The Hamburger

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You got AMERICA!


You blushed because he was your long time crush,


"OH HEY DUDES! ____ GOT ME! THE HERO" Screamed America


You were just like America in a way... though... he was a bit louder then you tho (LOL)


"You better not stir the love up, you wanker" said England


"Take care of the Cherie, Mr Alfred~ ohonhonhon" said France sexually


"Yeah okay dudes, she's my precious heroine, so ill protect her in the closet ;)" commented America


You went into America's room instead because it was to small in the closet, the lights were off though, and there were disco lights instead like a house warming at night, You saw America's room, it had captain America posters everywhere and hamburger posters with a American flagged blanket and pillows, it looked pretty neat, and the room smelt like hamburgers (LOL)


America held your "hand" while you went into his room, you were sitting on his bed with him and admiring the lovely views in his heroic room!


"H-Hey ____!" said America


"Yes?" you said


"Y-You know... I-I.... U-UH.... I liked you for a long time..." mumbled America loudly


you blushed red as hell, because he was your dream crush


He smashed his lips onto yours making a "romantic scene" happen


He leaned in for a hero (French) kiss, your heart was pounding of happiness because of your crush kissed you,


he layed you down on his American bed, climbing on top of you, (im gonna fangirl) he lifted half of your shirt off to your face (because he didn't want you to see his sexiness, he trailed neck kisses down your collar bone, you blushed, it felt like butterfly kisses... (I don't wanna write this part lol but yeah I got to to make it good,) he took your bra / crop top, (whatever you wear under your shirt) off, he sucked you "thing" trying to give you pleasure, you moaned sexually while enjoying his touch, and he got his hand and squeezed it.. while licking it


"S-Stop Alfred" you said while moaning


"Don't you like the hero's touch? heh, ____?~" America said while being flirty as he can


he took your bottoms / skirts / jeans / panties / underwear off,


He started to "lick" your "sweet spot"


Arthur, Japan, France, Canada were at the door knocking saying, TIME IS UP!!!


Japan opened the door and took pictures he was gonna share with Hungary for his yaoi club.


"Looks like I taught America well? non~?" said France


"w-wow America" said Canada


"I-I cant believe it..." said England as he murmured "wanker"


(if u wanna read more then 1 story u can if u want but ur warned they may be lemon in them :P)

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