Halloween In the Dorms

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With Halloween just around the corner, the students of 1-A are making their preparations for the spookiest day of the year. Momo, Iida, Shouji and Todoroki are hanging the decorations while the Baku-squad has gone out to buy food candy and all the other essentials for a party. Eri is sitting on the couch staring at the fake pumpkins and bats around the room. She actually got scared by a fake crow and started to cry causing Todoroki to incinerate the crow for her which succeeded in calming her down but set off the fire alarm. Momo had made a costume for Eri being a miniature version of her father's costume which the baby is now wearing while watching the bustling heroes work about the room. Ochako heads back from the kitchen with some candied apple slice for Eri whose face lights up seeing her favorite snack.

"Mama! Mama! Appa!" She exclaims throwing her hands up in the air excitedly seeing Ochako walk over to the couch and sits down next to Eri. the little whiteette crawls up in Ochako's lap and stares at the paper plate of apples and drools over the fruit.

"What do you say Eri?" ochako asks causing the baby to look up at her for a few moments

"Peas! Peas! Appa!" She exclaims causing Ochako to give her a closed eyed smile, she takes the small rubber spoon and gathers up a small amount and makes Airplane noises before giving her the apples.

"Here comes the airplane!" Ochako says in a babying voice as Eri takes a bite of the apple cubes and loses some chewing on them. "Izuku? Can you get me a napkin for Eri please?" she hollers out to the kitchen getting her All Might costume wearing boyfriend to bring the requested item.

"Here you go, when are we going to put Eri in her costume. This is her first Halloween after all." Izuku says giving Eri a kiss on the forehead and doing the same with Ochako. "Kacchan is going to be mad at me, I don't have another costume and he has an All Might one too."

"He was wearing it when they left to the store... oh! I know you have that tux right? Why not wear your that? You look good in a suit, or are you going to wear your upgraded hero costume?" Ochako asks perking the attention of a few others in the room that one of them has a new upgrade.

"I might go with the suit, I don't want people accidentally stepping on my cape. Well i could just use a quirk to keep it floating." he says before heading up stairs to get changed into his costume for the evening.

"Wait! Izuku where is your beta suit? I want to wear it!" Ochako shouts as Eri teethes on the rubber spoon and part of Ochako's finger covering both in slobber.

"Oh it's under our bed next to Eri's stroller I'll bring it down." Izuku shouts back before finally heading up stairs to get changed into his tuxedo.

Toru having overheard that Izuku has a suit upgrade decides to follow Izuku up stairs to his room. She quickly goes invisible and sneaks inside before he closes the door behind him. Once inside the room she takes note of the 13 and All Might figures stroon about the larger than normal dorm as well as a crib and mobile next to their queen sized bed. She watches izuku quickly get changed into his suit before focusing on the task at hand, then she notices that he isn't wearing a tux but is putting on his hero costume. It is similar to his gamma suit but the major differences stand out greatly. His gauntlets no longer have gloves and his hands are free a long white cape flows down from his shoulders and his gauntlets that were one white are now black. Toru shifts her gaze from Izuku to a small velvet red box on the nightstand that Izuku took out of his pocket before changing. She sneakily steps her way over to the box and opens it. Inside the box is a platinum ring inscribed with jade with 4 pink diamonds surrounding a center chocolate diamond in the middle. 'To My Number One Hero' Is inscribed on the inside and on the underside of the diamonds it reads "Midoriya" both in a beautiful green jade. She quickly takes several pictures of it with her phone before closing the box. She goes to leave the room but bumps into Izuku who was standing behind her.

"M-Midoriya?!" She says in shock as Izuku looks to the floating phone guessing that it is toru.

"Please do not tell Ochako of the ring, I want it to be a surprise. I'm going to propose to her on her birthday. Can you promise me that Hagakure?" he asks in a calm tone not showing anger or nervousness.

"C-can I atleast show Mina?" She asks trying to regain her composure from being startled by him.

"Maybe, so long as she promises not to show or tell Ochako. Actually, I'll let you tell Ashido on one condition. You two record the moment I propose to Ochako."

Hagakure gasps loudly in excitement before exclaiming, "Yes! When are you going to hold the wedding?!"

"February 17th the day of the entrance exams last year when we met for the first time. Now, would you kindly leave my room? I need to get changed and find my beta suit for Ochako."

"Ok, I'll tell mina what you asked us to do." She says before scampering off out of his room and closing the door behind her. Toru quickly heads down stairs after making sure she is somewhat visible and runs over to Mina dragging her out of ear shot from Ochako. Mina gives her invisible friend a weird look before seeing the picture on the floating phone.

"That's the ring?!"

"SHHHH!!!!" Toru quickly shushes her and looks over to ochako who is still feeding Eri apples. "yes that's the ring but we can't say anything to Ochako he wants it to be a surprise. In keeping us quiet we are going to get to record when he proposes to Ochako." she whispers causing Mina's face to light up.

"When is he going to propose?"

"December 27th, Ochako's birthday and the wedding will be on February 17th the day they met and the day of the entrance exams." Toru answers showing Mina a couple other pictures that she took of the ring.

"How does his new hero suit look? Ochako is lucky he is ripped." Mina exclaims in a whisper as Toru describes his new hero costume. "Makes sense about the gloves he needs to touch someone to take their quirk."

Eri soon finishes her apple pieces and Izuku comes back down the stairs in his suit gaining the attention of everyone in the room when Eri squeals out his name. "Dada! Dada! Up! Up!" The class turns to see Deku in his new hero suit and not the tuxedo Ochako had told him to put on. In a dark green suite that is similar to the gamma design walks Izuku. With black gauntlets with fingerless gloves that go up to his shoulder. A utility belt with an assortment of different gadgets and binding equipment. Over his shoulders under the armour plating is a white cape that drapes to the ground but is being kept floating by one of his quirks. His hood with the All Might like ears gone but the metal guard around his neck is still present. The iron souls of his shoes have now been turned into boots that rise to his mid calf muscle.

"Izu-woah..." Ochako says seeing his new hero suit that looks reminiscent of All Might's own in some of the accents of color. "Is that you're..."

"Yeah, this is the Theta suit we skipped over the delta design since I couldn't use All for One with that one. So what do you think?" He asks as he turns a 360 allowing everyone to see. The entire room is speechless seeing this new hero suit design.

"I hope I'm not late, Greetings every-blergh." All Might says before throwing up blood seeing Izuku in his new hero suit that makes him look like the next All Might. Izuku quickly rushes to his side and helps him to his feet before healing him.

"Who made the hero costume Deku? It looks amazing!" Mina exclaims as they start to mess with Izuku's cape. Eri just claps seeing her dad in his hero costume and starts giggling.

"Actually, I did, the faculty here have taken it upon themselves to create new costume designs for you all. Everyone passed the finals last semester and as a reward we decided to create some new designs for you all. I believe that each teacher designed 4 costumes for random students in the hero course. I got to design the costumes for Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki and Toga. the only one that has been finished so far is Young Midoriya's. The other costumes will take some time to get done but you all will get them soon." All Might explains as some of the other pro heroes soon arrive in the costumes of their students.

Midnight had chosen to wear Momo's costume much to the delight of some of the male students in class 1-A. Aizawa is dressed in the newly designed hero suit for the newest member of the hero course Hitoshi Shinso. Present Mic is wearing Kaminari's hero costume. The most shocking of them all is 13, she is wearing a modified version of Ochako's hero suit this puts a smile on the zero gravity user's face an even brighter one than anyone has ever seen. Lastly there is All Might he is wearing Deku's gamma design which doesn't sag like his usual clothes this costume was tailored to All Might's skinny form specifically. Bakugou is a little annoyed at this but it soon passes when he sees Best Jeanist wearing his costume which puts a smile on the explodo blonde's face.

"Well looks like everyone is here, great! Now we can get this started I have a whole ton of things planned for tonight! We're gonna have a costume contest, apple bobbing and all sorts of games and we're going to binge watch scary movies and tell ghost stories!" Mina exclaims in a jovial tone as the others cheer in agreement. "So, who wants to be the judges for the contest?" as several people raise their hand so she ends up picking at random.

"Well looks like All Might, Todoroki, Deku and Iida will be the judge for this! So the categories are: Cutest, Most Heroic, Most Attractive, Newest, Funniest and Best Costume . Though I think we all know whos gonna win cutest costume." Mina says alluding to baby Eri who is wearing a Deku onesie and gumming a piece of candy.

"Alright, whos up first?" Iida asks looking about the room seeing everyone in costumes, that is until Ochako holds up Eri's tiny hand and walks with her over in front of the judges couch.

"Alright Eri, who are you for Halloween this year?" All Might asks looking at the 9 month old sitting in front of them. Eri doesn't respond but instead looks at Izuku and reaches her arms towards him. "Are you Deku?" he asks as Eri continues to reach up to her father.

Seeing this in her daughter, Ochako grabs Eri's hands and helps her up by holding her hands so that she can balance. Izuku noticing this gets off the couch and sits in front of them a few feet away as Eri tries to walk forwards. Ochako helps her take a few guided steps but when she notices Izuku is there, She let's go of Eri's hands. Eri stands up right for a moment looking up at her mother and then to Izuku. He opens his arms out in front of him and motions for Eri to come towards him. Slowly she lifts up her right leg and takes a step forwards towards Izuku and then another step. Soon enough she it walking towards Izuku with a massive smile on her face showing all 4 teeth she has. Everyone in the room has their hearts melting seeing Eri take her first steps. After 10 steps for her she gets to Izuku who picks her up and holds her in the air above his head and moves her around as if she is flying causing her to giggle uncontrollably.

"What's this? It's a bird! It's a plane! No! It's Eri! The Number One Hero: The White Mage!" Izuku exclaims before bringing Eri to his chest and hugging her with a smile on his face. Eri simply giggles even more and tries to says another new word. "Hewo!" She exclaims causing Everyone to let out an "Awww." in response.

"Alright! Now whos next?" Iida asks as Izuku sits back down with Eri bouncing on his knee. "Let's go with... Todoroki who are you this year?" Iida says as said red and white haired teen stands up and walks up to the three judges.

"I am the hero I wanted to be my dad but I got stuck with a flaming landfill." He says wearing an All Might costume with his hair styled up with two bangs pointing upwards to the sky like All Might's were. The statement causes All Might to stifle a laugh and both Aizawa and Shinso to spit take whatever they were drinking.

"W-well I... I don't know how to respond to that." Izuku says looking to All Might who now is trying and failing not to laugh. "You're All Might I assume?" He asks getting Todoroki to shake his head.

"No, I'm All Might's secret love child." he responds getting Izuku to smack himself in the face with his hand before pinching his nose. "You're never gonna let me live that down are you?" Izuku asks in annoyance getting a "No" in response.

"Does he know that I'm planning on asking your mother to marry me when you graduate?' All Might whispers to Izuku and getting a shrug in response.

"Ok then, So you're Deku. so we have two Dekus so far who's next?" All Might says looking around and noticing that Izuku is a little distracted. "Ah, young Bakugo who are you this year?" All Might says as Bakugou walks up in front of them.

"I am the greatest hero of all time! I am here! As All Might!" Bakugou says flexing his muscles getting Toga to stare lovingly at him as he tries to do an All Might impersonation, face and all.

As this is going on, Izuku starts to hear something. He sees the world around him get hazy once again and he can hear sniffling and sobbing coming from somewhere in the dorms. Izuku stands up and walks past bakugou handing Eri to Ochako and trying to locate the source of the crying. It isn't Eri since she is giggling and smiling soaking up all the attention she can. As he walks around the dorms the others look at him for a moment before going back to what they were doing, thinking that he is just looking for his phone. In the corner of the room is a young boy who looks very much like Izuku but with black hair instead of green. Izuku crouches down and tries to place a hand on the child's shoulder to calm him but his hand phases through him. Suddenly a voice speaks behind Izuku and he turns to face the figure. Standing behind him is a man with white hair and green eyes, he has freckles on his face. He has a similar body to that of Izuku's own with visible muscles but none of them overly sized like All Might's once were.

"He can't hear you... or even see you. He can't see anyone not even me." The white haired man says looking at the black haired Izuku look alike huddled in the corner.

"Why can't he? Who is this child? He looks like... me." Izuku responds looking at the apparition in front of him. "Are you?"

"The first? Yes I am, My name is Midoriya Shinichi but you can call me Uncle Shin. Izuku." He responds placing a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "He," Shinichi says pointing to the ghostly figure in the corner. "He is Hisashi. This is when he got his quirk and accidentally took our mother's quirk. Our father shunned Hisashi for hurting our mother but Hisashi pleaded and said that it was an accident." Shinichi explains.

"What happened to her?" Izuku asks now seeing young Hisashi look at his hands in horror.

"She lost all brain functions, and father took her off life support because she was brain dead. Mother's last words to Hisashi and myself were that she loved us but father... hated hisashi for what he did and hated me because I didn't have a quirk. Or atleast one he knew of." Shin explains sitting in the corner and placing his hand on Hisashi's shoulder causing the child to look around the room feeling something touch his shoulder.

"What happened? Why is he here? I thought he passed months ago..."

"He can't rest, you see when we were young we wanted nothing more than to be like the heroes of the comic books and television shows. Back then quirks were extremely volatile and powerful and not many knew how to tame that power. Our world was far different than the one you grew up in. He wanted nothing more than to be a hero just like you and SuperMan or Son Goku. He was called a monster because of his quirk and our father disowned us. I pleaded to his emotions and asked would this be what mother would have wanted. He said nothing but 'I will find out soon.' and later he commited suicide. That was long after Hisashi and I were put into an orphanage. Everyone called him a monster... a murderer... A Villain." Shinichi explains now running his hand through his brother's hair.

"He was like... me?"

"Yes and no, when we aged he wanted to become a hero but he didn't know how to do it with All for One. Since he didn't know that I had a quirk he started with giving me the stockpile quirk thus creating One for All. Once we were adults he used his powers to promise quirks to those who had powers that were useless or those who were quirkless. They worshiped him like a god but they knew not of what his past was. He always put himself down calling himself a monster. He gave into the hunger of greed with his quirk and planned to take over the world. I tried pleading with him to not do this and that he wanted to be a hero. What mom would have wanted but he ignored me. I knew I couldn't defeat him myself so I found an orphaned child and adopted her. Years later we attacked my brother and failed with me giving her One for All before I succumbed to my injuries. Her name was Kuosami Mizukai and she was the second her quirk healed her body and others. She is also the founder of the International Organization of Heroics."

"Why can't he rest then? Now I know why he became what he was."

"His quirk is an extension of his soul like One for All is with mine and the souls of each successor from me to the last successor who won't be conceived for almost ten thousand eons from now. With Shimura Tenko or Should I say Midoriya Tomura now gaining this power he can not rest until he is vanquished." Shinichi explains as a look of horror washes over Izuku's face.

"How does Shigaraki have All for One? Father is Dead!" Izuku shouts in shock alerting everyone in the room causing all of them to look towards him in terror of what he had said.

"I am unsure... but it looks as if you have some questions to answer." Shinichi says before he fades, before he disappears he points the class staring at him in shock of what he had said.

"What do you mean Shigaraki has All for One?!" Katsuki says grabbing the collar of Izuku's shirt and shaking him repeatedly.

"I... I had a vision, Shigaraki now holds my father's power... and my own. I saw the previous holder of One for All, the first holder. Midoriya Shinichi. He told me everything. There is another All for One." Izuku says getting looks of confusion from those in the room minus Bakugou and Ochako.

"What we're about to explain to you all does not leave this room. It is the truth of My quirk and Young Midoriya's quirk. One for All is a quirk created by Midoriya's father All for One. he gave his brother who he had thought was quirkless a power to stockpile power to get stronger. His brother had a quirk that allowed him to give it away once to a successor similarly to how Young Midoriya can give quirks to people. This cycle repeated itself all the way down to me and then Young Midoriya." All Might explains now knowing that they had to tell them everything. "Both Izuku and I grew up quirkless until he met me and when I was his age I met his and Shigaraki's grandmother Nana Shimura."

"Why did Deku get a vision? What's going on?" Ochako asks looking to Izuku who is running his hands through his hair.

"One for All gives me access to the quirks of the previous users, which is why you saw me use Black Whip during the joint training. I also have my grandmother's telekinesis. Quirks are linked to the souls of the previous holders and it allows me to communicate with them through my link with One for All. Because of this All for One is also linked with One for All since I have it and my quirk was the one to create it. I saw my father as a child and grovelling in fear of the world around him. Shinichi told me that the world deemed him a villain after he caused the death of my grandmother when his quirk manifested and stole hers causing her to become brain dead. Everyone called him a monster and villain so he became what they saw him. He can't rest because his quirk is still being used for evil." Izuku explains and everyone looks to where Izuku had walked off to and stared off at into nothing.

"We don't need to dwell on this, we have no knowledge of where Shigaraki is but what we can do is have you all train harder than you ever have in your lives. From now on we are doing Combat and Rescue training. Young Midoriya is the villain and you all have to defeat him in the exercises. If he takes your quirks your out and considered incappasitated or dead. That is for another time, we needn't worry about that for some time since Shigaraki would need to learn how to activate that power if he has it yet. Let's just get back to the party and we will worry about this later." Nezu says trying to calm the class and devise a way for them to be prepared to fight Shigaraki.

With that, even though they went back to partying celebrating Halloween and Eri's first steps there was still a tense atmosphere in the air. Questions were asked about One for All and they were answered, now everyone in 1-A is within the fold. The heroes of UA have the training of their lives set out in front of them now being trained to not only rescue civilians but also fight a villain who can defeat All Might himself in his prime. The rest of their party was filled wit joyous laughs and tones of candy which Eri even got to eat since there were plenty of apples and food for her to gum up and enjoy as well. The rest of the costume contest went without a hitch from an impromptu OFA vision on the part of Izuku and soon the winners in each category were voted for by the judges and revealed.

"Alright everyone! We have the winners of the contest!" Izuku shouts getting everyone's attention. "So, the categories, if you guys don't remember are: Cutest, Most Heroic, Most Attractive, Newest, Funniest and Best Costume."

"I know you all already guessed it but, the winner of Cutest costume is Eri!" Iida says getting everyone to cheer. For winning the category, Izuku floats over to the kitchen and gets a candied apple for her. He hands it to Ochako and Instantly Eri attempts to inhale the thing trying to gum the apple that is almost as big as her head.

"Now, for Most Heroic we have... Kirishima! For his Crimson Riot costume!" All Might says as Kirishima jumps up and flexes his muscles saying something about being manly. For winning he gets a small figure of the manliest hero and his idol Crimson Riot.

"Let's see, for the next category we have Most Attractive going to... Yaoyorozu for her Mt. Lady costume." Iida says as Yaomomo takes a bow to everyone. She gets a mini Midnight figurine for winning this.

"For newest costume we have Toga Himiko for debuting her new Hero costume." Izuku says causing the former villain to let out an excited cheer and hug Katsuki next to her. Himiko's new costume looks slightly like her villain costume, she still has the teeth like mask over her face but now she is wearing a armoured red dress with a short skirt, her les are covered in a skin tight white leggings with a red stripe going down the side to her boots. She has syringes around her utility belt as well as a blood tank on her back to allow her to use her quirk or give emergency transfusions in the field. She gets a figurine no one has even seen before and it is that of Ground Zero or Bakugou in his hero costume.

"For funniest we have Todoroki for his gut busting All Might's secret love child costume!" Iida says giving Todoroki a Ms. Joke figure to add to his collection of hero merch.

"Finally we have best costume which everyone got to vote for... the winner is All Might!" Izuku shouts as All Might stands in Izuku's hero costume and flexes his hero form for a moment before going back to his skinny form. Momo makes something in her hand and gives All Might figure of Izuku in his hero costume and in a fighting stance with the veins of OFA coursing around him and his left hand black with the power of AFO.

With that everyone settles down on the couches in the common area, they take their seats on the sofas with Ochako snuggling up to Izuku and Toga doing the same with Bakugou. The rest of the day is spent watching scary movies after Eri was put down for her nap. For the next several hours they binge watched several of the best horror/slasher films since the 1900s to current. Once the last movie for the night ends the members of class 1-A slink off with their significant others to their dorms, for those who are in relationships, and turn in for the evening. With ghosts and ghouls and spooky things coming back to walk the earth on this All Hallows Eve.

A/N I know this is very very late and I apologize for that, but I decided to post this right before Halloween so that it is appropriate for the month. It would be weird if I posted a Halloween special in November wouldn't it. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter even though my schooling and work life has postponed this to now. Midterms 40hr weeks stuff like that. With that being said...

I'll See Y'all in Hueco Mundo!!!

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