You Tell Your Friend About Him: 2p!England

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"So," your best friend, (b/f/n) grinned, "that guy from the bakery is kinda' cute, huh?"

"Creepy is more like it," you answered, trying to hide your real feelings about him now.

You had only met him twice so far, and you thought that he was a weirdo the first time, but once you got to know him the second time that you met him, you realized that he wasn't so bad after all.

"Oh, come on," your friend scoffed. "Don't you think that he's somewhat adorable?"

"I mean, yeah," you began, "but someone who works in an almost run down bakery in practically the middle of nowhere is not my type."

"You're an open book, (y/n)," (b/f/n) replied. "I can clearly see that you like him. You just don't want to admit it."

"Okay, so yeah he's nice and my type!" you finally admitted out of annoyance and embarrassment. "So what, though? It's not like we'll have a lot of time to hang out or anything like that because of my college classes."

"You could always schedule a time around them," your friend suggested. "I mean, if you're not lovestruck to do so."

"Have I ever told you that you get on my nerves?" you smirked, making your friend gasp dramatically.

"(Y/n)!" he/she scolds. "Why would you say such a thing about your awesome best friend?"

You laughed, and your friend couldn't help but to join in.

"But seriously, (y/n)," (b/f/n) started with a smile. "Oliver is 'the one'?"

"Don't push it," you giggled. "We're just friends for now."

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