Fuck, Marry, Kill

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Admin: Yo! Everyone listen up now! I have a game for us to playyy~

Everyone basically: *groans*

Admin: Okay! Stfu. I'm trying to do something fun with you all. Gott.

Italy: I love games! What is it?

Admin: *Evil smirk* I'm glad you asked! Its called Fuck, Marry, Kill. We basically go around saying who we  would fuck, marry, and kill in that order. You can pick who goes next if you want. Everyone will have a turn. :) Its simple. Who wants to start!?

Italy: I can! Um, okay. Fuck... Ukraine. She's so beautiful. Marry... Germany. *blushes in Italian* and kill all of the constant fighting and war! Romano, you go!

Admin: Well its supposed to be a person... But that's cool!

Romano: I don't want too... *pouts* but I will. Fuck Prussia. *He flip him off* Marry Spain. *que blush* And kill Germany. *Evil glare* Spain. Go.

Spain: Okay! Fuck Romano, Marry Romano, and Kill no one? Prussia?

Prussia: Kesesese. Fuck Denmark. Marry... Canada. Kill Austria. You go West.

Germany: *sigh and blush* Fuck and marry Italy. And kill England. I don't care who goes.

England: *scoff* Fuck France. Marry  America. And kill Germany. Your turn frog.

France: Oui. Fuck, marry, and kill England. Canada?

Admin: oh.

Canada: Oh.... Um... Well... Fuck England. Mary... Prussia. Kill my shyness. America...

America: Fuck my 2p. ;) Marry England. And kill Russia.

----Did you think I'd go through all the countries? Cuz you thought wrong. Time skip. Use your imagination.----

Denmark: Fuck Norway. Marry Finland. *offended Swedish gasp in the background* What? He's a great house wife, but still badass and metal af. I'm not killing anyone though. Not today... Anyways. Admin! You haven't gone!

Admin: oh. Um. This is difficult. I'd fuck so many of you. If I had to choose a girl, Ukraine. The guy I'd fuck? Romano or England probably. Marry??? Well shit. Probs Canada, Italy, Ukraine, or Hungary. Kill? That's so easy. Myself obviously.


Woah. My ships showed. Whoops. Hope this was enjoyed. Ta ta, my darlings.

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