The Sandy Pot

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You got EYGPT!


You saw a brown old pot (what was just plain xD with some sand in it)


You figured it was your long time crush Eygpt


(also I don't know how to roleplay lil eygpt either lol)


Egypt held your hand while running to his room (bc he barely speaks xD)


You noticed that his room was sandy and all eygptian type and all that with sandy arts and sandcastles and full of boring pots xD


"Oh hey Egypt! why don't you talk often?" you questioned the Egyptian man


"O.............O-oh,......... its because .... I .... I am scared to!" said Egypt


He started to get embarrassed bc he couldn't really talk..




Egypt smashed his lips onto yours willingly wanting a kiss, he pulled you in because he wanted to feel your touch, he didn't talk or anything like that or moan


*few mins later bc im to lazy to make romanticness at nite time xD*


60 mins is up... said turkey and Greece


"oh" whispered Egypt


"thanks for having me ____!" said Egypt with manners!


"No problem" you said cheerfully



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