabeth quickly. "It means your memories are probably still there under the surface.."

"Mu.. P..perhaps." Nero said.  

"Come on, I'll take you to drop your things off at Servant Cabin real quick, if you have any stuff to drop off there." said Percy. 

"I have my clothes!" said Nero cheerily as she suddenly began taking off her dress.

"WHOAH WHOAH WHOAH!!!" yelled Piper quickly, grabbing Nero's arm and pulling her clothes back up. "Er.. right um.. don't get naked."

"Piper!" said Nero. "I am shocked.. SHOCKED I say.. that one as beautiful as you would choose to hide her body rather than display it proudly! The human form is a WONDERFUL thing.. if anything.. we should have a day where we ALL shed our limiting clothes and display ourselves proudly! Adam and Eve knew exactly how the world  should've been-!"

"Then they ate an apple or something, and they started wearing clothes." said Piper. "Yeah.. I'm not running around naked with you."

"Then surely we must draw a hot bath together! Umu!"

"Nero!" Piper moaned. "Remember what we discussed about being too forward!?"

"No." said Nero, frowning. "There was no such discussion.. was there?"

Piper froze. She had momentarily forgotten about the false memories and amnesia.. the conversation they were in the  middle of just now.. just felt like such a normal Nero and Piper interaction that for a moment, it felt like they were back at the Wilderness School up to their usual shenanigans, Leo in tow.

"N.. nevermind." Piper murmured. "Let's... let's just go."

Dinner was pretty amazing before the bonfire that night. 

Piper had never been at a stranger meal. While the Campers felt normal enough, the Half Bloods seeming very much like a bunch of normal teenagers, goofing off, joking, eating barbecue served by Nymphs and Satyrs. 

On the other hand there were the Servants.

They behaved normally enough, eating with the campers, sharing stories and the meals, but they were definitely the more recognizably colorful of the bunch. 

Some of the Servants could instantly be picked out of a crowd, like Scathach, who came to dinner dressed in her leather body suit, smiling in a motherly way at some of the younger campers chiding one of the Hecate kids for accidentally sprouting a magical flower bush right under a Satyr's seat. 

Others came wearing their Camp Half Blood orange T-shirts and regular skirts, jeans and shorts, but they could recognized due to oddities about them, like some of them were too good looking, or much older than the college age demigods as Servants, according to Annabeth, were always summoned in the Prime of their Life unless they happened to die young or possess some type of immortality.. 

Astolfo for one, one of the legendary knights of Charlemagne, was a boy, who, unless you took a far closer look, had the appearance of a beautiful, cute, young lady with pink hair tied in a braid.  It didn't help that he liked to wear girl's clothing. 

Elizabeth Bathory was instantly recognizable despite her normal clothing due to the dragon's tail and horns of course. And Karna the hindu demigod, well wearing a dress shirt and jeans was not gonna disguise his rather incredibly godly look. 

Nero however, was given a wide berth by many of the campers and even Servants, sitting in the middle of one of the tables with many edging away from her. 

Piper knew why, the very name Nero just felt cursed when you thought about the Roman Emperor known by that name. 

Piper had never seen Nero look so amazingly miserable, her face wasn't in it's usual happy cheery expression, it's optimistic loving thrilled prideful look. No, she looked downcast and hurt.. and seeing anybody innocent and expressive as Nero in such a situation was enough to make Piper's heart bleed waterfalls. 

"Dang it Leo.." Piper muttered, looking around as she slid some of her food into the brazier in sacrifice to the gods. "Come on where are you? Go cheer up Nero or something.. you always make her laugh.."

Leo was nowhere to be seen, not even at the Hephaestus table, which worried Piper.  Just where was he?

"Yo.. why are ya waiting for somebody to sit next to her when YOU can sit next to her.. you're her friend aintcha? "

Piper looked next to her and nearly had a heart attack. Wh.. what!? How did Nero suddenly get so close!?

But Piper quickly realized that the girl next to her wasn't Nero. 

While they did possess a sort of passing resemblance, this girl's hair was tied in a ponytail with braids to the side, and her face was more playful and less prideful, with messier hair, like the personification of a wild child youth.  

Her clothing was also rebellious in a different way from Nero's elegant skimpiness. This girl wore a revealing tube top, shorts and a red jacket... It wasn't that she was trying to show off her body like Nero.. she probably just liked the breeze on her. 

The girl grinned and playfully gentle punched Piper in the forehead. "So ya gonna sit with her or not? Or ya embarrassed to be seen with what MIGHT be like.. I dunno.. Evil Emperor Zerg or something.."

"You don't know why the name Nero's famous?" Piper asked. 

"Oh trust me I know." said the girl. "I just don't think that's her.. I've got a good notion of what evil people are like, and that girl couldn't hurt an inchworm without despairing over how such an artistically beautiful inchworm had to face such toil or crap.."

"You talked with her I see." said Piper, shaking her head and smiling. 

"Ah.. yeah, we met an hour ago when I was helping Chiron get everyone gathered for Dinner.. I just got back.." said the girl. "But I have a general idea of what's going on.. Hera the jerk is captured, Olympus has gone to shit, and my Fa-.. I mean.. sister.. is still nowhere to be found.."

The girl's face turned momentarily sour. "What a damn week it's been.. anyways, who ya plannin' to betray and why are ya doin' it?"

Piper nearly dropped out of her skin, her skin went as cold as ice and she nearly lost her breath. "H.. How..?"

"Don't freak out. I know whatever it is, it ain't something ya want to do.. but.. let's just say I've been in your shoes before.. rousing up every fiber of your being to rebel against something you've given all your love to.. wondering if you'll have the courage or the guile to kill those you called comrades.. " said the girl. "The one I rebelled against.. betrayed.. she forgave me. It took some serious work, but we ultimately forgave each other. But it was trust that took a long time to mend.."

Piper looked down.

"But.. you're not me." said the girl. "I can tell that too. You're not just trying to gather up the courage to do it.. you feel you don't have a choice. Whose the blackmailer kid?"

"Who are you?" Piper growled. "And what the heck do YOU know about my situation!?"

"I'm Mordred Pendragon and I'm famous for killing my dad." said the girl with a cheery rogueish grin. "Nice to meetcha.. Piper right?" 

Piper stopped trembling with anger and felt shock. "Wait.. the.. knight who redeemed himself by helping King Arthur stop-."

"-A great evil? Yeah." said Mordred. "Only you've heard wrong.. that story wasn't true till a few months ago. Me and Sis stopped Kronos and Goetia, that was the great Evil.. and as a reward, the gods used the Mist to make the myth known to everyone in an altered state.. redeeming my legend.. truth is.. till a few months ago I was only famous for being the bastard child villain who killed the greatest king of Britain.."

"Oh.. oh wow.." said Piper. 

"Yeah.. Look, I'm probably way out of line." said Mordred. "Sorry for calling you out, but you seemed like you needed it.."

"Needed what?" Piper snapped.

"To have something sudden and out of line jump some fight into you." said Mordred with a laugh.  "Kiddo.. you're going to betray somebody that's for sure.. but you still get to choose who to betray. And whatever he or she is holding over you.. I know that those two friends of yours wouldn't blame you for being afraid.. "

"You want me.. to tell them.. about THIS?" Piper said. "They'll-.."

"Hate you?" Mordred finished. "Girl, I barely know you, have a basic idea of what you're going through, and I still don't hate you.. "

Piper shook her head. "I can't betray him.. he'll know.. he'll kill-.."

Piper bit her lip, she shouldn't talk about this.. Mordred was dangerous, she had to avoid her, especially if He was watching.. 

"I'm sorry.. I need to go.." Piper grunted pulling away from Mordred. "Look thanks and everything.. but.. stay away from me. How about you sit with Nero? You seem like you're less prejudiced than most people.."

Piper shoved away from Mordred, but the girl grabbed her wrist. 

"Hold on.. here." Mordred smacked a red coin with the symbol of a sword of white on it. "Bastard Merlin made this for me.. when ya feel like you want to tell the truth and take my advice.. flip it.. real cool stuff will happen then.. "

Piper pocketed the coin, swearing she would never take it out as long as she lived.. 

She made to turn away with her tray, trying to find where Annabeth was sitting, but as she did, she passed by Drew who seemed to be animatedly talking to some of her clique.

"Oh that Nero girl's such an idiot bitch I know." Drew was saying. "Did she set Rome on Fire? Who knows? All I know is that she's totally an airhead. She'll do anything for attention..  I'm thinking we bank on that.."

Piper turned to glare at Drew. "You leave Nero alone.."

Drew looked at Piper, smirking. "Oh.. I know you hon.. you were that sweetie pie with Annabeth today, weren't you? Is Nero your friend? Figures you would be friends with such a pretty idiot with all bod and no brain.. "

"Nero's an artist and an actress." said Piper stiffly. "I would think both require somebody to have more brains than a makeup heavy airhead who spends all day insulting people like it's her only day job."

Drew laughed as the rest of her clique looked uneasy. "Oh wow hon.. you're a real treat aren't you? Your mom was the goddess wasn't she? I wonder what pitiful guy she felt sorry for before birthing something icky like you onto this planet?"

Piper began to feel her anger rise. She never played this card.. but.. Drew was slowly driving her over the edge.

"I mean if it was somebody who was like Nero that would explain a lot-" Drew began to say. 

"Tristan McLean.." Piper said. "My father is Tristan McLean.."

Yep.. she did  that..  she went there.

There was a silence.. then..

"OH MY GOOOOD!" squealed two of the girls in Drew's clique excitedly. 

"Wow! Really!?" said one of the Aphrodite boys. "Like.. have you been on set to one of his movies!? Do you get to go to premiers?"

"Er.. sometimes.." Piper said uneasily. She didn't like playing the Famous Dad card, but she needed to say something to shut Drew up.  

Drew scowled. "T.. Tristan Mc...  "

But she suddenly regained her composure and laughed. "Tristan McLean? Obviously she's just trying to lie to make herself seem better! Such an obvious tactic.. nice try hon, but some famous father pandering fake isn't going to make a genocidal emperor look any better. Right everyone?"

"R.. Right.." said one of the girls halfheartedly.

"A fake.." muttered the boy from before, sitting down and looking away. 

"Good.. as long as we're all in agreement." said Drew with a smirk, before getting up and walking away. "Now.. I've got some planning to do for the main event."

"You need to watch out for Drew." said the boy from before, nodding at Piper. "Sorry about that back there.."

Piper frowned, as the others from Drew's clique nodded. "Aren't you.. like her friends?"

"More like her subordinates." said one girl. "She took over as Camp Councilor after Silena.. our old one.. died in the Titan War.. rumor is she was a trai-.."

"She's a hero.. and Arturia said she should be regarded as such." said the boy angrily.

The other Aphrodite cabin members nodded. 

"Anyways.. Drew's a jerk.. always has been." said the boy

"Why do you follow her then?" asked Piper. "Why not just choose a new Councilor if you don't like her?"

"Because deerlet, Drew is dangerous."

Piper turned to see Elizabeth Bathory, who had her arms folded nervously, constantly looking left and right as if to make sure Drew wasn't watching. 

"Drew has a rare gift from Aphrodite.." Liz continued. "She can Charm Speak see? Her words can charm others into doing what she wants.. like.. make them want to do things that they normally wouldn't do.. only Servants with A Class Magic Resistance can usually resist her and even then, it's tough.. M.. My Magic Resistance isn't that high.. so I end up frequently bullied by her..  She actually bullies me the most.."

"Drew claims that because of all the stuff Liz did when she was alive, she deserves everything she gets." said another girl.  "She likes to bully Servants who she claims did something deserving of death. Nitocris killed her political opponents and committed suicide for one.."

"But I was summoned in the state she was before all that crap happened." said Liz haughtily, folding her arms. "I've done my best to try and make up for all that.. and yet.. "

A few Aphrodite members patted Liz on the back as she began to tear up. 

Charm Speak huh?

It couldn't be.

Piper didn't end up in the Wilderness School by chance. After stealing a car, and a host of other things, it was the only thing that made sense.

It was strange really, Piper always had a way with words she never could figure out. The Dealer had actually just HANDED her the car when she told him she wanted to take it for a spin. The next thing she knew.. the police were after after the dealer realized he had been tricked.. but how he had been tricked.. well..

Piper knew the feeling, the compelling charm she had heard when Drew attempted to control Galahad. It was the very feeling she felt when she sometimes spoke to convince people she stole  from to give her the stuff in the first place. 

"What does Drew plan on doing to Nero?" Piper asked quickly. 

"Who knows?" said Liz quietly. "Look.. I.. I like Nero.. she's got an eye for singing that I dig.. but, I can't get involved in this, I don't want to make Drew angry.."

The other campers nodded in agreement. 

Piper balled her fists up furiously. "So right.. just cower and let her bully you and her.. brilliant."

"Like.. what can we even DO Deerlet!?" said Liz. "I mean, what can we do against a Charmspeaker when the only person who scares her, King Blue, is currently missing!"

"We can at least TRY something!" Piper said hotly before stomping off in Nero's direction. She was sitting with Nero.. she was not letting her mope alone and potentially become a victim to Drew!

"Hey there, what's all the arguing about..!?"

Piper froze in her tracks, dropping her tray of food instantly as her mouth dropped in horror.

Standing before her.. was the very man she had seen in her dreams. 

He was different. Slimmer.. with lighter skin, no tattoos, normal teeth, and a blue body suit with silver armor on his shoulders.  He grinned at everyone. "Hey there guys, anybody seen Rin? I've got this  problem where Gae Bolg isn't appearing when I call it for some reason.. I mean I'm no mage so I don't know what could possibly be-.."

Piper ran, shoving the man out of the way. No.. he couldn't be anywhere near Nero.. or Leo.. not now.. not ever. He was watching, he was ALWAYS watching.. 

Piper only looked over her shoulder once.. and the last thing she saw before the bonfire started later that night, was Drew with her hands on her hips, appearing to be chatting animatedly with Nero. 

That night at the bonfire, there was a lot of roaring and singing, the flames towered, changing through a whole host of colors as the singing continued.  At one point, Liz joined in and the campers and servants immediately piled on top of her yelling "NO!!" to stop the super sonic dragon blasting voice from rupturing everyone's eardrums. 

But as Chiron stood up at attention.. everyone's voices died down, and the flames reduced themselves to a low coal-like smolder. 

"Everyone, it is good to see you all in high spirits." said Chiron. "However tonight, there is also grave news..  Our current Substitute Camp Director, Merlin is away at the moment, so I shall let Rachel make it clear."

Rachel stood up. She explained everything, about Nero's arrival, her lack of memories, Hera's visions to them.. 

"In short.." Annabeth said, joining in. "Nero's been brought to this camp for a reason.. and that reason is for this Quest.. to save Hera. "

"Furthermore.." said Rachel. "I believe this might have something to do with the Prophecy of 7.." 

Rachel and Annabeth gave each other meaningful looks. 

Prophecy of 7.. what was that? 

In any case there was plenty of muttering from the other campers and Servants. 

"A Great Prophecy starting already? So soon?" Said Shirou. "Like.. didn't Apollo say that it could take years for something like that to happen?"

"Gilgamesh also said that Prophecies were wild things during the Age of Gods." said Scathach. "Like the wind, they could come slowly.. or as suddenly as a typhoon.  But this quest period.. 4 days, it's worrying.. good transportation will be required, none of which are available.. in any case.. if Nero is one of the 7 Grand.. no.. I doubt it."

"The Prophecy didn't say the Seven Heroes answering the Call were necessarily the 7 Grand Servants." said Jake Mason. "There could be 14 Heroes total.. or as few as 9 with some of them numbering among the Grand.. "

"The Great Prophecy.." said Rachel. "That can come later.. for now we need to focus on this quest, clear and present.."

"What's the Great Prophecy?" Piper asked Liz. 

"Some big grand prophecy predicting the end of the world and how 7 heroes will save us." said Liz. "I personally think I will be one of them.. or not.. then again, a pretty wonderful Idol might just be exactly what the world needs!"

"So why Nero?" asked Gawain, sounding miffed beyond measure. "Why does it need to be this monster? I guess after Jason Hera just has a knack for picking them.. "

"Gawain.. please, control yourself.. "murmured Tristan.

"Come on Big G.. it ain't like ya to be that rude.. I'm the rude one.." Mordred muttered. 

Gawain glared at Mordred and she stepped away, looking uneasy. Piper immediately got the sense that Gawain's relationship with Mordred was definitely bad. 

"I suppose it's natural to hear traitors and murderers speak kindly of other murderers." said Gawain stiffly.

Mordred looked away, remaining silent as Bedivere sighed. "Gawain.. please don't bring THIS matter up now of all times.. I believe the girl deserves a chance to prove herself. As Chiron has said already during the explanation of this Quest's motives, there is no telling of Nero's actual origins.  It is a strange thing.. I believe she deserves her say in this..."

"Indeed she does." said Chiron. "Nero.. if you would.."

Nero stood up, and immediately Piper could tell something was wrong. Her eyes had a glazed look to them... and Drew was smiling.. 

"Oh dear.. she looks like she's about to say something rather fun." Drew whispered to Piper as she slipped Piper a piece of paper..

Piper read frantically and felt her heart go cold. It was a script.

"Look at me, I'm Nero, I'm such a slut idiot, I burned down Rome, and by the way Gawain, your king is a stupid idiot.."

The script continued for a bit which finally ended with Nero doing some incredibly embarrassing things. 

And in that moment.. Piper could do only one thing.. 

"NERO SNAP OUT OF IT!" Piper yelled. 

There was a strange power that washed over the pavilion.. as if the entire world went still for just a moment..

Nero blinked for a second and the glaze in her eyes disappeared. "U.. umu? Wasn't I at dinner?"

Everyone stared at Piper for a moment, and Drew looked both confused and furious.

"Er.. she.. looked tired." Piper said quickly. "Nero, you're drowsy, we were explaining the Quest.. you know."

"Oh! Umu! Thank you Piper for waking me up!" said Nero. "Um.. yeah well.."

There was still something wrong. Nero should've been going into an extravagant speech about how she was going to save the world or something, and to be offering boons and lavishing praise to those who would stand with her.. but instead she looked afraid, unsure.. 

Piper glared at Drew. "What else did you say to her..? "

Drew merely smiled. "Oh hon.. I just told her what she's really worth in the world.."

"W.. we are.. er.. going to save Juno." Nero said meekly. "Mu.. if.. anybody wants to come with me.. I mean a total reject isn't much but.."

"Who would want to go with you?" Drew said, standing up. "Obviously you're the Emperor Nero. The jerk who burned down Rome. Seriously hon.. grow a pair.. obviously the REAL person leading this quest, should be somebody with experience, somebody with real beauty and style.. like me.."

Drew's Charmspeak washed over the crowd, and even Chiron was furrowing his brow now, as if realizing that everything Drew was saying was logical. Everyone was nodding their heads.. everyone, Annabeth, Rachel.. 

Even Mordred looked like she was swaying, though she was blinking hard, as if trying to resist it..  and Galahad and Ozymandias, who should've resisted, were also furrowing their brows

Piper understood now, the danger of the situation.. Drew had hidden her true power from everyone.. the only real person who had actually definitely resisted her was the person currently missing. 

Without Arturia Pendragon around to scare Drew,  she was slowly taking over the entire camp. 

Piper had to stop this. She COULD stop this.. she could Charmspeak back... however..

her dream.. the man.. 

Maybe it was better they didn't go.. 

Maybe .. 

"STOP!" Piper yelled, using her Charmspeak as the words drilled into Drew's magic. "Nero's going on this quest, and you aren't going to stop her.. "

"Oh.. nice.' said Drew with a sneer. "You may have some power.. but don't even think that's enough. You've got nothing on me.. "

She's wrong..  A voice spoke in Piper's head

Immediately, Piper started to glow and before she knew it, her clothing had changed.. Her body looked perfect, her skin glowed, she wore a white simple dress and makeup that brought out all her beauty in all it's dangerous splendor, and her hair was neatly braided down her back. 

Chiron seemed to snap out of the spell a bit as everyone stepped back, looking amazed. 

"She's been claimed.. she's-." Percy began to say

"Oh crap.. another Aphrodite fairy.." muttered Liz. "Er. wait.. I mean.. YAY go Deerlet.. er.. Piper.. her name's Piper right?"

"Everyone.. don't be fooled. Just because she's my half sister doesn't mean she knows any better." said Drew, laying her Charm Speak on thick again. 

Everyone began to fall back under the spell as Piper felt herself instantly losing confidence. She couldn't match this.. 

"Yes.. Nero's just a poor excuse for a servant whose got nothing, not even looks.. and even that's debatable." said Drew. "The best thing to do.. is kick her out of this camp and let me rescue Hera.. as it should be.."

Piper bowed her head. She could see the face of the man in the back of her mind. This was for the best. Better Nero was demotivated than killed right?

"HEY! maybe you should SHUT up ya freakin' pile of makeup!!" said a familiar voice. 

The spell immediately broke as Leo walked out of the crowd. 

"Listen.. I'm just a small time Servant Lawyer, but I do declare that letting this babe with the blonde hair who is a fantastic person go on Quests to save weird people with goat skin cloaks, is perfectly legal!"

Everyone just stared at Leo, confused. 

On the other hand, Nero broke into laughter. "UFUFUFUFU! Glorious! More glorious humor from thee Leo my muse! Yes.. laughter.. provide me with more jokes!"

Leo pointed at Drew. "Listen lady.. er.. whatever your name is.. "

"Drew." said Piper. 

"Right.. Drew! Listen here!!" Leo said. "You can charm the hell out of everyone! Talk about going on pretty adventures to look for the Makeup Doctor to improve your appearance blablabla.. but NOBODY talks about Nero like that when I'm around! Like.. not even when I'm NOT around.. I mean seriously.. no looks? Have you SEEN that rack-EHEM I mean face.. I meant to say face.."

"Leo.." Piper moaned. 

"Shhhshhhshhh.." Leo held up a finger. "hold on Piper.. The Leo Speaks.."

'The Leo'? Really? Nero really was rubbing off on Leo.

Drew opened her mouth to angrily retort. But suddenly there was a "RRRRRAAAAAAAHHHH!!" and a woman in a wedding dress with a metal horn whacked Drew over the head from behind and she fell face down into the pavilion. 

"Thanks Fran!" said Leo. 

"Uuuuu!" Fran said, holding a thumbs up. 

"She says she's always wanted to do that." said Leo. 

"Uuu Uuu.." 

"And that Drew's a humongous jackass.." said Leo.

"You know what she's saying?!" said Annabeth. 

"Oh yeah, I kinda figured out how she talks when I was hanging around with her in Bunker 9." said Leo. 

"You found bunker 9!?" said Jake Mason. 

"Oh, and by the way." said Leo. "About our transportation.. I think I have that covered.. on one condition.. "

Leo grinned at Piper. "Maybe that even though the Three Amigos probably never existed in the first place.. we keep the Three Amigos together for this one.. sound good?"

Nero smiled at Leo. "Well that depends my glorious performer.. do you indeed have transportation?"

Leo whistled, and immediately a massive bronze robotic dragon burst out of the sky, it's  bat-like wings creating wind shockwaves as it landed. 

"Wings.. it.. it never had wings." Jake stammered. 

"COOOOLLL!" Mordred exclaimed, her eyes sparkling. "Please tell me it transforms into an Autobot!"

"This is Festus." said Leo. "And that's Fran."

"Uuuu!" Fran said. 

"She says hi." said Leo. 

"Festus.." said Nero. "Leo.. are you aware that Festus means Happy in Latin? We are riding to save the world on Happy the Dragon?"

"Well Happy happens to be a great character in Fairy Tail, so I don't see the problem." said Leo. 

"Ufufu! No problems! I am just in awe of your attempt to put a Latin flair into this magnificent beautiful beast!" said Nero. "Umu! You have my praise!"

"Just leave it to The Leo!" said Leo. "Now are we going to like.. break Hera out of jail or what?.. And by the way.. I'm totally handling the tacos for the in flight meal." 

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