Alpha!Russia x Omega!America-First Time *Lemon*

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(A/n):Requested by GleraSaurus . This is my first offical omegaverse fan fic (I wrote a werewolf based fic but it wasn't based off of omegaverse) and I don't really know much so I tried my best. If you have any constructive criticism then please leave a comment or PM me. I want to do more omegaverse fics but I have barley any idea how anything works :).

England-Arthur Kirkland
Russia-Ivan Braginsky

Third Person P.O.V.
Ivan Braginsky, one of the strongest alphas around, dominating, powerful, protective, intimidating, but also sweet, kind and loveable. Unfortunately despite being the perfect alpha he hasn't officially mated or knotted with anyone not even his long time boyfriend Alfred Jones.

Alfred Jones is an omega, not completely weak and passive, but not overly strong either, at least around Ivan. He decided he didn't want to be dependant on anyone just yet so he couldn't mate with Ivan.

The fact they are both virgins comes as a shock to most people. A strong alpha who can attract males and females alike and a handsome omega who has a strong personality. One of the reasons  Alfred is still a virgin is because he's never experienced heat, his friend Arthur who is also an omega developed strong suppressants and supplied them to Alfred.

America's P.O.V.
I have a date tonight with my boyfriend Ivan, my parents would kill me if they knew we hadn't officially mated yet. I know my heat is supposed to start today but I don't need to worry because I have medication.

I walk over to my pill bottle and pick them up.

"That's strange, why is there nothing in here?" I ask myself

I open the lid and see a sticky note.

'Needed to use these for an experiment-Arthur' it reads. I groan in frustration and head back to my room. If I don't have my suppressants my heat will start today. I've ever gone into heat before... what if it hurts, or if it's scary?

What do I do? I know most omegas have an alpha whom they mate with but if the alpha decided they are done or if the omega gets pregnant sometimes they will leave them. I can let that happen to me.

Although the only alpha who comes to mind who I would mate with is Ivan, would he really leave me? I don't want to take that chance... I'll just bear it alone...

Suddenly I feel a rush of heat inside me making me gasp, softly falling to the ground. Is it starting? I feel something wet in my pants, this must be slick. My pants begin to get wet and I dash to my room, taking them off on the way as well as my boxers.

I know I must be releasing pheromones, attracting whatever Alphas that are around. I hear my phone ding with a message and I open it quickly, trying to get my mind off of the heat in my body. It's from Ivan.

'Is everything alright? I sense something is wrong' it reads

I read somewhere that even if an alpha and omega haven't mated yet, they would still be able to sense each others feelings due to a connection that is already in place or something.

'Just going through my first heat, can't come over tonight' I reply

'I'll be right over' he messages

'No wait!' I type but he doesn't read it

No if he comes over it means we'll mate and I'll be tied to him forever. But I love Ivan... no I can't risk loosing him. I try to stand up and immediately fall back to my bed dizzy. I take in a few deep breaths and try to calm down but I can't stop the slick from pooling or my hardening member.

I hear the door open and Ivan's scent hits me like a truck, making me feel even hornier. He dashed to my room and opens the door to se me laying on the bed bottomless, red faced and releasing different pheromones.

"Alfred!" He says shocked, rushing over to me

"Ngh Ivan, you s-shouldn't be here!" I exclaim, trying to ignore my desire for him

"I can't just leave you." He says, brushing some of my blond hair away from my eyes "Do you vant me to help? Because I don't zhink I can hold back from you, especially looking and smelling like zhis."

"But, won't you just leave after?" I ask, blushing even more

"Net, I vould never leave you if you became bound to me." He whispers


I think about my answer and slowly nod, I'm not really in any position to argue and even though I'm the hero I can't satisfy myself.

"Fine, but pleasure hurry." I say

**Lemon Start**

Ivan slowly lays me on my back and removes my shirt, leaving me fully exposed.

"You look so good like zhis." He says pressing his lips to mine

I moan into the kiss and when he licks my bottom lip I open up, submitting to him. His tongue moves around my mouth and he reaches down to my legs, pushing them apart. I place my wrists above my head showing my submission which seems to make Ivan happy.

"You look so good like zhis." He says trailing his lips down my neck "And smell so good."

Ivan begins to release pheromones as well, rubbing me all over to mark me with his scent. He licks my neck and bites me, deeply so he leaves a permeant mark, signifying I'm his forever. It doesn't hurt though, it feels like he's sucking on me. He pulls back from my neck to reveal a little blood and he licks it away.

"Zhis bite shows the vorld you are mine podsolnukh, no one else is allowed to  make you feel zhis good." Ivan whispers huskily


I nod and he growls, satisfied with my answer. Ivan quickly removes his large coat, long sleeved shirt, pants and boxers before lining up with my entrance.

"Are you ready?" He asks teasingly

"Ahh yes Ivan! Please hurry!" I say, feeling my entrance become hotter at the close proximity of my alpha

He pushes inside me, filling me up completely. I moan loudly and he slips out before slamming back in again. I dig my nails into Ivan's back as he continues to slam in and out of me, releasing me of my heat. He leaves hickeys all around my neck and his scent all over me so other alphas know to stay away from me.

I feel a tightness in my abdomen and I begun gasping for air through the pleasure.

"Ahh Ivan~" I call out, trying to hide my voice

"Just let it all out podsolnukh." Ivan whispers sending me over the edge

I release my white fluid all over us which must have triggered Ivan's release. I feel his hot fluid inside me and the base of his dick swells about three sizes, making his entire manhood larger, this must be knotting. But what if I get pregnant?

**Lemon End**

"Ivan I'm tired!" I say exhausted

"You're such a demanding omega." Ivan says laying us down, careful not to disturb the knot which has formed "But I love a challenge."

Ivan kisses my forehead and removes my classes as I close my eyes to sleep.

"What if I get pregnant though?" I ask worriedly

"Zhen ve'll have a family together." He says with a child like smile "I would never leave you."

He places a hand over my waist and holds me tightly to his body. Just before I fall asleep I feel another wave of heat coming on.

"Ngh Ivan~" I moan, rubbing against him

"Already?" He asks surprised "Vell it is to be expected from your first heat."

*Time skip to a week later*

America's P.O.V.

Ivan and I repeat our actions over and over for the next week. Alphas begin to stay away from me more, they wouldn't yell out on the street or try to grab me. I've decided to stop taking suppressants, I have Ivan who I love and can help me through my heats.

I lean over to Ivan who is reading a book in bed and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Ivan~" I say seductively

"Your heat isn't supposed to start for another few weeks?" Ivan asks confused

"No I'm just horny!" I say rubbing up against him

"Hmm, vhat kind of alpha vould I be if I didn't attend to my omegas needs?" Ivan mumbles

Let's just say we took the next two weeks off due to an "extended heat".

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