2p Italy x Uke!Male!Reader-A Night Out *Lemon*

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(A/n):Requested by ThatIdiotSpinach , hope you like it :)

2p Germany-Lutz Beilschmidt
2p Italy-Luciano Vargas
2p Japan-Kuro Honda

(M/n)-Male name
(F/o)-Favourite outfit

(M/n)'s P.O.V.

"Luciano why can't I go out with Lutz and Kuro?" I ask my boyfriend of three years

"Because it's-a dangerous and I don't trust those two around you." He grumbles looking up from his paperwork

"What? That's a dumb reason." I say looking into his magenta eyes "I haven't been out for ages."

"I'm trying to protect you, you'll go to a bar or something and then either Lutz, Kuro or some other guy will try to do something to you." He says stabbing a knife into the desk

"Then come with us, either way I'm going out tonight." I say walking out of his study

"No-a you are not!" He yells out behind me

"You don't own me!" I call back

I hear a grumble and he yells out a fine. I guess he's going to come as well. I head to my room and put on (f/o) and brush my hair. I'm excited I get a night out, I usually don't get to go out much since Luciano is very protective of me,

Half of it probably comes from the fact he is the head of the Italian mafia and if someone got their hands on me it would be serious. But I also don't want to live my life in fear so I'm going to go put, besides if something happens I'll have Lutz, Kuro and Luciano with me so they won't get very far.

Luciano walks in to the room and grabs some knives from his secret compartment. He then walks over to me and wraps his arms tightly around my waist.

"I'm only coming-a because I don't want Lutz or Kuro to hit on you, or any-a of those drunk men at the bar." He says pressing a kiss to my neck

I slip away from him and smile happily.

"I'm glad you're coming." I say kissing his cheek

We walk out to the main room where Lutz and Kuro have arrived. Lutz smiles when he sees me and we first bump.

"Luciano's letting jou off zhe leash for tonight?" Lutz asks

"Shut up Lutz." I laugh

Luciano just grumbles and we begin to walk to the bar where there are already lots of people.

"How did you manage to convince Ruciano to ret you come?" Kuro asks

"I just told him I was going no matter what he could come if he wanted." I explain "He's not as controlling as you guys think."

We walk inside the bar and order our drinks. I don't have any alcohol because I don't drink but I drink soft drink instead.

After a few hours Lutz is smashed and he's singing a duet with some guy in a bikini. Kuro has disappeared, probably to go fuck someone. Luciano is looking around glaring but when he meets my eyes they soften up.

"So was-a it worth going out?" He asks

"Yeah, I've had a lot of fun." I giggle

He smiles softly and then sighs.

"I need to go to the bathroom, don't-a talk to anyone." He says "If anyone touches you, tell me and I'll kill them."

He walks away and as the door to the bathroom closes another man slips into his seat. He has auburn hair, sunglasses and a bat filled with nails.

"What's a pretty doll like you doing here?" He asks

"Please go away, my boyfriend will kill you." I sigh, trying to avoid bloodshed

"Oh I'm sure I can take him, so what's your name handsome?" He asks moving closer to me

"I'm serious, get lost." I say

He places a hand on my thigh and when I try to push him off I find out he's much stronger than me. He moves his hand to my inner thigh and I see his red eyes through his glasses.

"What's wrong doll? Your boyfriend doesn't need to know..." he whispers moving his lips to my neck

"Get off of me!" I yell thrashing around

No one hears me over the loud music and I'm begging that Luciano comes back now, before I get kidnapped and worse. His lips are attached to my neck and I try punching him but he holds my wrists down.

Suddenly he pulls away and let's put a shocked fast. Blood starts coming up from his mouth and leaks onto my clothes. I peak behind him and see Luciano with a deathly glare on his face, holding a knife lodged in the strange man's back.

The man scrambled away, yelling that he'll be back and I burst into tears. Luciano softly wipes my tears away and pulls me off the chair.

"Let's-a go home." He says I nod and he walks out of the bar holding my hand "Are you ok bello?"


"Y-Yeah, thank you for saving me." I reply

We make it back to Luciano's mansion and he pulls me up to the bedroom.

"Don't-a interrupt us for the rest of the night!" He yells and closes the door, locking it

**Lemon Start**

He pushes me onto the bed and pins me to it. His lips move close to mine and he presses them to me. I kiss back and all the thoughts of the strange man go away in Luciano's arms. He bushes some of my hair out of my face and continues kissing me.

"Ti amo bello." He says and kisses me again

(Italian:Ti amo bello-I love you beautiful)

He licks my bottom lip and I open my mouth, out tongues battle for dominance but when he starts kneading my ass I let him take control. He moves his tongue around, marking his territory. He pulls away and trails soft kisses down my neck, he licks over where the strange man kissed me and sucks on that one spot. Creating a large hickey.

"There, now-a people know you're mine." He mumbles in his hot accent

I look into his eyes and he smirks.

"Tonight I'm going to prove to you that you're mine." He whispers

His hands quickly work to remove my clothes and leaves me just in my underwear. He presses another kiss to my lips and trails his hands down my body, rubbing my growing bulge with his hand. I groan and squirm under his hands wanting more.

"Why am I naked but you aren't?" I ask as he slips his hand down my boxers

He rubs my member, paying special attention to the tip. He kisses my neck again and I moan.

"Maybe if you beg I'll-a take my close bello." He whispers huskily

"Please take off ngh~ your clothes, I'm Ahh~ begging you." I beg talking through moans

"How about you take them off for me?" He asks

I nod and sit up pushing us so I'm on top. I take off his jacket carefully and his shirt as well. I blush when I see his tanned, shirtless torso. I take off his pants and slice myself on a concealed knife.

He smirks and pushes us around so he's back on top. He licks the blood off my hand and sucks on it, soothing it. Luciano uses a knife to cut off my boxers and my erection springs out.

"How about we make this-a more fun?" He asks "If you make a sound I'll-a tie you to the bed and won't let you go for three days."

Luciano grabs my manhood and I try to stay silent. He rubs it up and down, using the pre-cum as lube. Then he moves his mouth down to it. He licks up and down and takes it into his mouth. I squirm and struggle not to moan.

He takes the tip into his mouth and quickly takes most of it in. When he begins sucking I have to grip the sheets and arch my back to try and stay silent. Luciano bobs his head up and down, sucking and grazing his teeth against me.

I know Luciano will go through with tying me to the bed so I really need to stay quiet. But its nearly impossible due to the pleasure. I feel my dick twitching a lot and it begins to feel tight. I bite my lip and feel tears of pleasure as I try to hold myself back.

"Why don't-a you release bello?" He asks removing himself from me "All you need to do is stay quiet."

He reattaches his mouth and begins to hum sending vibrations through me. I cast hold it anymore and I release my white liquid into Luciano's voice. My lip is bleeding a lot from how hard I'm biting it to stay silent.

"Wow I really have-a trained you well." Luciano says swallowing "I want you to make sounds now though, let the whole world hear who you belong to."

He kisses me again, licking away the blood at my lip and pulling off his Italian flag boxers. He pushes three fingers into my mouth and I suck on them, covering them in saliva. He removes them from my mouth and pushes two inside me with ease.

"Wow (m/n), you're still-a stretched from last time." Luciano says adding a third finger

I buck against his fingers and moan, begging for something more. He pulls them out of me and presses a kiss to my neck, quickly thrusting his large manhood inside me.

"Ahh Luciano~!" I moan loudly, bucking my hips to meet him "Please move~"

He does as I say and thrusts deep inside me. He continues to push and pull in and out of me sucking on my neck and whispering things in Italian to me, mainly dirty things.

"Should I hit-a your special spot~? He asks

"Yes~ Please~" I beg

"Well since-a you were such a good boy I'm not making any sounds I think I'll reward you." Luciano whispers

He hits my prostate dead on making me scream in pleasure and see stars. He repeats his action, making comments on how good I feel. I feel that tight knot form in my abdomen and try to hold myself for Luciano.

"I'm so close bello, let's-a cum together." He says

I hold on for a few more minutes until my body is twitching and I'm gasping for air. He counts down from three and when he hits zero we release at the same time. My juices spray all over our chests and his fills me up.

Luciano slips out and lays down' pulling me onto his chest and the blankets over us. His arms hold me tightly and protectively.

**Lemon End**

"When I saw-a that man kissing you the only think going through-a my mind was how to kill him in the most painful way-a." Luciano growls "He touched what's-a mine."

"I knew you where going to save me, it just, it scared me..." I mumble

"Don't-a worry, I won't let anyone else touch-a you like that." He say kissing my forehead "Ti amo bello."

"I love you too." I whisper tiredly

I fall asleep in his warm arms. Even though most people are scared of Luciano ai get to see the softer and sweeter side of him. Maybe I'll wait a bit before going out again though, unless it's with Luciano.

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