2p Germany x Stressed!Fem!Reader-Assignments

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(A/n)Requested by MarionetteMoto , Hope you like it :)

2p America-Allen.L.Jones
2p Germany-Lutz Beilschmidt
2p Italy-Luciano Vargas

(Y/n)-Your name
(F/f)-Favourite food

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I sigh as I look over the mountain of work I need to do. It's exam season and the teachers at school has decided that during this time, when we should be studying, it's the perfect time to pile a load of work on us.

I'm so frustrated and stressed, if I don't get this all done I risk lowering my grades and not passing with my highest score. I guess I should get stuck into my work, my parents will kill me if they don't.

As I'm halfway through writing an English essay I hear soft knocking at my window. There's only one person who that could be. My boyfriend Lutz, I really don't need this right now I'm already to stressed.

I try to ignore the knocking but eventually I give in and open the window. Lutz climbs inside wearing a tight white shirt, a red flannel, black pants boots and a black beanie.

"Vhy'd jou vait so long to open zhe vindow?" He asks

"I'm trying to focus on an English paper and I really don't need any distractions." I sigh turning back to my computer

"How about instead jou come vith me." He says

"I can't, I'm already too stressed and busy." I reply trying a few more words.

"I'll kill zhose teachers for putting zhis stress on jou." Lutz grumbles "Luciano vill cut zhem up and put them in his pasta sauce."

"I know you would, but that'll just prolong the due date until they get new teachers, and the new teachers will change how they grade." I sigh, finishing up the last paragraph "Which means more

Lutz takes a seat on my bed and watches and I pull out my history assignment, I take one look over the task and nearly burst into tears. It requires so much research, it's not my fault we only have a few days to do it.

I try to wipe my tears before Lutz sees but it's to late and he is already sitting next to me at my desk.

"Jou don't need to cry, it's just an assignment." Lutz says willing my tears away

"It's my future, if I don't pass I won't get into a good university and I'll be a failure." I sob

"Come on, jou're not a failure for not passing every single assignment." Lutz says "I'll help jou."

He grabs my assignment sheet and I watch his eyes go wide.

"I only graduated last year, how is zhe vork suddenly so hard?" He mumbles

I groan in frustration and lay my head on my desk. Officially giving up. I know I need to do this assignment but I just don't know how to.

"Zhat's it, I'm taking jou out." Lutz says placing the paper down and pulling me out through my window

We walk over to his motorbike and he throws me one of the helmets. I clip it on and sigh, worrying more about how I'll finish my work.

"Don't vorry so much, jou'll get jour vork done, jou always do." He says sitting in the bike

I sit behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. He turns on the bike and drives away from my house, my parents would be angry but I don't really care anymore.

We end up in the park near my house, it seems there's some sort of music festival going on. This is much better than doing homework.

"Jou need a break from vork, after we can work our way through zhat mountain of vork together." Lutz says

"I love you." I say hugging him tightly "You always know what I need."

I see a small blush on his cheeks and he presses a kiss to my forehead. Hugging me back.

"I love you to." He replies "Now lets go get some food, I'm starving."

We walk to a small area with a few food trucks and asks me where I'd want to go. I choose a truck with (f/f). Lutz glares at everyone line and they all scurry away so we don't have to wait in line. I know Lutz complains about how he thinks no one likes him because he's scary, but I think if he's helping me he doesn't mind.

He places our order and we wait tot he side. I make sure not to let him scare anyone else away. But I can see there are some guys eyeing us suspiciously. Lutz seems to have notices as well.

"Zhey're from Allen's gang, zhey won't confront us because they're cowards. Lutz explains "And in fear zhey'd start another territory var. Everyone knows not to do zhat.

I feel reassured but it's still nerve wracking, of course I know Lutz wouldn't leave me alone to fend for myself. As much as Lutz wants to convince everyone that he is strong and emotionless je can't hide his true self around me.

*Time skip to 1AM*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
Lutz and I finally fished my history assignment. It was the hardest one to do so now all I have left is a few essays and one report. Lutz really helped me with my assignment. Now we're laying in my bed, to tired to do anything.

"Thanks for helping me." I say

"Jou don't need to be zhankful, vhat kind of boyfriend vould let his girlfriend suffer?" Ours asks

Wrapping his arm around my waist and slowly moving his hand lower.

"I'll show you how thankful I am tomorrow, but I'm to tired now." I yawn

"Zhen sleep, I'll stay here for zhe night." He replies getting up to turn off the lights

Then he comes back to bed and wraps the blankets wound us. His strong arms wrap around me making me feel safe and loved. He presses more kisses to my forehead and I smile softly, ready to sleep.

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