2p England x 2p France-Baking *Lemon*

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2p England-Oliver Kirkland
2p France-Francois Bonnefoy

2p England's P.O.V.
I pull another tray of my 'special' cupcakes out of the oven and place them on the counter. I slip off my oven kits and then carefully remove the cupcakes to cool faster. My hand must have slipped and I burn the entire right side on my hand.

"Oww!" I exclaim, tears in my eyes

I quickly place it under the cold water and it is already turning red. I wipe my tears but they won't stop coming. I only stop crying when I hear the floor boards in the hallway creak. I grab one of the secret syringes under the counter and a knife.

'Who's there?!" I yell

"Me." A voice behind me whispers

I turn around screaming and trusting out the knife. My hand is grabbed before I can slash anything. Another arm wraps around my waist and I open my eyes to see it's just my boyfriend Francois.

"Don't scare me like that!" I yell

"You should have heard your scream." He replies with a smirk

I can smell the cigarettes on his breath and he looks like he hasn't slept in three days, then again he always looks like that.

"Are these your special cupcakes?" He asks

I nod happily.

"Want to try one?" I ask

"Sure." He replies, taking one from the tray

He takes a bite but I can't see any emotions on his face, does he like them?

"How do they taste?" I ask nervously

"Good, needs icing." He mumbles

"I know, I need to make more cupcakes as well." I say happily "Want to help?"

"I don't know how to bake." He mumbles

I'll teach you!" I exclaim grabbing his hand

I quickly pull it away in pain because fo my burn and Francois quickly lifts my hand up to inspect it.

"What happened? Did someone hurt you?" He asks angrily

"No, I burnt myself." I say ashamed

He sighs and grabs an ice pack from the freezer. After a few minutes the burning sensation goes down and I'm ready to bake more cupcakes.

"Ok I'll teach you my secret recipe, but you have to pinky swear not to tell anyone." I say and hold out my pinky

Francois sighs one more time and links his pinky with mine.

"Alright first we need to get our flour, milk, sugar, egg, baking powder, vanilla essence, milk, butter and my special ingredient." I say

We get out the ingredient and then Francois accompanies me to my special room.

"I don't get how you can sleep close to all these body parts." Francois says looking over the collection of arms

I grab one and we head back to the kitchen. We begin to add the ingredients in the bowl and I show him how to dissect body parts properly,

"I don't understand how you can look so innocent and be so merciless and freaky." He says pouring the red batter into the cupcake pattys.

After we put them in the over I begin to pack up.

"Hey Oliver." Francois says

I turn around to look at him when a face full of flour meets me, I cough out some and Francois is smirking.

I grab some of the baking powder and blow it st him.

"This means war." He says and he grabs an egg

He smashes it in my head, hard enough for it to break but not hurt me. We continue throwing food onto each other and we become extremely messy.

"Oh butterscotch, I need to shower now!" I exclaim

The cupcakes still, have a while so I can have a quick shower. Besides the oven is on a timer so they won't burn,

"Wanna fuck in the shower?" Francois asks

"Swear jar!" I reply pointing to the jar on the bench

He grumbles and puts a dollar into the jar and then perks up.

"I didn't hear a no." He says

I smile and we head to the shower, quickly taking off our clothes and dumping them j the laundry basket. After turning on the shower we hop inside and the warm water feels really nice.

Francois helps me wash the egg out of my hair and I look up into his violet eyes. Out lips slowly move closer and he presses his lips against mine. This won't be my first tie with him but we've never done it int he shower...

**Lemon Start**

Francois licks the bottom of my lip, asking me for entrance. I'm feeling a bit cheeky so I don't give it to him, he quickly presses a finger her inside me and I gasp at the sudden sensation. As he's pumping his finger he moves his tongue all around my mouth.

He trails kisses down my neck and leaves a large red mark to show the world who I belong to. He moves his mouth down even more to my nipples and begins to suck and bite on them.

"Ngh Francois~" I moan and tug at his hair

"I thought you towels want to go slow." He mumbles

I shake my head saying 'no' and he smirks. Quickly turning him around, pushing my chest against the shower wall. I moan at the sudden coldness of the times pressing against my chest and sensitive buds.

He presses two fingers into me quickly and sucks on the back of my neck. I don't have anything to grip on to so all I can do is moan loudly. He pushes another finger inside me, stretching me out. Finally he removes his fingers and lines himself up wiht me.

"Show me your breaking point." He whispers huskily as he pushes himself into me the whole way

"Ahh Francois~!" I yell and moan at the same time

He didn't let me adjust to him and begins to thrust in and out of me. He picks up the pace and continues to suck and bite on my neck. His free hand reaches around to pump my rock hard erection and finally I feel a knot forming in my stomach.

"Hold on a little longer Ollie." Francois orders and I try to ignore the pleasure

Finally Francois tells me I can release and I do, feeing the knot snap and pleasure overcome my body. Francois fills me up wiht his white fluid and slips out of me.

**Lemon End**

"Oh butterscotch, my butt hurts." I groan

Francois just smirks and turns off the water. He carries me out of the shower and quickly dries me off. Then he carried me to my bed, still naked and lays me down.

"I'll take the cupcakes out of the oven, you rest." He says kissing my forehead

A few minutes later he is back and he crawls into bed next to me. I cuddle up to his warm chest and I feel him pet my hair. I know he seems really grumpy and unloveable all the time but when you really get to know him he is amazing.

"I love you." I say happily

"Je t'aime aussi." He says wrapping his arms protectively around me

(French:Je t'aime aussi-I love you too)

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